Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A Good List

I've turned nothing around. This mood has a strong hold. HORMONES (!!) 

So rather than complaining about the same-same-same, I'll focus on some good things that happened over the past couple of days. 

Let's do a list.

1. Volunteer breakfast was a big deal -- incredible speakers, lots of swag (including a long-sleeved t-shirt). I'm glad I attended.

2. Pedicure was relaxing. I found a new tech who gives the best foot massages. Winter pink color on my toes.

3. Lunch with the kids and my aunt was fun. We laughed a lot. We all got to taste test some liver spread because I asked a question (staying curious) -- totally gross, but fun to try. Nice thank you from my son's GF. Nice message from my aunt too. Feels good to foster relationships that matter most.

4. My aunt made me a picture for my bedroom. Hanging it today. 

5. I figured out a way to help a friend AND do it in a way that works for me. It wasn't anything important and that's why I wanted it to work for me too (without seeming like a jerk).

6. Really good conversation with an old friend -- about 3 hours and we talked about everything. Laughed a lot too.

7. Ladybugs are back and they're my "sign." Easy to find a sign during hatching season.

8. More shower planning done and dusted.

9. Continuing to try despite my mood. Moving forward. Practicing how I want to show up. Practicing what is important to me.

10. Remembering one-space after a sentence. Getting much better. Look at me being all young and hip haha. No more guessing my age from that email.

11. 31 years married. We'll celebrate on vacation next month. He's a keeper.

Hope you're having a good week or at least enough good for a little list too. Later gators.

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