Monday, May 2, 2022

Art Show

Sunday I took my DIL and youngest's GF to my aunt's art show at her friend's house.  Are you still with me lol?!?!  It was a fun time and I bought a bunch of things -- all ordered.  The girls got some adorable framed pictures.  Everything was super affordable and so well done.  Pictures to come when I get the orders.

We hung at both homes so hubby could do handyman work for the kids.  Youngest got in trouble for having 4 dogs in the apartment when his GF got home (she doesn't like dogs).  Oops.  But free labor is free labor.  Hubby put together furniture and exchanged an overhead light.  

Lots of hiccups for Mother's Day plans because eldest's in-laws are coming back to GA to temporarily move back to CO until their house is finished.  Confusing, yep.  They picked Mother's Day to come back to do the move (without movers so that means the kids).  Interesting.  They never seem to think about other people when they change up plans over and over.  We switched up plans 4 times in the span of an afternoon because they can't make up their mind.  This is nothing new and hubby and I have said we won't bend for them anymore (now that they are moving here).  We can cancel plans, but we won't bend to accommodate their frequent last minute changes for no reason other than not thinking things through until the last minute.  So we made our plans for Sunday and we'll see if the kids end up joining us.  We'll have a nice day regardless.  No shade to the kids, but we need to do what we need to do too.  We've been walked over too many times by the in-laws and we're taking back our agency.

This week is fairly quiet (compared to last week).  Hubby is working from home.  Back is feeling better (woo hoo).  Still a ways to go but I think I have a Peloton ride in my future this month.

I'll leave with a couple of pictures of the baby garden.  Stuff has started growing.  More planting this week too.

Have a happy Monday.  Later gators.

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