Monday, October 31, 2016

My Current Situation.

In bed, foot under ice, leg elevated.

I stepped on a rock while hiking yesterday.  It sent a zinger up my ankle, but I didn't roll it.  My thought - oh that was close, but I might be a problem for intervals tomorrow.


After lunch with the youngest, my ankle started bothering me a bit more.  Enough that I took a strong anti-inflammatory my husband uses and sat with some ice.

Within an hour (while my soup was mid-cook) it went from bad to horrible.  I couldn't put any weight on it or move my toes at all.  It was pounding and so crazy painful.  I was checking pulses - sensations, etc.  It never swelled at all -strange.

I wrapped it, took stronger meds (I have expired narcotics from a back injury) and heading to bed to continue ice, elevation, etc.  I had to crawl to the bathroom - ridiculous.

This morning it's miraculously so much better.  I can walk on it again.  Mildly uncomfortable.  I'm staying off of it as much as possible and will see what later brings.  Thank God today was a chill day.

It was so bad, I forgot about Halloween.  I plan to still driveway sit only if it feels okay.  Everything is all about getting better for California.  I'm so grateful I'm signed up for 2 weightlifting classes this week instead of tabata.  No way I could bounce around.

Now I'm headed downstairs to make breakfast.  Wish me luck.

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