Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Little Chip is a hot mess and the intake vet did a neglectful job (only a vet tech saw him).  I advocated hard to have an exam by another vet to get him proper care.  The new vet was reluctant sighting he just had an exam and they "agreed" with the decision based on that exam.  I kept saying HE WASN'T EXAMINED (!!)

I pushed and pushed.  He got the exam yesterday (6 hours) and is scheduled for surgery on Thursday.  The vet was shocked at what they missed.  Yep, I told you he was very sick.  Hang in there, little man.  Fingers crossed he survives the surgery -- he's so sick.

I had massive anxiety over the exam.  Specifically, what if I was wrong -- egg on my face big time.  But, I reminded myself advocating for those who can't is always the right decision.  If I was wrong, I was wrong.  Reminding myself didn't help much during that fitful sleep, but it did yesterday.

Anxiety feels manageable again.  Whew and phew.  That feeling is no joke.

What also helped the anxiety is that I went item by item and problem solved some scenarios.  I'm worried hubby will contract COVID from his work travel this month.  I didn't have a house plan for if he got sick.  All planned now and he agreed to the setup for isolation too.  I turned in the coaching HW.  I wrote lists.  I got organized.  Plans relax me a lot.

I have a perfectly nest-filled day today.  I don't need to go anywhere.  Coaching call and hanging around the house.  Strong morning routine, a few chores around the house and nothing else.  Maybe a puzzle again.  Maybe a phone chat with my good friend.  Some reading -- magic book is okay, but I'm still in the character introduction stage so no flow yet. I have a couple of recommendations on TV (All Creatures Great and Small; Hacks).  Also, last episode of the new Dexter recorded.  I hope it comes back for another season.

It was a long day with Chip yesterday so I'm glad for a quiet day today.  I waited about 2 hours outside the vet (no going inside thankfully) and then they asked to keep him.  Went back for another hour plus before we were done for the day.  Poor baby.  

Today feels like an upswing -- Chip is getting the help he needs, anxiety is under control AND I have a hair appointment on Friday (my hair is a mess right now with really dark roots).  I could use a nail appointment but that needs to wait until numbers are under control again.  Funny how much better I feel when the outside is all tidied up too.

Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

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