Monday, October 31, 2016

My Current Situation.

In bed, foot under ice, leg elevated.

I stepped on a rock while hiking yesterday.  It sent a zinger up my ankle, but I didn't roll it.  My thought - oh that was close, but I might be a problem for intervals tomorrow.


After lunch with the youngest, my ankle started bothering me a bit more.  Enough that I took a strong anti-inflammatory my husband uses and sat with some ice.

Within an hour (while my soup was mid-cook) it went from bad to horrible.  I couldn't put any weight on it or move my toes at all.  It was pounding and so crazy painful.  I was checking pulses - sensations, etc.  It never swelled at all -strange.

I wrapped it, took stronger meds (I have expired narcotics from a back injury) and heading to bed to continue ice, elevation, etc.  I had to crawl to the bathroom - ridiculous.

This morning it's miraculously so much better.  I can walk on it again.  Mildly uncomfortable.  I'm staying off of it as much as possible and will see what later brings.  Thank God today was a chill day.

It was so bad, I forgot about Halloween.  I plan to still driveway sit only if it feels okay.  Everything is all about getting better for California.  I'm so grateful I'm signed up for 2 weightlifting classes this week instead of tabata.  No way I could bounce around.

Now I'm headed downstairs to make breakfast.  Wish me luck.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Looking Up.

Run - check.
Hike - check.
Healthy breakfast - check.

The morning is looking up to a great day.
Off to see my youngest.  Then home to make tomato soup.

The more I think about it, the more I'm looking forward to my no frills week.  It's exactly what I need.  Add a nail appointment and the week is full enough.  Balance.

Our trip to San Francisco and Nappa is going to be awesome.  The goal is to remember my HAPPY and enjoy the experience (warts and all).  Setting my intention for a great week followed by a fantastic trip.

Bad Idea.

Golf was great - day was beautiful - decided to end it on a TV-watch with pizza and dessert (with hubby)  Bad idea.  Decidedly NOT worth it.  Lesson noted (again).  First bite didn't taste great, but I kept going.  That should have been my cue to stop and get out the chili that was my original dinner.

So this morning, I'm up early to run - feeling crappy.  Bloated, low energy, sinuses running.

The good news is my run followed by a repeat local hike (with dog and hubby) should make me feel a whole lot better.  I need to be very careful.  This month could easily go off rales.  Stress of a family visit, holidays and my pattern of sabotaging my success are all lining up.  Choice is mine.

Today is a very important day to get back on track - for real this time (ugh).

Enough said.

The rest of today will be a visit with my youngest - diner lunch (cue the massive crowds lol).  I can get poached eggs - perfect.  All the baked goods will be leaving too (Halloween treat for him and his roommates.)  All good - deep breath.

The week ahead is low key until we leave for California (super excited).  Low key is good.  I need some R&R, healthy eating, good workouts, time to myself.  When we get back, it's the family visit that is stressing me so much.  I need to be in top shape physically and mentally - not stress eat myself to death.

And, actually, I'm stressed about the election.  Weird, I know.  This is the first year that I'm actually very concerned who will win.  I just read a forecast that the-one-who-shall-not-be-named will win.  And I kind of believe it.  He keeps defining the odds.  God helps us.

You know, as I'm typing this I realize crappy eating does make me feel more moody (stressed) too.  That's good to note.  Another reason to keep it clean.

I'm going to finish my drink(s) and head out for the run.  Calgon and incantations take me away!!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Perfect Party!

The evening was great!!  Sat on the deck all night ... happy hour and informal dinner.  Fantastic all around.  It lasted longer than most dinner parties I host.

I drank the whole night.  Not crazy, but I had more than usual.  I also ate some cheese and baked goods - again, not a lot, but I enjoyed them tremendously.

How do I know it's all good?  NO REGRETS this morning.  It was all "worth it."  I feel a bit beat up this morning, but it might be more the workouts than last night.  I also had my flu shot and I sometimes feel a bit run down the day or two after.

I must return to my regularly scheduled program today.  One night can't become a weekend.  Especially since we are going to California for 5 days this coming weekend and will be indulging.  Alcohol won't a problem tonight, but sweets might be (I still have freezer full to bring to my youngest tomorrow - they were really good!!).  Must be diligent and focus on the bigger plan.

Today is golf.  Weather is perfect.  I'm looking forward to the afternoon with hubby and friends.

Still no mention of a family gathering, so I'm off the hook for tomorrow.  I'm kind of glad - last night got my entertaining bug satisfied.

That's all folks.  Hydrating, eating a healthy breakfast and heading to a day of golf.

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Weekend is Here!

Happy hour is on.  Menu set and prepped (super easy).  I'm making a crock-pot chili for those wishing more dinner-like food (but it's really just because I needed to make dinner and stock the freezer.)

Weather will be perfect - but I forgot it gets dark early.  So we might end up inside after all.  Lol - just couldn't get it to work out.

Speaking of workout - today is last tabata of the month.  Nice and hard.  Awesome.  Cleaning ladies first, so I'll sit at Starbucks to read before I go - tough life I live lol!

The rest of the weekend will be fun.  Golfing tomorrow afternoon with friends, lunch with my youngest on Sunday.  Still waiting to hear about hosting a family dinner Sunday (looking less likely as I haven't heard anything.)  My aunt is in town to do little kid halloween stuff so the weekend may have filled up.  Halloween on Monday.  Weekend complete.

The end.  (Very short one today!)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dodged a bullet!

Yesterday was one of those sneaky brain evenings.  I was jacked up with cravings to munch all night (ovulation continues).

I had an odd eating day.  I was very hungry in the morning so ended up with 2 breakfasts before we left for our day out.  Glad I did ... lunch was a complete bust.  The menu description didn't match the reality of the dish and I ended up with a few bites of steak and a 1/4 avocado - way too little!  Dinner happened around 4pm since I was hungry.  Que the cravings - ugh.  But I did well.  Recognition is a good thing.  I came close a couple of times (that freezer full of baked goods calling to me) but I distracted myself and made it through the night.

What worked ...
Reminding myself that I had just a mere few hours until bedtime - a few hours to hang tough.
Reminding myself how crappy I would feel (mentally and physically) if I went hog crazy.
Reminding myself I have my lift workout today and wanted to be on point.
Reminding myself that Friday is a social night and I'd rather save my indulgences for something "worth-it" with friends.

HAPPY and proud this morning.  Today should be the last of this ovulation crap lol!

No book club tonight.  Decision made.

Yesterday's adventure was a bit of a bust.  Nice day out, but not what I was expecting.  It was a good place to try, but I didn't love it.  The shops were very expensive, food choice was limited and expensive ... walk was nice and the town was cute (but see it once ... you get the idea).  We didn't do the paved trail walking which I expect is nice but that's a long drive (with expensive parking) just to walk.  I'm very happy I scouted it out - not at all a trip for my mom.  On to plan B for that day.

That said, I got the nicest dinner napkins (I love to use cloth napkins for dinners) and a really well fitted apron for my holiday baking.  I'm a huge slob when I cook - this can save the Thanksgiving and Christmas clothes from splatter central.  Aprons can be tricky - too short, too fancy, too bulky.  This one was spot on and super cute (I hope I don't ruin it too quickly!!).

After my lift workout today, I have some errands and a bit of cooking to do.  Easy day.  Hubby will be home early from a business trip.  Having him home will make the evening cravings (should they come) much easier to handle.  Craving like privacy lol!

Off to make this a HAPPY day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Always changing.

Me and my schedule lol.

Lunch with the youngest has moved to Sunday.  Happy hour is becoming dinner too (details still to be finalized).  Still a great week.

I finished the baking yesterday.  Not my best effort, not horrible though.  Some days I have it, some days not.  It's still good and just for family (thankfully).  I had my moment of "want" and then it passed.  The freezer is full of goodies.

Today is the Ponce City Market and Virginia Highlands.  I'm curious to see what the fuss is about - hopefully, it will be a good place to take my mom in a few weeks.  The weather will be perfect today.

I had a little bit of cravings yesterday evening (hello ovulation combined with a baking afternoon) but I recognized what was happening and ignored them.  I don't want to jinx myself (I'm not superstitions - knock wood three times), but I'm finally "getting" this moderation thing (I'm typing in a whisper). My "head" work is paying off.  I really wondered if I was a lost cause.

I'm thinking about bagging book club tomorrow night.  I read the book, enjoyed it but have no desire to go to the meeting.  There was a chance it was another author visit and that interested me a lot. I'll need to bring food or wine and stay dressed lol.  It's also dues payment this month.  If I'm not continuing, I don't want to pay!  The bump is my "saying yes" push for my hiatus - no reason I can't go.  You never know what you see, learn, find when you say "yes."  (But it's usually a boring night!)  I'll decide last minute - most do.

On other very important news - my nails are growing like crazy.  I'm clicking away as I type.  Time to file already!  Love you collagen!!

Okay folks - short one today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

But what about today??

Okay - here's the what's what for today (and this week).

Tabata Tuesday and baking today.  I'm lunching with my youngest on Friday, so I'm bringing a tray of goodies (for Halloween).  This afternoon is open and perfect to get it done (and frozen) for Friday.

BTW ... I early voted yesterday.  Brilliant.  No lines.  Bam - done.

Tomorrow is a scouting trip for my mom's visit.  Ponce City Market and Virginia Highlands.  It's a paved trail walk around cute shops, bars, restaurants, etc.  I've never been and my aunt raves about it. Should be a fun day.

Friday is lunch and then a possible Happy Hour at my house.  Waiting to hear back from our friends (she needs to chat with her hubby) and then I'll invite a few other people.  Super easy.  The weather looks great.

Golf with friends on Saturday.

We might be hosting a family gathering on Sunday.  I haven't heard, but if so, W30 chili it is.  Easy and can be set last minute.  Our family has mega food allergies and this fits the bill for all but one (she can't eat any meat - I'll buy a veggie burger for her).

And, of course, Halloween on Monday.  We set up at the end of the driveway (our front door is a pain to get to) and have a little spread of food ... usually with some friends.  Hope the weather is good.

The week filled up socially, but I plan to use my new "learning" and should have no problem navigating all the fun (while still having fun).

P.S.  My other knee feels better.  I hope it does okay in class today.  It was a weird thing.

MHP Update.

I know you've been dying for a Happiness Project Update so here it goes ...

I tried the kombucha tea (Synergy Gingerberry) yesterday.  It was surprisingly good.  I had no idea it was a bubbly drink.  Lots of flavor and mouth-feel going on - very strong.  I won't rush to drink it everyday, but I thought it was a good alternative to a cocktail.  (Of course, I thought ... boy this would be good with a splash of vodka lol.)

I have read exactly one sentence of War and Peace.  I might be 90 before I finish!  I need to make some time to read during the day (when the old brain is at high function).

I'm just starting the picture overhaul.  A step at a time ... still figuring out what I want to do with it all.  I checked out Michael's for frames, took down the shelve of hodgepodge pictures, and replaced a frame of my grandparent's wedding.  Next step is to start going through picture boxes to see what's there.

New recipe days are going well.  I made the roasted tomato soup last night.  Very good, very easy.  I want to see if it holds in the refrigerator and I might make it when my mom comes (good lunch soup).  I got the recipe made early this week, so I have time to figure out a recipe for next week.  I'm still thinking soup - maybe a hardier one.

I've noticed I can bring on the HAPPY to almost anything if I declare an INTENTION.  My intentions for the weekend were to feel the HAPPY of good friendships.  Once that is the goal, all the other petty things drop away (or at least drop from my thoughts).  It works with small things too.  I took this from yoga and training where you are taught to declare your intention for the practice that day.  It's a more soulful word for goal.  I like doing it and I'm trying it with a lot of things (especially if I notice my negative brain churning).

Call me crazy, but I think I'm feeling more relaxed - more mellow.  Placebo or Relora??  I don't know.  It takes 14 days for the Relora (herbal stuff) to reach max potential.  I'm on day 10-ish.

Collegen has been the greatest find.  My nails, hair ... all improved.  I have to think it's working on my joints and skin too.  Fish oil was a bust.  I tried lots of ways to "tolerate" it, but no luck.

I re-visited my list last week to remind myself of what's what.  Some will fall off and some I've added.  It is not a to-do list (never was).  It's a starting point and a reminder to find VARIETY and HAPPY in my life (certainly in my hiatus).  It's going well.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Did you miss me?

I missed you lol.

Absolutely fantastic weekend!  We had so much fun relaxing, talking, laughing, eating, drinking - it was just what I'd hope it to be.  Catching up with old friends feels good for the soul.  I'm so glad we indulged and took the trip.

My plan worked for me.  I had great food, plenty enough alcohol and have no regrets - that IS the goal.  I kept my food as compliant as possible (but still delicious - um bacon on a stick delicious!). Paced the alcohol.  We went to a winery and I didn't like the wine - so I didn't drink it - not worth it.  But I loved the martini with blue cheese olives at dinner so I had two.  That's the balance and "worth-it" I'm striving for.

Came home and hit the treadmill for my interval run.  Showered and headed to our friend's for the game and dinner.  Stayed as compliant as I could (main stew was thickened hardily with tons of flour) but I didn't want to be rude or "that person" so I enjoyed a reasonable bowl.

I also ran to a restaurant that has compliant take-out so I'd have what I needed this morning to be back on-track.  Heading the grocery store (x2) today to re-stock.

Well done me.  I learned from the last trip, stuck to my guns and planned the for the red-zone return.  I feel good this morning and (again) no regrets.  My new way of eating didn't negatively impact the trip at all ... it actually made it better because I felt good.  I'm building confidence that I can actually succeed with moderation.

Today could have been a run outside day, but a Monday brings lots of traffic and I didn't want to get up that early.  I wanted to sleep until I'd had enough (under slept all weekend - but for good reason!). I still woke up early, but not early enough to miss the traffic.  Treadmill it is.

My other knee went wonky last night when I stood up.  Feels okay, but a little unsteady.  If it's not okay then I'll change up my workout plans and let it rest.  Listening to the subtleties of my body is a change for me.  Usually, I need to be wacked over the head before I listen.

My HAPPY today is getting my routine back to normal - keeping my base strong and steady.  The week ahead is relatively mellow (certainly manageable as it stands now) but then the marathon months begin.  October has been a good training month and I feel confident going into the crazy lol.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Let the travels begin!

But first ... tabata, Starbucks and final-final packing.

I'm so excited!  The weather won't be great so no Gold Cup but lots of other fun to be had.  I hope my flight is smooth flying - lots of weather in the air today.

I have my plan in place for the weekend.  I know where the red zones are and will be careful (tonight and when we get home Sunday).  The rest of the time I'll use my plan with flexibility built in - deciding "worth-it" status as I go.

There aren't that many red zone moments, but they are "dangerous" when they happen.  I think I need to have stricter rules during those times - I need to white knuckle a bit.  Why - because I will regret it if I don't.  That to me is the biggest "worth-it" criteria.  No regrets - good decision.  Regrets = eating for the wrong reasons.

Tonight I will be excited to arrive, relieved to have a stormy flight finished and have potential to say "f*#k it" and go off the rales.  I will still have a great time.  I will drink, but I don't need to go crazy.  I need to keep the food clean and pace my wine (no sangria - goes down too quickly).  (I know the restaurant we are going to - usually get sangria lol.)  I want to feel well for our fun day Saturday and I won't if I go hog crazy (i.e. regrets).

Coming home is a red zone too.  I need to decide to exercise when I get home (around 1pm) or take the day as an extra day off.  I'll see how my body feels.  Then we are going to our friends for dinner and football.  Trip ending, but still something social on the calendar.  I need to be careful and have a clean eating day - and no alcohol.

Saturday is a fun day at a winery and then dinner.  I will decide as I go and enjoy everything I want to.  There's no emotional baggage potential that day, so I trust my in-the-moment decisions.

I think that's it in a nutshell .... during red zone times, I can't trust my "worth-it" barometer - it's not accurate.  It's stuck on "worth-it."

In other news ... my poor pup is on two medications (stomach and ear) and special food (he loves canned food) - hopefully, feeling better before home alone for the overnights.

Off to rock my HAPPY and have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The "Perfect" Day

I know every day and every experience is "perfect" and just what I need at that time (worts and all) ... but yesterday was the gold standard of My Happiness Project.

First, got lots of crappy stuff off my to-do list.  Quickly, efficiently, early.  Bam.  Freed up my HAPPY for the day.  And I refused to acknowledge any negative head space, negative self-talk, negative chatter.

The dinner out was fantastic.  Such a delicious meal (compliant food without missing anything).  Two glasses of unique wine - both great.  And the best conversations with amazing ladies that I've had in a long time.  Deep, interesting, thoughtful, funny.

The Fox Theater was beautiful, charming.  Our seats were in the nose-bleeds but no one around and not a bad seat in the house.  The speakers (expect one - ooops) were motivating, inspiring, thought-provoking, powerful.

I organized the uber rides to and from the car.  Big deal for this less-than-technology savvy gal.  Learning and growing - check, check.

Got home, drank my collagen tea and went to bed.  No snack, no junk - nothing.  I was a bit hungry since we ate so early, but I didn't open that box.  It was after 11pm - too late for food.  Super, duper proud of myself.  I knew it would be red-zone moment and I was prepared for it.  Nailed it!

Unfortunately, my pup still has the runs.  Woke me up last night (such a good boy).  I might make an appointment this afternoon at the vets.  He's headed to the groomer, so I might need to skip tabata on Friday and do a vet run then.  It's bad timing with us heading out of town.  I really don't want a carpet accident - ugh.

Today is lifting.  My arm is feeling a bit off since tabata on Tuesday, but I think it will be okay.  I love that class.

Lots of errands, packing, etc to finish up.  The "hard" parts are done and it's just a matter of doing the last minute stuff.  I'll have a relaxing night tonight and get a lot of sleep.  I can't wait for the trip on Friday.  Friends, Fred (my hubby) and fun lol.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


The dog and I seem to be feeling better.  He slept through the night with no bathroom emergencies (me too!).  We got 10+ hours of sleep and it feels good.

Tackling my to-do list early today.  We are leaving mid-afternoon to miss the traffic into the city.  This should be a great night.

I'm also going to take an easy walk on the treadmill.  I did some serious sitting all afternoon yesterday and I feel stiff.  And boy my arms are sore from the workout yesterday - yea!

I've discovered something about the "new me" and My Happiness Project -- it takes effort.  Real effort.  Not to be mistaken with being hard.  It just takes energy and effort to keep it going.  My default (for whatever reason) is my old ways.  Ingrained in my psyche?  A natural baseline?  To add variety to my life, I need to work at it.

In the beginning, I was super pumped for anything new. Variety - I'm a changed woman - whoop whoop.  Look at me - amazing.  Excited, happy about a new adventure, roll with the punches - fantastic.

Now I noticed I need to make an effort to say "yes."  An effort to look forward to something rather than looking forward to it being over.  An effort to get negative thoughts out of my head about what takes me out of a comfort zone (i.e. I don't want to dress up, so I don't want to go).  It's a mindset, but one I have to notice and remind myself to change.  Some of the glory of "being changed" is blase.  And not all of the "yes" things have turned out wonderful - some have been a disappointment.  I need to focus on the successes, find the HAPPY in the failures too.

I'm working on the balance between my routines, my certainty with room for variety, excitement, etc.  I didn't realize what a strong-hold CERTAINTY has on my life.  It not bad - often serves me well, but my life without VARIETY is a boring existence.

This is a big variety week that I've looked forward to for a long time.  I need to keep the negative thoughts out of my head and enjoy what this week has for me.  That's my focus - the HAPPY.

I have a feeling this hiatus (and MHP) will teach me more than I expected.  I just need to listen and learn.

Off to tackle the yucky on my to-do list (HAPPY when it's finished) so I can get to the good stuff for today.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hershey {Blank} ... not the chocolate!

Both the dog and I are down with stomach woes.  Good day to be home.  I ran to the store to get the makings for his chicken and rice (stomach fixer).  Hope we are both on the mend tomorrow.

Tabata was HARD.  I think a bit extra hard because I might be fighting getting sick - ugh.  Again, perfect day for TLC, relaxation and extra sleep.  Glad my stomach issues didn't start until after I got home.  I feel yucky - stomach, headache (again), achy ... 

On a HAPPY note - the pot roast smells RIDICULOUS - if it tastes even half as good OMG!  (Clearly, my bathroom issues haven't affected my appetite at all!)  And I have my new recipe for next week.  Easy roasted tomato soup - W30 compliant.  Perfect!

I did most of my to-do list today and will see how I feel later for the remainder.  Rolling and reading might take a back seat to the more well-known R&R.  No need to rush either.

Off to shred the chicken.  He will be one HAPPY dog today!

Tabata Tuesday

Happy Tuesday.

Yesterday was another HAPPY day.  The movie was great! I love going to the movies (especially during the day).  It's an unexpected treat.  My interval run was nasty and hard - just as it should be.  And the evening was healthy and enjoyable.  Good day.

This morning the roast is already slow-cooking.  I'm excited to try it.  It's not technically W30 compliant, but it falls in the close-enough category (since I'm not on the W30).  Some of the seasonings have sugar, etc.

Today is Tabata.  Yea.  I'm home the rest of the day since the dog is having the hershey squirts.  Hopefully, just a byproduct of the long hike and river water.  I don't want a problem when we go away.  I'll keep an eye on him - poor boy.

I need to be careful today.  Hubby out of town starting this morning, home alone, home most of the day.  Keeping my healthy going today.  Fortunately, all the sweet treats are gone.  No temptations left!

I'll watch the rolling video today and probably start War and Peace (wish me luck).  I have some other home stuff to work on too.

Tomorrow is a woman's conference evening with a fancy dinner out.  I looked over the menu and am all set with a few choices - including a couple of wines to try.  Not an easy menu to find options - southern comfort food - but it's there and with a substitution here or there, it's doable.  It's a dressy-ish night.  Unfortunately, the temperature is going up to almost 90 tomorrow.  Come on fall - you can do better!

This weekend will be fun.  We might be going to the Gold Cup which complicates packing.  Super dressy!  More on that later.

That's the scoop for now.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Movie Monday.

Yesterday was a HAPPY day!

My run felt so good.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  Running only Monday and Tuesday makes me look forward to running (usually lol).

The hike was the best yet.  Dog off leash, challenging hike (but he - and I - made it), my first ever pee-in-the-woods (no bathrooms) and an amazing swimming hole.  We all had a fantastic time.  I think we ended up at the "wrong" parking lot, since we never found the trail I mapped out.  Other than missing the bamboo grove, the hike was everything we'd want in a hike.  We'll go back again for sure.

Steelers lost, but the afternoon was enjoyable.  Came home - cooked some food for the next couple of days and watched Sherlock BBC on Netflix.

I was back to my healthy eating (finally!) and feel so much better (normal) this morning.  I had a whomper of a headache all day yesterday.  Guess my body was in food shock!  I've never had a headache during the first few days of W30 (it's a common symptom), but yesterday I sure did.

You notice what's working when you stop doing it (to paraphrase Tony Robins).

Today is my interval run on the treadmill.  Later this morning - movies with a friend.  Love the movies!  Nothing else planned.  This weekend is our trip to NOVA so I'm lying low (other than our big night out on Wednesday - more on that later.)

My next new recipe I planned is a crockpot pot roast. I'm on the fence to do it this week (hubby out of town) or wait until he gets home.  If I get a chance to go to Costco, I might try it this week.  I plan to freeze the extra anyway.

That's all from the home front.  Off to make it a HAPPY, HEALTHY day.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Another Sunday Fun-day

Well, I ate crappy again last night.  WTH!  Get with the program girl.  (Not like the night before, but not healthy.)

Runny nose
Sweating sleeping
Hard to get up for my run

I got that taste of sugar and mama wants her sugar.  Weaning today.  All sugar treats are gone.  Reset. (But didn't I say that yesterday??)

Anyway ...

Up for my run this morning.  Not jumping for joy (see above) but I'm doing it.  I do give myself credit for being extremely disciplined with my workouts.  Always have been.

Hike this morning too.  Not super long since we'll have the dog with us, but it will be great.  I love dog joy!

Then off to my friend's house for the Steelers game.  I'm bringing a veggie tray.  She's cooked meatballs.  Eating better today.

Finally, home to NO SOFA eating lol and something (TBD).

That's the quick down and dirty folks.  Off to make it a HAPPY and HEALTHY day.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Speaking of Normal ...

I have exciting news about my "new normal."

Collegen peptides are doing their thing.  (Okay - 'exciting' is a big word, but I'm really HAPPY.)  My nails are ABSOLUTELY stronger.  I have a weak spot on my thumb nail (it grows with a partial split in it).  No nail tech, doctor, etc knows what it is - it's been damaged for about 10 years maybe - regularly, painfully breaks very low at that spot.  No split. BAM.  My nails are long and hard even with no polish on for a couple of days.  BAM again!

I'm finally getting my nails done today.  I won't wait that long again.

Strange hair day yesterday.  The new place is in the middle of a store.  It's weird, unimpressive (you sit in plastic chairs) and a long drive (and actually costs more).  I don't want to stay with her (maybe just one more appointment to take me through the holidays).  Why one more - because she won't share her color formula with her old shop.  I've gone to her faithfully for 3 years - she moved, not me.  She told me they'd have to figure it out themselves.  Ouch.  Pissed me off.   I don't need fancy, but at that price, I need more than the experience I had (including a long, traffic ridden drive).  (On a good note, she was able to work around my feather lol.)

So my "beauty" team has changed.  New hair (soon), new nail salon (can't beat the price and they do an excellent job), new eyebrow tech (threading is better).  Change is in the air.

I have some errands today, but nothing else planned.  I need to be careful (no repeat of last night).  I don't mind a quiet day.  I'm still crampy and feeling like staying in and relaxing.  Tomorrow is a run day, hike, football game - busy and fun.  Relaxing sounds good today.

Off to walk the dog before my nail appointment.  Later gators.

Confessions (sort of)

Last night was an impromptu pizza, wine and dessert night.  And it was so good.  And I ate too much.  And I have no regrets.  And my cravings will be full-force today.  And I don't care.

For some reason, I needed last night.  Maybe it "fed" a bad habit and I'm being fooled by my sneaky brain.  I don't know.  I just know I loved every minute of it and I have no regrets - even this morning.

Today will be work to get things back to normal.  I'm ready and I accept the consequences.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Well, I figured it out.

I was out of proportion stressed yesterday.  I had a headache, bad mood (yucky, bitchy thoughts in my head all day), rosacea breakout, had the munchies at night (which I gave into after my evening out ... not the best choice ugh).

Woke to my monthly friend.  You'd think after almost 40 years, this wouldn't surprise me lol.  It's 2 days early (normal adjustment for me).  It explains EVERYTHING!  Now I get it!  Well, thank goodness.  Mood figured out and solved ... munchies over ... it's all smoothed out.

Today is Tabata.  I'm so glad I didn't do both classes yesterday.  Lifting class was hard and a great workout.  Tabata will be a good follow up today.

Today is also hair day.  Normally, I'm excited - less today.  This is the 3rd switch of appointment back to my old stylist at her new place.  I'll give it a try.  It's a significantly longer drive (and might be more expensive).  I'm going to be a little rushed getting there.  She will be working even more limited hours since she's also managing.  I wonder if I should have just stuck with the old place.

Tomorrow is nails.  It's been a month since my fingers were done.  They held really well, but have hit critical mass the last few days.  I waited too long.  They are a mess!!

That's my life in a nutshell.  The weekend will be relaxing.  Hiking on Sunday.  Steelers game with our friends.

Next week is jammed with fun stuff and ends with our trip to NOVA for a weekend with old friends.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Back to our regularly scheduled crazy.

Ironically, I started my stress supplement yesterday (and woke to OMG moment).  It takes 14 days to hit full potential.  There's hope lol!

I love the way I feel now.  I'm HAPPY with how I look.  I don't want to do the usual October-December crash and burn.  It's up to me.  I have the tools.  Challenge accepted.

I think the semi-strict plan I wrote is a good idea.  I need structure.  I've identified a potential hot-spot and I'm taking counter measures.  That works. Enough said (for this post at least- you know I'm going to be crazy about this lol).

My instructor is back for class today.  Hallelujah!  I'm very tempted to take both classes.  She doesn't recommend doing it often.  A number of ladies do it.  The workout was blah Tuesday.  This might be my all-or-nothing thing (on top of my panic attack about November) hitting.  I have an hour to decide.  I don't want an injury, but I wonder if the class will be easier as she is recovering.

Yesterday at the Mart was fun.  I got a new pair of readers (super cute, super cheap).  The (only) lunch place changed their menu for the better - great options for lunch.  When the witching hour struck, I made myself busy (with errands - got my phone fixed and eyebrows threaded!) and the day ended well.  No cravings - whoop whoop!

We are going out tonight in lieu of GNI.  A Mexican restaurant to listen to live music.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm planning 2 glasses of wine (I'm not driving) and as compliant of a meal as I can (I'll check out the menu before I go).

I decided to hold to one class today. I walked upstairs to finish up some wash and my legs are still tired.  Since I have class tomorrow ... better play it safe (and a little less neurotic).

Okay - therapy done!  Time to get my day moving.  Later gators.

(Small, little, tiny) PANIC ATTACK

I woke up this morning to the realization that November is the mother-load of all off off-roading months.

November starts with 5 days in California (San Francisco and Napa - awesome).
Immediately followed by 5 days of company (my mother ... yes the mother-load).
Followed by Thanksgiving week.
Followed by a trip to Philadelphia (beginning of December ... not exactly November, but I'm counting it.)
(And December is FULL EVERY weekend.)

That's a lot.  That's too much (if I partake in everything).  It WILL completely derail me if I don't have a super, duper well thought out plan.

So here it is ... in writing ... as a reference.

1.  California will be amazing and the meals totally worth it.  Eat, drink, be merry.
2.  Return to W30 IMMEDIATELY in preparation for company.
3.  Company will be stressful, but there will be only 1 meal (maybe 2) I'll off-road.  I must hold to that plan.  I'll be recovering from my eating and drinking in California.  I need to eat well to handle the stress, not eat my stress.  REMEMBER THIS!!
4.  Thanksgiving is ONE MEAL!  Eat, drink, be merry.  Return immediately to W30.  (And I cook the dinner - lots of compliant options.)
5.  Return to W30 until trip to PA.

I will FOCUS that this month is about being with friends and family, doing things, having fun, celebrating.

I DO NOT want to have to "start over" in January.

I want to think of this as a test of my new resolve and my new tools.  This is the mother-load of all tests.  I'm ready.  I have a plan.  I am prepared.  I MUST not let myself down.  September and October were build up months and I've learned from the experience.

I will ROCK THIS!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The new recipes I've tried have been okay - not great, not horrible, but probably not worth making again.

Thai Chicken Salad - OMG so DELICIOUS!  A new favorite recipe.  Works as dinner (with the chicken) or a side (without the chicken).  Flavor was outstanding and everything was easy.  Lots of chopping, prepping, etc but so worth it.  Hubby even loved it.  It renewed my faith in trying new recipes.

I made a cup of Kona decaf this morning.  Didn't like it again.  Threw the cup out.  I'll try it brewed with a pinch of salt and cinnamon.  If that doesn't work - goodbye Kona.  I guess I need to be in Hawaii lol.

Yesterday afternoon - cravings until bedtime.  What's up with that?  I've been wanting something sweet in the worst way.  I stayed steady, but I don't want to white knuckle every afternoon.  Maybe I have to make a plan for afternoons.

My herbal supplement came yesterday.  I'm curious to see if it works - if I notice anything different.  It's supposed to relax you and help your body deal with stress and the hormonal response to stress.  I'm a little on the fence about taking it, but I'll give it a try.  I don't like to take "unusual" things.  I'm protective of my kidneys and liver.

Mart today with the usual suspects.  I wasn't particularly excited about going, but I'm in a better frame of mind today.  Looking forward to the day.

Rest day on the workout front.  My body is a bit sore so a rest is best.  I'm bummed about such a lousy workout yesterday.  Taking 2 days off makes me upset to "waste" a day.  (All-or-nothing rearing its head.)

Just a funny side - I have 5 drinks going this morning.  That's even over-the-top for me.  Coffee redo and I made the wrong flavored tea with my protein (so I'm drinking it) but I really wanted another kind (so I made that too).  Flushing the old kidneys this morning.

Time to have a relaxed day (thanks new supplement - once I read when to take you!).  Zen in a bottle??  Probably not lo, but here's hoping.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Part 2: The Clean-Up

Closet is DONE!!!  I set a timer for an hour figuring I'd work through as much as I could get to and then stop for today.  I made it so close, I decided to finish.  I'm glad I did the project over two days - made it a lot easier.  It looks amazing (if I do say so myself).

Two more big trash bags and a small GoodWill bag ... how is it possible?!?  I did some evaluating and decided more could go - lordy I hang onto worn-out favorites.  And I hit the extra linens shelf which I overlooked yesterday - that was a lot of the trash.  And those crappy hangers - good-bye to the ones that don't hold the clothes.  That was a big yea!

Today is testing my found HAPPY status a bit.  Tabata had a substitute instructor (from another gym).  Very nice lady, but she sucked.  I mean really sucked.  It wasn't worth my time at all.  Big bummer.  Our instructor is sick.  I hope she's better by Thursday (for both of us!).

Our monthly ladies' group got cancelled (unless someone else picks it up).  Sadly, the family is going through a teenager emergency and needed to cancel - very understandable.  I was looking forward to seeing everyone (I've missed that last few).  I'm not in the mood to pick up the night in her place.  House is dirty (cleaning ladies Friday) and my day is packed with stuff - otherwise I'd do it (I've done it before).

I'm still plugging along with the HAPPY even though the day hasn't gone as expected.  Sweet potatoes in the oven and then a quick trip to get stuff for my new recipe.  I planned to make it tomorrow, but I'm considering doing it tonight since the closet is done.  It's an easy prep salad.

Tonight hubby and I are walking the dog and then watching Sherlock (BBC series).  It's fantastic so far - modern day Sherlock Holmes.  I like the mid-week date nights.

HAPPY is back!

I woke up this morning in a great mood.  Not sure where the credit lies, but I'll take it.  I've been "off" for a few days.

Chicken or the egg stuff.  Was I snacky because I was in a mood, or was I in a mood because I snacked?  A bit mind blowing lol.  Or maybe none of the above.

I feel my HAPPY back today.  I had lost it.  I had to force it, pretend it and admit it was missing.  It actually scared me a bit.  Was MHP over as fast as it started??  I saw grumpy everywhere I turned.  I chose not to write about it because I didn't want to give it more power.

(This might be a hormonal swing.  I AM of the age!)

Yesterday I fought the good, hard NO SNACKING fight.  It was looking like a possible defeat, but I rallied and brought out my secret weapon - get-my-butt-moving.  I simply started doing something - craving over.  My blah mood zapped my do-something energy ... so I sofa sat ... so I wanted to snack.  Ahhh, that pattern looks familiar lol.

When I want to eat for no reason (i.e. I'm not hungry), it is ALWAYS emotionally based.  I need to know this EVERY SINGLE TIME.  It's okay if I need to wallow in the mood for a bit, but I don't need to eat the mood (it won't really go away).  And I need to stop my sneaky brain from making me think it's something else (those wings are just really delicious) - NOPE, it's an underlying mood.  Sometimes the mood has a reason and acknowledging it can help fix it ... sometimes it's a mystery and might have no fixable option.  Doesn't matter.  The more I eat W30, the more I notice this pattern.  Good - learning means progress!

Today is Tabata Tuesday followed by Closet Part 2.  Looking forward to both.

I found my new recipe (cold Thai chicken and veggie salad) ... I'll shop for it today, make it tomorrow.  Hubby is joining in again.  Ironically, I was looking for a soup, but this looks really good.  Maybe soup next week.

I'm armed with my HAPPY this morning and it feels good.  I hope she decides to stay.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Step 1: The Purge.

Closet step #1 done.  Tons of crap GONE.  One large black bag to trash; three large black bags to GoodWill.  I was shocked at the amount considering I just did a clean-out about 3 or 4 months ago.

I hope there is no instant regret.  You know how that works ... toss it, next day need it lol.

I applied the "rules."
Stuff I don't use (for years).
Stuff I hold for no reason (buyer's remorse, unusable gift).
Stuff that SHOULD be trash (stained, ripped, faded, dated).

It was a little hard actually.  Especially my "favorite" stuff that's gone wrong (stains, rips).  I saved a couple of shirts (progress not perfection!) that I wear to clean, walk the dog, etc.  I mean come on folks lol!!

(I did find a few hidden gems that were long forgotten.)

My closet looks empty!  The rest of the week I'm re-organizing, re-folding, re-cleaning everything.  I'll start tomorrow (might take a couple of days as it can get overwhelming fast ... it's stupidly big!).

Intervals were great. I pushed hard and finished all 8 sets - go ME!!

Errands, some cooking and paper work rounded out the day.  Now I'm getting my chill on before hubby comes home.

Until tomorrow ...

Closet Day

Interesting day yesterday.

The morning was amazing.

The run - great.  My legs (hamstrings specifically) were sore (from last week), but my breathing and heart rate were solid. I ran hard and felt good.  Intervals and HIIT seems to be holding my cardiovascular fitness well.  The morning was crisp and cool - my favorite weather to run.

We went on the new hike.  Beautiful falls, covered bridge, old ruins.  AND we took the dog.  He had so much fun.  A lot of the hike we let him off leash and he just has so much joy running, sniffing, exploring.  He's horrible on leash, but great off leash.  As long as it's safe and the people are sparse, we let him go.  We went early-ish but would go even earlier next time (hubby slept in because of his cold).  Then he could be off leash most of the hike.

The Steelers game was fun too.  But I ate more than I needed to and that continued when I got home. Boy those munchies are holding strong.  I committed to no snacking after dinner but yesterday was an unusual eating day.  So here's the commitment again - NO SNACKING after dinner this week.

Today is interval day.  Yesterday I started feeling (maybe) a cold coming (I have a sore throat) and I still feel it today.  It could be allergies.  I'll see how I feel with the intervals - might take it down a notch (especially if my hamstrings are still sore).  I like interval day - music and the workout flies - but it's hard!

Today is my scheduled "organize the closet" day.  I'm not feeling it this morning (yet).  I might get started and see how it goes.  The may sound like a procrastination - but it actually isn't.  I need to be in the right frame of mind to do it well.  If I'm too "just throw it out" - not good.  If I'm too "I have the room, I'll just keep it" - not good.  The point is to evaluate using the tools in The Happiness Project and REALLY organize.  This involves lots of thinking and trying on.  I know when I have my head in the game.  Since I don't have anything else planned, I'll probably start ... if I'm not going strong, I'll do it in stages.  My closet isn't messy - I realized I'm holding stuff I don't use (because my closet is huge).

I like the beginning of the week (especially when I'm on a hiatus from work lol).  This is a fun week.  Some girl time planned, hair day (at her new place) and good studio workouts.

UPDATE:  I think I'll re-read the organization chapter for inspiration on my closet.  Today will be throw out or give-away day.  Tomorrow can be re-organize the space (there are some logistics I want to change up).  Okay - this is better - not overwhelming and doable. Whew - figured it out!

Time to get things started. Later gators.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday Runday

Up early, early to do my one day of outside running.  I'm curious (every week) if the run will feel long or hard since I only run one day of sustained cardio (tomorrow is intervals).  If it consistently feels worse, I might change up my schedule.  But I also look to see if it's better - feels easier, feels faster (consistently).  One or two times doesn't mean a pattern - there are good and bad anomalies.

The nutrition class yesterday was interesting.  There was a lot of information on "messed-up" hormones from eating and exercising less optimally.  There is an herbal supplement he recommends for my situation (Dr. Oz also endorses it - which doesn't hold a lot of weight with me - not a fan) but I did some looking around and it looks okay.  I'll give it a try and see what's up.

The herb relaxes the body (which according to Dr. Sun - I need) (and now according to the trainer - I need).  Two messages in the same week - I'll listen.  I didn't find side effects that concerned me and it's been around for a long time.  The nutritionalist has been using it for over a decade.

This morning will be busy.  Run, make dessert for the game today (I always get asked to bring rice crispies lol), walk the dog, take a hike, pick up wings ... all by noonish.  The only caveat is hubby has the cold still - hike might be canceled if he feels crappy.  I don't like to hike by myself (especially if I don't know the trail).  We are previewing the hike to see if it's good for my mom when she comes (and the dog!).

I had the munchies again last night.  After I rode the snack train for a little while, I decided NO more evening snacking for this week ... period.  If I'm hungry, then a mini-meal.  I don't need to build that habit again.

My toes look great.   A gray, plum color.  Very fall.  I thought about pink for October, but I wasn't in a pink mood.  It seems my nails are growing faster and stronger.  Again, hard to actually measure it, so it might be the power of suggestion at work lol.

Drinks are finished.  Time to run and incantate ... for at least part of the run.  I am HAPPY, HEALTHY ENGERY.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Well hello ...

It's been awhile (or a minute).

Today is my workout rest day.  I woke up early in a panic that I forgot to get up for my run.  Then I remembered it's Saturday.  I guess day confusion happens when you "retire."  My muscles are tired, so rest is good.  I'm thinking about walking on the treadmill.  Jury is out on that one - I'll see how I feel later.

My body roller thingy came yesterday.  I thought about trying it today, but I twinged my back slightly at the grocery store yesterday (I think my back was tired from the workout).  I don't want to roll or twist until it feels completely normal.

Tabata was FANTASTIC.  She didn't scale down for the beginning of the month since this is building on last month.  Hard, amazing ... love it.

The final nutrition class is this afternoon.  I did this class the day of my concussion so it's worth repeating - I have spotty memory of it.  Interesting stuff.  It compliments the W30 philosophy (mostly) so it "feels" like good information.

Yesterday, I went antique-ish shopping again with my friend.  We went to the bigger store - got some great stuff.  Christmas gift for eldest (vintage albums), Christmas gift for hubby (huge Steelers wall art on reclaimed wood - really fun) and a "face" mug for me.  I drink out of these cute pottery mugs with 3D faces.  I found another one for dirt cheap ($10 ... I've seen this kind for $40).  It's different than my other ones - funny though (huge nose with nostrils).  Love it.

Saw my youngest yesterday - always a nice visit.  Proud of that boy.

That's all folks.  Easy day.  Watching hubby play tennis, walking the dog, Starbucks and finishing my book (it's so good!!!) rounds out the day.  Later gators.


I may have run out of things to say lol.  So how about an update on all my NEW.

Eyelashes:  First on my list (of course).  Continuing on - I'm a loyal customer.

Vital Proteins:  Just finished my second tub.  Noticeable difference in my (lack of) hair shedding.  I'm in it for the long haul with this one too.  If it's changing my hair, I have to think it's working, ergo must be beneficial to all things collagen-centric (joints, nails, skin).  Since I can't use anti-aging stuff on my face, I'll have to work on it from the inside!  I "think" my neck looks less saggy - not sure if that's just wishful thinking though.

W30-ish diet:  Plugging along.  It makes me feel a lot better when I eat this way.  I might be tending to eat too much at night (for snack-y reasons).  I'm going to be aware.  Riding-my-bike is a work in progress, but progress it is.  This is the perfect learning season to work on WORTH IT.  I have a lot of social fun coming up and the goal is to ENJOY, not deprive ... but still be the HEALTHY version of myself.  I'm taking the challenge seriously.

Workouts:  Yesterday I noticed a measurable improvement in my strength.  An exercise we do often and I modify part of the way (just don't have the arm strength) ... DRUMROLL ... no modification needed.  Slow and steady ... respecting my body.  Awesome sauce!!

Blogging (journalling):  Love it!  Best way to reflect.  I'm glad I finally gave in and tried it.

Incantations:  Stalled out (a bit).  I do them occasionally and it plays in my head a lot.  I need to make sure I do it at least a couple of times a week.

My Happiness Project:  It's working ... well mostly.  As I said before, not going as expected, but still lots of HAPPY and I'm learning about ME.  The project is great - the list is ever changing.  Some things I changed, some things changed themselves.  I think when all is said and done, the moral of the story will be HAPPY is all around - I just need to notice it.

Hiatus from work:  Mixed results.  I'm enjoying the freedom of doing whatever, whenever ... but I miss work.  I have guilt pains occasionally about spending money (since I'm earning zilch).  I have worries about finding "the perfect" next job.  I'm dreaming like crazy about work - I know my subconscious is storming.

My knee:  Better than it's been in two years.  There is hope!

That's all I can think of right now (morning brain).  Switching to another post to chat about my Saturday - this one hit my length limit :-)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hello Weekend!

It Friday.  Whoop whoop!

I have a fun, HAPPY weekend planned.  Out with a friend this afternoon, dinner tonight with my youngest, second (and final) part of the nutrition class on Saturday, hike on Sunday and Steelers game with friends Sunday afternoon.

I have a list of stuff to get done before the fun starts.  Stuff that's falling in the I-don't-really-want-to-do-this-today category - bills, banking problem, baking, stupid errands (broke by "b" list streak).  I have the baking started (I can't see my kids without a special treat!).  These fall into the HAPPY-when-they-are-done pile.

My new recipe was good last night.  The "complicated" flavor recipes seem to taste better the next day.  I think this will too.  I got smarter and am freezing most of it for later.  I don't need to eat 12 meals of curry lol!

I slept well last night (hubby has a cold so I'm in another bedroom this week - nice!).  I had lots of weird dreams again, but the one that sticks in my mind ... eating a whole pan of double thick brownies.  God, I love a food dream ... all the pleasure, none of the guilt.  I can still "feel" the brownies lol!!

My mood got infinitely better after my workout yesterday.  My muscles were exhausted ... in a great way.  I'm not sore today - that's how it should be and why it's great to have an instructor who knows her shit.  Tabata this morning.

What I love most about my new workout schedule ... I'm excited about EVERY workout (99% of the time).  I love tabata, but am super excited to run outside Sunday, etc, etc.  VARIETY folks - it a real good thing.

I had some cravings yesterday afternoon (again!!).  Frustrating.  I really felt like I needed to eat.  So I did - just all healthy stuff.  I actually only had a small dinner because I was finally satisfied.  I don't know if the cravings are a bi-product of the weekend of treats or I "needed" more nutrition.  The healthy food seemed to work though.  I'll be careful today. (Notice the wording here - no "good" or "bad" - good girl!)

Baking is out of the oven (BTW - it's not easy to bake before my morning coffee - it's a bit of a crap shoot) so best get on with the day.  House smells lemony and delicious - a HAPPY side-effect of an early bake.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


*deep breath* We have now returned to our regularly scheduled HAPPY.  *deep breath*

This morning is weight-training - yea!  I'll be on the lookout for feeling really tired tonight.  I wonder if that pattern is true.  Good news - I am getting stronger.  Yesterday when I did a couple of abdomen exercises - much improved.  I'm toying with the idea of doing strength training twice a week (I do add strength training other days, but it's not a dedicated day).

I ordered a foam roller and DVD (per recommendation of Dr. Sun).  It's not the "rolling" that's so popular now.  It's a rolling method for joint pain relief.  He says it's life changing.  You lay on this BIG foam roller and do stretching movements (DVD to explain).  I figure it's worth a try.  He uses it instead of yoga.  (This may also relieve my not-doing-yoga-even-though-I-belong-to-a-yoga-studio guilt.)  Stay tuned.

I had acupuncture on my knee yesterday.  Energy pocket that's stuck - per Dr. Sun. (again)  It feels a little better today, but not "fixed."  When I get acupuncture on a problem area it hurts (case in point, left knee - didn't feel a thing from the needles).  I might still be sore from 30 min of needles throbbing my knee (this happened on my neck last time - lasted a couple of days).  I'd be thrilled if this fixes it.  (And secretly smug ... in a mad chill way ... if it didn't - you don't know everything Dr. Sun lol.)

This afternoon I'm meeting a friend to antique shop.  I'm looking for an old frame for my grandparent's wedding photo (the current frame is broken).  Might be hard to find, but the "hunt" is fun.

Taj Mahal Chicken for dinner.  The picture looks DELICIOUS!  Hubby will be trying it too (very out-of-the-box flavors for him).

The itch is back to work on a project.  Closet or picture organization??  Both are exciting to me (but will take some time).  I wasn't feeling it at the beginning of the week.  I want to do my closet alone (no hubby around commenting on everything!).  Pictures can be together time.  As I think about it, Monday would be a good day for the closet.  Plan set.

Dog walking time (with some incantations - I need it today).  Later gators.

Where's the therapy couch?

Last night was an odd one.  I had an early dinner (I was hungry).  Then remembered I hadn't picked out my new recipe for this week (Taj Mahal Chicken - yum).  Ran to the "easy" grocery store for a quick shop (time is tighter today - that helps!).  Came home and WHAM - cravings GALORE.

WTH!?!?  Where did that come from?  Cravings and feeling blue (so much I checked the calendar - nope got a couple of weeks).  I started on the snack route with an apple and couple bites of meatballs (after all, I had an early dinner).  Fortunately, I recognized sneaky brain talk and just went to bed.

Obviously, I wanted to eat my sad away.  But where did the sad come from?  My dreams were all upsetting, sad ones too.  Odd for sure.  This morning I'm still a bit out of sorts (probably because the dreams are still vivid).  I'll focus on HAPPY today.


I had an experience at Dr. Sun's office yesterday.  I know it's bothering me ... but making me sad??  Appointment went well (realigned C5 and my back; acupuncture to my knees; recommended a stretching technique - more on that).  BUT, he told me I was uptight (using nice words - he's a really nice person).  I can be.  I know I'm excitable (especially when I'm the "patient") but I'm a fast talker and I wanted to give him my background (I know he doesn't look at previous records).  I told him it was situational - no worries, I'm fine.  He told me I'm lying to myself.

Hmmm.  I don't think he's correct, yet it's bothering me (thou doth protest too much) - is he right?  He's not a god - he doesn't know me.  I'm trying so hard to re-design me.  Mind, body, spirit thing. I felt slammed (and too defensive) by the comment.  (BTW - I see him in a month and I will be MAD CHILL - so there lol!)  Information and reflection is a good thing.  Something struck a cord.  I should "listen" to it.

The thing is ... I am really chill lately.  Working my HAPPY.  Working my ZEN.  Doing my thing.  Maybe it's just insulting - it was insulting to my work, insulting to my progress.

I don't know.  I hear the whiny, defensive talk in this post (see - I am self aware lol).  Yet it bothers me.

Talking it out feels better.  Thanks for the free therapy session lol.  Off to a new post (I don't like long posts and I don't like "down" with "up").  Wait for it ... HAPPY post coming your way!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Book Review

Whole30 book came.  Whole30 book read.  BAM.  Knocked it out in an afternoon.  (Truth be told, it wasn't very long and a couple of chapters were redundant review of the W30 - so quick scan.)

The information was good.  Not quite the life changing revelations the previews intimated, but useful stuff.  A lot of it I already am practicing (not perfectly, but that's why the "practicing").  It reinforced the path I'm taking.  Reminded me this is "who I am" now.  Acknowledged slips (less-perfect decisions) are part of life - so learn and move-on.  Reminded me there is no "end" ... just a continuation of the path.  And a great airplane analogy of why that mental shift is valuable.

The "WORTH IT" chapters were the best read (for me).  Lots of details on determining "worth it" status of a treat.  This was the most helpful part for me - the part I struggle with each time.  I loved the idea that something can be worth it NOW, but not at another time.  And vise-versa.  Something NOT worth it now, might be worth it at a later time.  Evaluation EVERY TIME (even on vacation, even on a holiday, even on my birthday, etc).  And continued evaluation as I savor the treat (that's where I usually stop and ALWAYS eat the whole thing - changing that going forward.)

I will probably re-read this section - it's worth repeating to my brain lol!

Also noteworthy, I need to stop using "good" and "bad" language referencing my eating.  It erodes self esteem subconsciously.  I do it All. The. Time.

So anyway ...

Good solid HAPPY day yesterday.  Great workout, to-do list finished, book read and found lots of HAPPY to notice.  Felt great to be back into my routine.

One thing I'm getting better at is balancing my day.  Yesterday, I busted bum to get lots of stuff done. Knocked out my list relatively early.  My first inclination was to add to the list.  If I got 10 things done, why not 15?  But 15 would feel rushed, pushed, tiring (mentally) and there was no urgency to anything.  So I considered the day well accomplished and made a cup of Kona coffee and sat down with the W30 book (which arrived just as I decided to make a cup of Joe).  BALANCE.  Reading, relaxing, beautiful afternoon on the deck - satisfying in a way that adding to my to-do list would not satisfy.

Speaking of Kona - it was on MHP list.  I ordered it so I could try the decaf.  It was okay.  The first few sips were great - mild, smooth.  But it lost it's wow by the end of the cup.  I don't plan to make this a regular purchase.  I'll keep my Kona consumption to Hawaii lol.  Maybe I'll enjoy it more in the morning.  (I like that flavor early - most coffee is less appealing later in the day - who knows, maybe in the morning I'll love it.)  Tomorrow then - another go at it (I have a whole bag to use).

Usually Wednesday is a rest day, but I rested on Monday so workout today.  I thought about an outside run, but a weekday requires a really early start - earlier than I was interested in today.  Treadmill it is again.  Probably intervals and maybe some tabata thrown in for good measure.

I'm seeing Dr. Sun today for my neck (and my knee).  Stay tuned ...

Later gators.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Confessions of a weary traveler.

We got home yesterday tired, grumpy, hungry - not good.  The trip ended with frustrating traffic (from a big accident - of course happy to be safe, but still...).

*TMI Alert*
I also had a strange happening on the trip.  The night before - in the bathroom like crazy.  The rest of the trip - NOTHING!  I felt so bloated and backed-up.  Four days folks - that's a crisis in my world lol.
*TMI Over*

The combined of all-of-the-above, led me to hit the junk food.  Not hard, but enough.  Ate crappy and snacked - not a good solution.

I feel better this morning.  Everything (including my mood) is on it's way to normal again.  I canceled Tabata - for a couple of reasons.  I need to sweat today and this being the beginning of the month, the class will be "easy."  I also needed to correct my TMI situation and I wasn't sure how I'd feel this morning.  I'm going to do a combination interval run and weights.  I will feel loads better when it's done.  My workout schedule is changed up this week, but still works fine.

I loved the trip (minus all the car time).  Lots of VARIETY with splashes of CERTAINTY.  I kept up some of my routines because I planned well.  My off-roading weekend would have been perfect if not for last night.  I consider it a win though since I learned.  I don't feel as "scared" to off-road and I'll be prepared for returning home next time. As long as I get right back to it, all is well.  I did great with food and "treat" selection and enjoyed lots of fun VARIETY.  One down, SIX more to go until the end of the year (we have LOTS of FUN planned).

I expected the W30 book to be here when I got home.  Turns out it releases today.  I'm so pumped to read it.

My new mystery book is awesome.  I can read both at the same time.  Next week will start War and Peace - slow and steady.

I planned to start a project this week, but I think I will play it by ear.  I have some re-grouping to do after the trip.  Today is the first day of back-to-normal and it feels good.  I'm being a bit of a hermit today and taking care of me and a list of chores that will make me HAPPY to get done.  I also need to schedule some maintenance stuff this week too - nails, eyebrows, etc.  And when the W30 book arrives, I want to take some time for myself to read it.

An unexpected benefit of My Happiness Project is I'm learning about ME.  I know that sounds odd (duh, isn't that what it's about) but I never really "studied" what makes ME HAPPY.  This is a big experiment in what works, what doesn't work, etc.  When to push, when to relax, when to give myself a break, when to force myself out of my comfort zone, when to compromise, when to hold my position.  You get the idea.  It hasn't gone as I expected and that's the beauty of it.  If it worked exactly as I thought, I'd learn nothing new.

I had a HAPPY trip.  Now I have a HAPPY return home.  It's a HAPPY circle.

This week returns to CERTAINTY with splashes of VARIETY.  Off to begin it ... later gators.

Did you miss me?

I'm back!

A little beat up, but filled with HAPPY fun and great memories.

Here's the down-low (is this a word??).

We had a great time in Asheville and at JMU.  Hotel in Asheville was amazing.  Biltmore - wow!  Hike was fun (kind of an adventure, but we had a great time).  Food was fabulous.  Wine was delicious.  I chose all unusual choices (per suggestion of Hungry for Wines author) and that made it extra fun.

JMU is always great.  The Bold Rock Cidery was beautiful and the cider was fantastic.  I don't like hard cider (or any apple based drink) and I love this.  We even brought some home to share for a future happy hour.  It's a cross between beer, wine and cider - dry, crisp - super.  The best part (of course) was seeing the kids.  Great day, beautiful weather, fun times.

The drive home yesterday was crappy.  Not a happy camper, but it over.  Riding in the car hurts - back, legs, neck.  I'm not used to sitting and it's an all day drive.

I made really good food choices on the trip.  I ate "compliant" the whole time and added some alcohol.  I felt good.  One day was a hike, one morning was a treadmill run and weights.  I took off yesterday since we needed to get on the road so early.

When we got home ... well that's another story.  I think I'll put it in another post.