Friday, April 8, 2022

Plants are AMAZING

Quick story ...

I had two of the same plants side-by-side in little pots (when I ordered one a couple of years ago, they doubled my order in error).  Anyway ... they grew entwined and I had to take the 2 pots together to water, etc.  Yesterday morning, I spent 20 minutes untangling them, trimming and transplanting each into a bigger pot.  

I put the pots on separate tables because both won't fit on the plant stand in the bigger pots.  When I walked into the bedroom early evening, I found them like this -- they already found each other and are entangled again.  The vines had been hanging down with a big gap between them.  

Nature is CRAZY and AMAZING and I love plants :). Soul mates!

Lunch went off without a hitch yesterday.  I think my GF was on her best commitment behavior after cancelling last couple of times :)  We had a good catch up.

Then the Artist Date -- falafel.  I had no idea it's JUST chickpeas, green onion and herbs/seasonings -- no binding agents.  I thought there was no way the mixture would stay together, but it did.  They're DELICIOUS!  I ate them with pickled red onions and I can't wait for lunch today.

This is half the batch -- I'll freeze some today.

Dogs and I sat on the porch for a minute in the afternoon, but yellow pollen is at its peak and we were covered almost immediately from the trees behind the house.  It's the craziest thing this time of year.  I wiped everything down and it was yellow after 10 minutes.

My Easter rock bunny bowl is filling up.  I tried an owl yesterday -- not bad, but I need to clean up my lines more.  It's sloppy up close.

I have a chiropractor and acupuncture appointment midday.  I was planning to drop dog stuff to my eldest, but he's has a conference call at the time I'll be passing by -- unless appointment is quick or long.  We'll see.  

Ortho canceled my appointment for Monday and can't reschedule until the 27th.  Pisser.  I wonder if he has COVID?

Hubby comes home this afternoon.  Dogs will be happy to be walked.  I feel bad I can't take them out yet.

If my back is okay, I'm making a Spanish stew this afternoon.  I'll play that by ear too.

Have a happy Friday!  Later gators.

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