Yesterday ended up being a bit of a mixed bag.
My energy was LOW all day -- so low that it was almost like I was sick without feeling sick. I'm on the hormone swing again. And, now hubby was up several times snoring last night and taking out Chip (with a flashlight). I was awake from 10:30 until 3:00. Once I wake up during the night, it's a crap shoot whether I'll fall back to sleep with any ease. I don't expect much more energy today.
Spanish class was great, but also a mixed bag. (BTW, the family stayed quiet!!). At the end of class, the instructor read some dialog stories for us to figure out the gist of things. I had no problem hearing enough to understand enough ... BUT, I don't like the shout-out-the-answers style participation, especially on zoom. So I stayed quiet and that made her think I didn't know the answers. Then it was all about me and how it's okay that I didn't understand, etc.
For some reason that bothered and flustered me when she singled me out to answer question after question. I didn't want to defend myself so I just acted like she was right. Yuck.
I need to show up as myself. It was strange and awkward. I'll show up better next time. Guess I'm learning Spanish AND some life lessons. Also, LOTS to learn this week and I'm all for it. It's such a good class. Mixed bag, but actually all good for me -- even the prickly parts.
I'm meeting a girlfriend at an outdoor shopping center this afternoon to walk, shop (they require masks -- not sure if they enforce the rules though) and then an outdoor coffee. I'm glad for the face-to-face time today. This is the GF who's been watching her granddaughter again -- they have a sitter back in place starting today so I'm expecting a lot less cancel and change with her.
Speaking of change, hubby changed up his travel this week and is leaving tomorrow instead of today. I'm glad to have him an extra day. He's been traveling a lot.
I finished Anxious People (Fredrik Backman). Good story, unusual storytelling, lots of good messages. I have a few books coming today (don't judge me lol!) so I'll pick from the new pile. I'm in the mood for light-hearted, easy reads and my home pile didn't have any options left.
Best get going. I need to plan out the week (so I leave time for a lot of Spanish study -- I'm going to need it) and I want to write on a journal prompt from Brene Brown on two core values.
Have a great start to the week. Later gators.