Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fall Back

I saw this on IG and it struck a chord. Do we do the "other" thing because we know how and not the thing we really want because the path is murky? It's something to ponder on when I look at my goals - both longterm and short term. End of the year is a beat away ...

Fall back this morning. I was up at 4:30 but it felt good - just knowing I COULD sleep in was enough to feel like I did sleep in. That and physical time in nature helps me sleep better.

It's a relaxed Sunday and I'll take it. Virtual bookclub, library book pick up and a couple of errands. Short Peloton ride and maybe a dog walk this afternoon. This week is full so a chill day feels right.

I leave for Hilton Head on Friday and 3 weeks later a week in AZ. Guess what's up?? Hello, travel anxiety. So predictable and annoying. I'm trying not to group the trips together - one at a time. I need to look at specifics of Hilton Head trip that are causing unnecessary worry and troubleshoot them.

An example ...

What if I get tired on the 6 hour drive?
Save podcasts for this week to listen to and plan a chat with friends. Also, I can stop whenever I need to stop. And the drive is easy once I get through Atlanta and Friday traffic. Maybe I need to look at timing too. No rush to get there and leaving a bit later might work better with traffic.

And so many more little wonky thoughts that a plan can help diffuse. Every single trip. My entire life. Geez. Luckily, it's usually over the minute I leave - knock wood.

The Hilton Head trip is a mix of alone time and friend time and a family afternoon. One thing I need to troubleshoot is alone time. I don't have a plan - or much of a plan. That's super unusual for me and it's giving me all-the-worries for some reason. I'm going to work on that this week. What's my go-to always? Cool teahouse or coffeeshop and a book. It's like a fun little adventure to find something interesting. My other go-to is vintage shopping. My last go-to is wandering - walk until the day becomes interesting. Now for some googling. 

Hope you're having a good Sunday. Later gators.

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