Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Indulgent Thoughts

I'm still listening to coaching call replays inside Brooke Castillo's coaching program.  Something that's hitting for me right now is the idea of indulgent thinking.

Overthinking something as a way of not actually taking action.  Making a decision about something and still thinking about the done decision over and over.  Indulging in the thoughts and feelings so that I don't need to think about anything new (like future goals, etc).

That's me when it comes to a number of the "new" things I've worked on over the last few years.  I STILL overthink them to death even though I live those decisions now.  I also indulge in complaining thoughts too.  Rehashing prickly situations -- even situations when I set successful boundaries.  Thinking about it and giving myself a pat on the back for doing well.  Sounds good, right?  Not when I think about it as much as I do -- that's buffering with old news thoughts as something that feels familiar and comfortable.

I'm practicing NOT doing this so when I notice I'm indulging, I redirect my thoughts to something future oriented.  Man, it's not easy, but I think it's important.  It's crazy how "comforting" it feels to rehash old stuff in my head -- like watching a movie 20 times.  

I'm not talking about remembering a fun memory or remembering a lesson I need.  It's different and I know when I'm doing it.

It takes a surprising amount of energy to look for new things to think about, but I know indulgent thinking is holding me back from growing.  It's like a speed limiter -- move forward, brain freaks out, spend a day in indulgent thinking to slow things down to feel safe.

Case in point yesterday -- I worked out my thoughts/feelings about the friend situation and then started thinking about it all over again.  Why????  No need, no purpose.  I stopped it, but it came up several times on replay.  Good lord, my brain is persistent.  

Next steps in my thought work.  Is there always another level?  Coaching call today with no set agenda.  I'll start talking and see where it goes. 

Have a great day.  Later gators.

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