Sunday, April 3, 2022

Yea for a Fun Day!

A little dramatic, but it was "life giving" to be out with people -- my people, for an entire day.  (Housebound for weeks sucks -- can't wait for my back to be fully better.)  We (I) had such a nice time.  Great conversations, laughs and good food.  It was a full house -- even my DIL's parents stopped by.

Here are some pictures:

Always on my lap ...

HEY -- we want to be outside too!

Family (!!)

The expression on my grand-dog's face ...
people talking is boring :)

Switching gears ... 

This book came last night.  I thought it would be an interesting read -- tapping into a creative side has been part of my future-self vision for a couple of years.  It's probably a bit over-my-head in terms of creative aspirations, but it's worth a read.  I took a peak, read one page about giving up reading for a week as a way to tap into your own creative thoughts (many artists use reading as a distraction) -- and POOF, inspiration.

NOT READING, but TV.  What if I gave up TV for a week?  I have a HUGE pile of books (I overdid the scarcity and my aunt gave me another book yesterday).  How would I fill my time?  I have lots of little projects and maybe this would get me moving on them.  Even if I need to rest with my back, I can rest and READ.  

I was looking for a little challenge a while ago and nothing felt interesting.  This does!  And a week is doable.  A month feels way too long.  And, my rule is no replacing TV with IG scrolling -- has to be reading or projects or creative stuff.  Since I can't rely on TV for entertainment (enjoyment, pleasure), I'll need to get creative to find it elsewhere.

Today is the first day -- where to find itty bitty fun?  Taking the dogs to the park this afternoon and I'll do a bit of rock gathering for painting.  Maybe a little green sprigs for my vase at home.  Life is in the small moments.

Spring is springing for me a little and I have high hopes April will move me back into a happy swing.

Have a good Sunday.  Later gators.

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