Saturday, April 2, 2022

Family Day

I'm looking forward to today -- lots of family time.  One uncle, 2 aunts, kids, hubby and dogs.  In my world this is a big gathering.  Also seems like an early Easter since we're having ham and I only seem to have ham on Easter.

I have a full morning.  I need to make the mac-n-cheese and run to the store to replace this:

I set some things on the dining room table and Duke helped himself when I was out.  He's never done that before -- little brat.  He NEEDS to be run to get out that excess energy.

Lots of rock painting yesterday.  It's fun, but I need to figure out how to get cleaner lines and better coverage.  Next week I'll try using the tiny brushes and paint instead of the paint pens.  The pens dispense unevenly -- thin line then a glob.  I have a few designs I want to copy but there's no way I could do them yet.  But, again, these are good enough to leave around the woods.  The little sheep are my favorite.

I watched one episode of The Woman in White on Prime (PBS so there's a charge).  I'll buy the season --  it's good.  I was ready to purchase the book, but so many reviews about which edition and all said, good but long.  I have a big pile of books, so I went with TV.

I want to watch Brene Brown's HBO Max series too, but that's something to be in a specific mood to watch.

I'm reading The Second Mrs. Astor (Shana Abe).  I can't seem to get enough of period pieces lately.  Seems like I'm not the only one looking for an escape from modern times -- a number of my friends are doing the same.  And none of us are traditional historical fiction peeps.

Have a happy Saturday.  Later gators.

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