Friday, January 7, 2022

Already Friday ...

I HATE this low energy thing again.  It's like moving through sludge.  Tired without being sleepy.  I get it for a couple of weeks a month these days -- and it's back since I stopped the Ashwagandha.  I forgot how low I go.

I'll try a bit of a workout today, but I have no idea if I can muster much at all.

Chip is proving to be a complicated case.  Vets are super reluctant to do his dental because of his HEART now.  Funny, that wasn't an issue and now it is -- nothing has changed.  But, he's smelling a bit better.  Maybe this was infection that's clearing up with the antibiotic.  Won't I have egg on my face?!?  I never regret advocating for a foster dog though.  He's getting another exam and labs on Monday and we'll see what's what.  The vet said he had a dental infection, not an upper respiratory infection.

He's looking a lot better and is starting to hang with us more.

This is how he started 10 days ago AFTER they cut the mats completely covering his eyes.  I won't show the horribly graphic pictures.

Anyway ...

The Will Smith memoire is too much.  Cut 50% -- easily.  I have no interest in knowing THAT much detail about all the things.  It's not the juicy stuff either.  The time he put his girlfriend's things on the lawn and burned them -- one page.  His apology -- one paragraph.  Recalling his first club experience -- 10 pages.  I hope it gets better once it gets to his TV days.  

Trader Joe's has some new prepared refrigerated meals.  I got the vegan shepherd's pie with cauliflower mash on top.  It was really good.  Enough for 2 meals.  I wish I bought more than one.  

That about all from here.  I have some chores and a couple of errands I pushed back from yesterday because of crazy storms.  Fingers crossed my energy starts to improve.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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