Thursday, January 6, 2022

No Hair Day :(

I dodged a COVID bullet.  My hair dresser called yesterday afternoon to postpone my hair appointment today. Her husband has been sick for a few days and (after several negative tests), tested positive.  We wear masks for the appointment, but with Omicron, who knows if that would be enough.  So far, she's not symptomatic and is waiting for a test appointment (all out of rapid tests -- it was his LAST test).  Ugh.  It's everywhere.  Hello, gray roots.  She'll text me to reschedule.

The cleaning crew is back to full masks again -- that's good news since it protects them house to house.  We masked and left and sprayed.  This feels like winter of 2020.  

I moved my January dentist appointment out a month.  Hopefully by the end of February things will have burned through and be back to lower numbers.  I go every 3 months so I have wiggle room.

The outside run yesterday was impossibly hard -- another energy issue.  I had palpitations in the afternoon, but not as bad as they've been.  If it weren't for COVID, I'd see an urgent care for an EKG, just to make sure.  The palpitations WITH the low energy (and low workout energy) make me SLIGHTLY concerned about an arrhythmia.  If it doesn't improve or gets worse, I will have to venture into some medical place though.  I think they're unrelated -- just timing issue with the energy.  BTW, nothing when I exercise, just extremely low energy which could be many things.

I watched a webinar given by my life coach last night.  It was mainly a sales pitch (which she said), but I wanted to see her in action.  She did a good job and it was interesting to get to know her a little more.

I have an open-ish day since no hair appointment.  A few errands, one grocery shop (I went to TJ's yesterday) and that's about all.  Rain this afternoon so nothing outside (I thought about taking the dogs to the park once it warmed up).  

Workout is arms today and I'm keeping it simple.  Recovery.  Taking a slow roll this morning and that also feels good.

Hope you have a great day and stay well out there.  Later gators.

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