Tuesday, April 12, 2022

10 Days Done and Dusted!

Yesterday was a day of TWO LASTS -- last Spanish Level 2 class and last day of the 5 7 10 day TV Fast. I'm giving myself a gold star on both.

Spanish ...
SeƱora D changed the Monday night time to 6:45 for Level 3.  Too late for me.  6:15 pushed it (no mental clarity, especially with crappy sleep).  I ended up registering back where I started, Sundays at 3:15.  Sunday class doesn't start until May 15 though.

This 6 week (one skip week for Memorial Weekend) block includes 2 bookclubs, Mother's Day, Father's Day and my birthday.  Not ideal, but that's what I'm doing.  I'll do weekly private classes until it starts and maybe a few more private classes during Level 3.  She has some classes at 9pm (!!) At some point I might need to change to only private.

I figure, I might bag one class for bookclub ... or at least pop into say hi to bookclub (it's at 3 o'clock).  Summers aren't well attended for bookclub anyway.  We'll see ...

TV Fast ...
It was hard, it was good, it was worth it ... but I'm ready to watch again.  Hopefully, not back to hours and hours each day.  10 days got me out of the stuck loop of all afternoon-evening TV watching.  When I need to rest my back, it's an easy go-to ... too easy.

It also broke the snacking habit and for that reason I'm a bit "worried" about starting up again.  We'll see what today brings.  I have a full day and I overdid my back the last 2 days so I need to take it easy.

A few picture updates for this morning:

Plants are coming back to the porch.

Flowers from our neighborhood sale.
I need to plant them soon.

Hubby and me???
I tried lol!

New container for the ones
I want to leave in the woods.

I finally made the Spanish stew (lentils, cauliflower and potato) -- it's surprisingly good.  Lots of veggies that cook down and you're left with the cauliflower, lentils and potato and I swear you think it's meat.  I'll put this one on rotation again.  For now, I have a few containers to freeze.

I'll also make falafel again this week, but oven fry it instead.  They are so addictively good!

That's all this morning because I need to get moving.  New carpet cleaners coming at 9 o'clock and I have a lot to get ready.  Hubby is in FL this week for a conference.  

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

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