Saturday, January 8, 2022

Cozy at Home

I think the combination of things (post-holidays, COVID numbers, energy, weather) is leaving me happy to be a homebody for a little bit.  Next week has a few things, but only one day of early morning stuff.  

I'll take it.  

With low energy comes a low mood and that's another reason being home feels safe and good.  I like not seeing anyone and not having anything social pending.  I don't have to "pretend" to be upbeat or join the collection complaining about the state of affairs that makes me feel anxious.

I'm sure this will turn and I'll be suddenly lonely and want to see people, but for now this is nice.

I finished Will Smith's book.  It got a lot better (for me) once it hit the television days since that's the Will Smith fame I remember.  Still, about half the length would've worked just fine.  Onto something new today.  Stay tuned ...  

Here's another jacket I got awhile ago in Asheville.  It's super thin, but VERY warm.  It was finally cold enough to wear it yesterday.  And, Monti got to wear his fleece jacket too -- handsome pup!

Today is the dreaded new computer setup day.  If all goes well, I'll be on the new computer tomorrow.  If all doesn't, I'll still be using this old one until I figure the out the transition.  If I don't check in, well, you know -- time to call the Apple Ladies.  Other than moving over pictures, I don't plan to move anything else.  I want to clean start the links I use now.  Is that a good idea???  That way BOTH computers should be fine.  Maybe they're both fine either way.  I'm really, really daft when it comes to computer knowledge.

I was able to finish a Peloton ride yesterday, but it was HARD.  I think today will be a rest/recovery day.  I usually have a plan for the week, but I'm doing it little differently right now.  I need more rest days in the schedule when I feel like I need to rest.  

That's enough babble.  Have a great weekend and stay well.  Later gators.

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