Friday, December 1, 2023

SCS Ending

I'm down to the final chores before we leave. Packing is ALWAYS my least favorite part of the trip when I'm flying. Wish me luck. It'll probably take 2 hours to finish up this afternoon. 

Dogs are heading to the new sitter. She's an hour away (always about an hour in ATL). This is also a least favorite part of a trip. I know they hate it, but it's much nicer than boarding. It feels very sad when we walk out the door.

SCS (Brooke Castillo) announced 2024 is the last year. I'm not surprised. A number of the better coaches have left and there isn't great availability for one-on-one appointments -- all signs she's wrapping things up. I actually emailed and asked a month ago. Based on the reply, I guessed she was moving to a coach training program exclusively. She said another announcement is coming in the next few months. The good news is she's pushing to have this be the best year -- all group coaching will be done by her and she's offering a few new things. I'll stay as long as I feel the value -- the biggest being availability for private coaching calls. If that goes away, it won't be worth the money.

This is a forced letting go and I probably need it. Time to find something different. Maybe actual therapy to see what that brings? (If insurance covers enough of the cost, I'll give this a try first.) Maybe another life coach. I don't want to step away from help completely, but it's going to take a minute to see what's next. I'm glad I have a year to make a decision.

I'm working hard to focus on FS while I'm on this trip. It makes every travel experience more interesting and enjoyable -- every time. Running decisions and experiences through my FS lens. In a nutshell, staying present and noticing things and making an effort to do the little things that make my day interesting. Say yes to making that effort and not talking myself out of it because why bother. If I am interested, that's reason enough to explore. If things don't go as planned, the trip can still be a total success. That's in my control.

Leaving super early tomorrow. Not sure I'll check in unless I have something pressing on my mind. I'll be back next Sunday. This might give the bots a chance to go away again. Geez. 

UPDATE: I forgot I'm bringing my computer -- I usually don't if I'm flying, but I need to do some online Christmas shopping. I'll probably check in during the week. You're welcome, bots.

Later gators.

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