The pedal meets the road today. Nothing but chores post hair appointment this morning. Never mind the actual packing for the trip -- I'm the slowest packer in the world so I like to divide it over two days. It's all the other stuff that I need to handle before we're gone that's getting me worked up.
And just when I think I'm finalizing all the things, fitting in everything, getting a handle on it all ... my youngest is exploring his proposal weekend in Asheville in January. I had offered and, of course, totally happy to have them at the house, but that means a set up visit and a clean up visit added to this scheduled that has me at my wits end. I didn't expect the proposal was going to be this soon when I offered.
Not even "loving my full life" thought feels like enough today.
Plumber comes this afternoon and we get to see if we need to open walls to figure out the dripping, banging noise that happens on/off -- especially when we run the washer.
The air has been a smoky, hazy mess last night and this morning. Makes your eyes burn. I guess it's from some fires, but nothing is coming up on google.
I might need to pause on feeling good today and just embrace the suck that is right now.
Monti threw up all over the bed yesterday so had to wash the blankets and comforter. This morning he had a strange moment, peed the floor before he could get outside (sometimes happens), but he fell over and couldn't get up. He seems fine now, but he'll need a bath today since he got pee soaked all over his side and back.
On a better news front, the shower plans are coming along. Lots of big things are done and dusted and that helps relax my mind. Last night was the first night in a long time that I didn't wake up with panic thoughts about the party.
The trick I need to use today is not thinking about what's coming up. One thing at a time. Trust the to-do list and my calendar. The next 2 days are about this trip. Asheville stuff doesn't need to be in my mind this week. Christmas decorating and planning can also wait until I get home -- nothing I can do in AZ.
Oh, and I also had a nice coffee chat with my girlfriend. I gave her the birthday experience gift and we talked a long time. Fun break in the day and another "thing" done and dusted that was weighing on me.
Hope your week is going well. I can't believe it's already Thursday. Later gators.
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