Friday, April 22, 2016

Taking a minute to review my SIMPLE changes.

Do I like them?
Are they enough?
Are they working?

I've been working on these simple changes for varying times.

Adding yoga and interval training for about 6 weeks.  Progress??  Yes!  Getting better at holding poses, balance (even my instructor commented yesterday).  Also noticing a little more definition in my muscles.  It's a keeper.  (I'm correcting my posture as I type this ... when I notice, I should correct).  My mat, my journey, my choice.  Love this yoga philosophy!

Lash grower, yes, lash grower ... about 3 weeks.  Broken lashes on left eye have grown in.  Not huge difference yet, but says it takes 6-8 weeks to really get a change.  Plugging along and excited (because I'm always a little vain - and who doesn't want awesome lashes!).

Being open to day, looking for opportunities to learn, grow - noticing the good in the day.  It's been about a month - maybe a little less.  Boy oh boy does this work ... um ... WHEN I DO IT!!  Not easy to do all the time.  There are moments, days when I'm in a crappy mood and it's really hard to work through the weeds to find the zen.  Can you say PMS this week?!?  But being aware (I am a student of yoga now - lol) really helps to bring me to a better place.  It's that small shift in thinking - that focus on something positive, something good that makes a HUGE difference in how my day unfolds.

Not eating too much and making wise choices for about 2 weeks.  This is the hardest one (no surprise there!).  It's going well-ish but this week is PMS so I've been a bit too snack-y in the evenings.  Staying with healthy food, but too much fruit and nuts.  I'm starting to see results.  Pants fit a bit better ... muscles starting to appear as fat disappears ... sleep is good.  I remind myself it's NEVER worth it and it's just a few witching hours and the urge (cravings) pass.  This has to be a MUST in my life.  This is THE platform change for me.

Overall, good progress.  These are changes that I can sustain.  Not too radical, not too intense ... SIMPLE, but life changing.  Of course, I'm an impatient gal and want it all NOW.  But that's not the point.  All or nothing doesn't work for me.  Learning to accept something other than a straight line up or down.  Work in progress ... and the good news ... there is progress.

Off to run in the rain (needed a mind adjustment on this - lol).  Later gators.

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