Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hershey {Blank} ... not the chocolate!

Both the dog and I are down with stomach woes.  Good day to be home.  I ran to the store to get the makings for his chicken and rice (stomach fixer).  Hope we are both on the mend tomorrow.

Tabata was HARD.  I think a bit extra hard because I might be fighting getting sick - ugh.  Again, perfect day for TLC, relaxation and extra sleep.  Glad my stomach issues didn't start until after I got home.  I feel yucky - stomach, headache (again), achy ... 

On a HAPPY note - the pot roast smells RIDICULOUS - if it tastes even half as good OMG!  (Clearly, my bathroom issues haven't affected my appetite at all!)  And I have my new recipe for next week.  Easy roasted tomato soup - W30 compliant.  Perfect!

I did most of my to-do list today and will see how I feel later for the remainder.  Rolling and reading might take a back seat to the more well-known R&R.  No need to rush either.

Off to shred the chicken.  He will be one HAPPY dog today!

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