Sunday, April 3, 2016

I'm sitting here trying to decide if I really want to put my "stuff" out there in cyber-land.  I hope someone eventually reads what I post (I like input and conversation!), but I don't really want anyone I know to see this ... I feel silly for writing and it feels self-absorbed.  I've posted on some forums over the years, but never anything just about ME.

But in the name of change and growth (that is the end goal), I'll give this a shot.

If you don't like how things are, change it!  You're not a tree. -- Jim Rohn

I'm a huge fan of one (or two!) liner motivation quotes.  And this one sums it up for me.  I want some balance, some zen mixed with hard stuff and I am determined to find my way.

Maybe writing will give me some accountability (even if it's just with me) and help me understand why I do what I do and don't always do what I should.

I'm tired of ongoing running injuries ... so I just started at a yoga studio ... hoping strength and flexibility (both of which I suck) will help me find a balance.

I'm getting ready to do my 3rd Whole30 (orthodox paleo for 30 days) to get me off the sugar train and back to eating real stuff.   I'm a classic yo-yo dieter and I HATE gaining and losing the same 20 lbs over and over.  7 years ago circumstances brought me to a 75 lb weight gain.  Jenny Craig got me back (thank God for that program) but I want something less packaged and more real.  I do binge-y eating at night and need to break that pattern.  I have no balance ... I'm "on" or I'm "off."

And I'm looking for just plain old personal growth.  I'm where I want to be professionally but I still want challenges in my life ... something that inspires and gets me pumped to be better (at something!) ... I LOVE Tony Robbins and am working on a repeat of his programs now.

Okay, that's enough for Day1 cyber world!

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