Sunday, January 23, 2022


Spanish class hoy (today)!  Wish me suerte (luck).  I'll report back tomorrow -- and I promise I won't be pseudo-Spanish writing the words I know ALL the time :)

My energy is slowly climbing again.  This seems to be the best hormone time right after my cycle.  I can't even describe how strange and low my energy feels some weeks.  Most of my friends were finished by early 50s.  I'm still crunching AND I started when I was 10 (!!). 

Hubby wants me to go to the watch store with him before my class so he can purchase his delayed Christmas gift.  He flies out to VA tonight.  Morning routine, watch store and Spanish class is my day in a nutshell.  

Here's what I'm reading.  I ordered the book used and this is the first book to come in bad condition.  It's still readable though.  Last in the group and it's my least favorite so far.  I thought I'd give it a chunk more reading (I'm at 200 and it's 750 long) before I might ditch it.  I loved all the other books though so I'm still holding hope the stories come together and I want to finish it.

I finished watching the second season of Cheer (Netflix).  It felt less exciting and more depressing because of COVID, Jerry being a predator and a few other people having rough times.  That said, I enjoyed it and the competition episodes were exciting to watch.  These kids have incredible talent.  

Probably starting Ozark next -- I think 7 episodes have been released.  

Had a long chat with my bff yesterday while I made black bean burgers.  It was nice to catch up.  This is another relationship that feels a little off, but yesterday felt more like the friendship I know.  For simplicity, I'd say she's having a little identity crisis (mid-life crisis) and she's acting a bit full of herself.  It's been going on for a year since she was forced into a new position at work.  That's my armchair diagnosis, at least.  Life is about her and all her things are The Most.  She seemed more herself yesterday ... or maybe I was more myself.  Either way, it was a good catch up.  

It looks like another week of winter here in ATL.  Not complaining (totally) but it is putting a damper on outside gathering (coffee, etc).  In my mind, I'm planning on pseudo hibernation until at least mid-February because of weather and COVID.  I'm using this time as ME time to work on coaching and Spanish and fostering.  

Speaking of dogs -- got to run.  Have a fun Sunday and stay well.  Later gators.  

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