Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Weekend

I video chatted with Blue's new mama -- it's going to be a good life for this little man.  They're picking him up this morning.  I'm ready for just our Fab 4 group again (2 people, 2 dogs, lots of peace-n-quiet).  We'll be ready to foster in January again -- hopefully, a little senior.

Christmas decorating is on the agenda for the rest of the weekend.  Add a little grocery shopping and I'm doing nothing else.  

I started a list of holiday movies to watch -- going to try something new this year.

I had a headache yesterday and I'm 99.9% sure this is hormones.  Perri came early this month and I didn't have my usual week of headaches.  This felt the same.  I have had a very isolated 2 weeks (only grocery stores) so I can't imagine this is anything else.  I feel better-ish this morning, but a low key headache is lingering in the background and that made for restless sleeping.  Anytime you feel a little "off," you start to wonder ... hard with Perri hormones and seasonal allergies this year.

I found my 2020 list.  Not bad, considering the year.  I'll do a year-in-review and a 2021 post late December.  I started both a couple of years ago and I like this tradition.  It's fun to reflect back and dream forward.

Keeping things short today.  Duke gave me a wakeup when I was sound asleep -- I'm only half awake typing now LOL.  Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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