Saturday, April 30, 2022


I had a full day yesterday and my back feels significantly better.  Gracias a dios!

We went out to dinner with friends we haven't seen since the pandemic.  Outside because that's how I try to role still.  This was the first time I went to dinner in over 2 years in GA -- I've only gone out to dinner in NC.  Selfie waiting for our friends.

I visited the local farm yesterday and chatted with the farmer about the pot of carrots.  Apparently, you can "winter' carrots, but the older ones won't be as tasty.  I thinned the pot and pulled some babies.  They taste good.

Nothing planned for today, but I have good stuff to do.  Plant things, long walk, rock painting and Spanish.  If I have time, I'll run to the paint store to get outdoor primer for the Little Free Library.  Haven't forgotten about it, but man it's the ultimate long-haul project.  (In my defense, it was postponed twice because of injuries -- the rest was pure lazy though!)

Hope you're set to have a good Saturday too.  Later gators.

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