Thursday, November 2, 2023

Leftover-Candy Cookies

How is it already Thursday? This week is flying. 

I've had a productive week so far -- I'd even say busy and now I'm pooped. I might need to take an extra rest day since I have a 9 mile hike on Saturday. 

I've been pushing my workout intensity and I can feel it. It's great to be able to push a little, but that means more rest days. I had a rest day on Tuesday, but ended up doing arms/abs and a 3 mile walk. Active rest isn't enough when the workouts are harder.

I might take some physical rest today, but I want to keep a full day. Lots and lots on my calendar still and moving through all-the-things is really helping the anxiety. I'm making good progress on everything.

Halloween was a nice evening. Hung outside with a couple of neighborhood friends. We had about 15 kids. Lots of big candy bars leftover (even with kids taking more than one at my urging). I buy the big bars so I don't eat any. Costco was out of the sour box I usually get (bought candy on Halloween afternoon). I decided to chop all the leftovers (KitKat, Hersey with almonds and Reece's PB cups) and make cookies for hubby. Used the crisco chocolate chip recipe for the batter. They look really good and baked up nicely.

Made for a interesting batter with
the KitKats chopped too. Almost
like a ground oatmeal crunch.

Hubby got home late last night. A box of Belgium chocolate awaits. I need to pace the taste testing. Sweets don't mix with recovery and poor sleep this week, but it's Belgium chocolate from the premier company. Won't let that go by untasted. He usually brings back the "lesser" brand because he doesn't have time to get to the other store. 

I actually hear him up so I'm cutting this short this morning. Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

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