Thursday, April 21, 2016

Okay ... drum role please ...

Finally, my thoughts (notes) on Jim Rohn's lecture on DISEASES OF the MIND.

Negative is normal.  It's not successful, but it's normal.  You need to learn to handle it. - Jim Rohn

COMPLAINING (worst of all!)

All ways of being that are NOT productive, NOT healthy and can be fatally destructive to a good day, week, month, life, etc.

I find myself too easily knee deep in these behaviors.  Hello complaining!  

"Better thinking habits" create a better life.  We are what we think.  Thoughts (true or not) become our reality.

I want this post to serve as a reminder to me to limit these DISEASES.  Watch for them 'cause they will sneak up - invade the mind - ruin the day - block the OPENNESS.

Love me some Jim Rohn.  

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