I was invited to join an oyster backyard party yesterday afternoon, but I didn't want to stress my back. Bummer to miss meeting neighbors and seeing another house. I'm so curious about what these cottages look like on the inside.
I did go downtown after all because I remembered it was the Saturday market and parking is free until noon. The teahouse was empty so I sat and had a chai and read a little. I walked the market and bought some local apples and GF trail bars for longer hiking. I'm taking them to AZ for the longer hikes (if I can manage them now).
Stopped at Trader Joe's for a quick shop. I saw racks of Mystery Bags -- I should have asked about them. I googled it this morning and it's a surprise package of TJs bags from different areas. Now I want one! I'll stop on the way home to see if I can find them. There were only a few left. I think they'd make fun extra gifts for Christmas.
My plan was to decorate in GA today, but I don't think my back is ready for the bending and gathering. This is putting me in "behind" mode.
Did I mention I'm modifying plans for Christmas this year? I did it and the plan is in action already. That feels good. Now whatever happens with guests, I'll still be primed for a nice holiday. And I've invited my son's in-laws and that feels inclusive -- the kind of person I want to be. They already accepted the invitation.
I'm really, really, really trying to enjoy this FULL LIFE few months, but it's hard. My back absolutely is sending me into all the feels of overwhelm and self-defeat. I know that's dramatic, but I guess I'm dramatic lol. I need to stay focused on the things that are going well and stop worrying about stuff ahead. Other than my back, nothing has gone wrong. Everything has actually gone right. So why do I feel defeated?
Before this takes a turn of too much wallowing, I'll say goodbye for today. Later gators.
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