Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Ring and A Cake

Oh how I wish I wasn't going to AZ for 8 days. I know this thought doesn't serve me, but holy cow ... what were we thinking planning this trip in December?!?! I guess we didn't expect a baby coming and an engagement and hosting Christmas with company.

Enough on that -- I need to find a better focus. This trip is happening and I WILL have a GOOD TIME. It's probably just what I need to pause and enjoy myself. 

I did get ahead on my list and it always feels good. I'll try for a little extra again today. 

Engagement planning was perfect. It's a great feeling to share this moment with my son. After the jeweler, we grabbed a lunch at a new (to me) place run by first generation family from Greece -- he and I share an interest in places with a story. Good food, good people. Loved everything about the day. I hesitate on pictures again because of the bots, but I'll share.

Center stone is from her mother's ring.

Special day.

The evening was stressful though. Problem with the pipes in the wall when the washer runs. Hubby is working on adjusting water pressure and vibration valves. It might mean opening a wall and a ceiling. Can't this what until AFTER I host this shower?!?! Eldest is stressed over a bunch of medical and insurance problems. Both he and my DIL are still sick from COVID and that's not helping to deal with problematic things. Not mine to fix, but I feel for him (them). Both things set off my "nerves" -- haha just what my granny called her anxiety.

I'm heading to a bakery today to order the shower cake -- it's about an hour away as is everything in ATL. This is the inspiration. How cute -- hopefully, we can get close to this design. One cake will be regular and one will be GF. I liked this idea better than 2 separate cakes. No one is that sensitive to cross contamination.

I'm assembling the shower invitations today for mailing this week. I ordered the tables and chairs. I tried to rent the plates and stemware, but the minimum for every place was at least $500. So I ordered glasses from Amazon. Just what I don't need -- more glassware, but I want this to look nice and I don't have enough to coordinate nice place settings. I'll probably swap out my other stemware for this new (vintage inspired) style after the shower because it's pretty. I'll bring plates from Asheville to complete the tables. 

Feels like we are bleeding money. It's our own doing with a few extras added on (bathroom on the rental, HVAC problems, etc). 


So what's fun today? I'm not sure. My first thought is a little taste test for the cake, but I hesitate that fun should be food. Goes against some of my FS stuff. I'll think on it. Maybe a little game to FIND something fun on my run-around today.

That's my Tuesday ahead. Hope yours is a good one too. Later gators.

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