We got home yesterday tired, grumpy, hungry - not good. The trip ended with frustrating traffic (from a big accident - of course happy to be safe, but still...).
*TMI Alert*
I also had a strange happening on the trip. The night before - in the bathroom like crazy. The rest of the trip - NOTHING! I felt so bloated and backed-up. Four days folks - that's a crisis in my world lol.
*TMI Over*
The combined of all-of-the-above, led me to hit the junk food. Not hard, but enough. Ate crappy and snacked - not a good solution.
I feel better this morning. Everything (including my mood) is on it's way to normal again. I canceled Tabata - for a couple of reasons. I need to sweat today and this being the beginning of the month, the class will be "easy." I also needed to correct my TMI situation and I wasn't sure how I'd feel this morning. I'm going to do a combination interval run and weights. I will feel loads better when it's done. My workout schedule is changed up this week, but still works fine.
I loved the trip (minus all the car time). Lots of VARIETY with splashes of CERTAINTY. I kept up some of my routines because I planned well. My off-roading weekend would have been perfect if not for last night. I consider it a win though since I learned. I don't feel as "scared" to off-road and I'll be prepared for returning home next time. As long as I get right back to it, all is well. I did great with food and "treat" selection and enjoyed lots of fun VARIETY. One down, SIX more to go until the end of the year (we have LOTS of FUN planned).
I expected the W30 book to be here when I got home. Turns out it releases today. I'm so pumped to read it.
My new mystery book is awesome. I can read both at the same time. Next week will start War and Peace - slow and steady.
I planned to start a project this week, but I think I will play it by ear. I have some re-grouping to do after the trip. Today is the first day of back-to-normal and it feels good. I'm being a bit of a hermit today and taking care of me and a list of chores that will make me HAPPY to get done. I also need to schedule some maintenance stuff this week too - nails, eyebrows, etc. And when the W30 book arrives, I want to take some time for myself to read it.
An unexpected benefit of My Happiness Project is I'm learning about ME. I know that sounds odd (duh, isn't that what it's about) but I never really "studied" what makes ME HAPPY. This is a big experiment in what works, what doesn't work, etc. When to push, when to relax, when to give myself a break, when to force myself out of my comfort zone, when to compromise, when to hold my position. You get the idea. It hasn't gone as I expected and that's the beauty of it. If it worked exactly as I thought, I'd learn nothing new.
I had a HAPPY trip. Now I have a HAPPY return home. It's a HAPPY circle.
This week returns to CERTAINTY with splashes of VARIETY. Off to begin it ... later gators.
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