Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Lots of Little Updates

Let's do a list ...

(1) Coaching call was one of the better ones I've had because she took the reins a little and actually COACHED ME.  Most calls I feel like I need to drive the bus.  Maybe we're hitting a stride finally.

We talked about morning workouts and why having to let go of them is such a mind-blow for me.  Spoiler alert -- the panic is about what I'll lose mentally, not what I'll lose physically.  I know I'll get back the physical fitness, I'm scared I won't recover the mental slide.  Second spoiler alert -- there doesn't need to be a mental slide.  Faulty thinking that continues in the background from years ago.

Homework is letter writing to myself -- 4 letters.  I did the thank you letter to my body for protecting itself from a bigger injury.  It's kind of cathartic to write to yourself.

(2) TV Fast is going well.  Today is Day 5 and I have a few things I want to watch, but I'm not missing the act of watching TV (i.e. sitting on the sofa for hours watching and snacking).  I originally said 5 days, then one week and then 10 days.  Halfway.

(3). Monti's Cuddle belly bands came yesterday.  He needs to wear one at times because he's marking all over the house (carpet cleaners coming again next week).  These are soft and more like he's wearing a little belly fleece instead of an uncomfortable diaper.  They're designed for senior dogs with incontinence.  He didn't mind it at all.  The hope is the bands stop him from marking -- he was dry when he wore it.

The gate works great to stop him from using the front rooms, but then he started marking my bedroom and closet.  He goes outside 20 times a day and we had him tested for a UTI -- vet says it's regular old man stubborn issues.

(4)  A fellow foster recommended this additive for the wash -- she uses it when she washes dog diapers, but I got it for towels too.  I LOVE good smelling wash.  Haven't tried it yet but it smells nice.

(5) I'm reading The Artist's Way and it's more involved than I'm interested in pursuing, but I'm pulling things from the book that I want to try.  The base of her program (to tap into your creative side) is daily morning pages and a weekly artist's date.

Daily morning pages are 3 pages of handwriting journalling about anything and everything.  Stream of conscience -- you write them, but don't go back and read them.  It's like a thought download from Brooke Castillo.  

Weekly artist date is something you do SOLO and connect with creativity.  Walk in the woods, walk in an antique store, museum visit, etc.  It can be almost anything (think fun playdate), but you need to do it by yourself and explore your time intentionally.

I like the idea of both to experiment with while I'm healing.

(6) PT appointment today.  Last of the "free" ones.  Not sure if I'll continue at $200 a session.  I have an ortho appointment Monday to talk about options.

(7) Rock painting continues.  My favorite is painting the little houses from the rocks I find in the park.  This was the last rock -- need to "hunt" more.  I think that might be my artist date this week -- me, a park and a bag of rocks :)

(8) New recipe this week -- homemade Falafel.  Recipe says you have to start with dry beans so that'll be something new to try.  I'll look for them today, but might need to wait for a Whole Foods run to find them.

(9) Dress from Anthropology came last night.  I haven't tried it on yet but it's SO PRETTY!  I'm a little worried the waist will be too snug.  I'll wait a bit to try it on.  I'm sad the green dress order was canceled -- that one was my favorite.

That's all from here.  Full day again today so I better get moving.  Mulch delivery this morning, grocery store run, PT appointment and all the usual things as well.  I guess when you look for what you CAN do, you find a lot to do.  

Have a good day.  Later gators.

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