Monday, October 10, 2016

Closet Day

Interesting day yesterday.

The morning was amazing.

The run - great.  My legs (hamstrings specifically) were sore (from last week), but my breathing and heart rate were solid. I ran hard and felt good.  Intervals and HIIT seems to be holding my cardiovascular fitness well.  The morning was crisp and cool - my favorite weather to run.

We went on the new hike.  Beautiful falls, covered bridge, old ruins.  AND we took the dog.  He had so much fun.  A lot of the hike we let him off leash and he just has so much joy running, sniffing, exploring.  He's horrible on leash, but great off leash.  As long as it's safe and the people are sparse, we let him go.  We went early-ish but would go even earlier next time (hubby slept in because of his cold).  Then he could be off leash most of the hike.

The Steelers game was fun too.  But I ate more than I needed to and that continued when I got home. Boy those munchies are holding strong.  I committed to no snacking after dinner but yesterday was an unusual eating day.  So here's the commitment again - NO SNACKING after dinner this week.

Today is interval day.  Yesterday I started feeling (maybe) a cold coming (I have a sore throat) and I still feel it today.  It could be allergies.  I'll see how I feel with the intervals - might take it down a notch (especially if my hamstrings are still sore).  I like interval day - music and the workout flies - but it's hard!

Today is my scheduled "organize the closet" day.  I'm not feeling it this morning (yet).  I might get started and see how it goes.  The may sound like a procrastination - but it actually isn't.  I need to be in the right frame of mind to do it well.  If I'm too "just throw it out" - not good.  If I'm too "I have the room, I'll just keep it" - not good.  The point is to evaluate using the tools in The Happiness Project and REALLY organize.  This involves lots of thinking and trying on.  I know when I have my head in the game.  Since I don't have anything else planned, I'll probably start ... if I'm not going strong, I'll do it in stages.  My closet isn't messy - I realized I'm holding stuff I don't use (because my closet is huge).

I like the beginning of the week (especially when I'm on a hiatus from work lol).  This is a fun week.  Some girl time planned, hair day (at her new place) and good studio workouts.

UPDATE:  I think I'll re-read the organization chapter for inspiration on my closet.  Today will be throw out or give-away day.  Tomorrow can be re-organize the space (there are some logistics I want to change up).  Okay - this is better - not overwhelming and doable. Whew - figured it out!

Time to get things started. Later gators.

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