Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Christmas Aftermath

It was a super couple of days.  We had a lot of fun, played around, ate, drank and overall ... just laughed a lot.  We did have a WHITE CHRISTMAS -- at least a dusting white.  Monti got us up in the middle of the night to go out and because of the storm and the sleeping arrangements, we took him out front.  Two dog and hubby and I walked in the snowflakes.  It was peaceful and a nice Christmas moment.

The books and chocolates for Christmas Eve were a hit (I need to get the picture from hubby -- they were beautiful little artwork bites).  This was a one and done tradition because my family isn't super into books, but I got them coffee table books about watches and that's was exactly the thing.  My DIL got a fiction book and the youngest a book about the Enneagram (he's into that too).  I wouldn't be able to find fitting books for the boys next year.  Still ... we enjoyed it. 

I ate myself senseless with sweet treats -- all GF.  Totally worth every bite.  Stuck to the Seedlip Mock-tails and enjoyed not drinking.  I missed red wine a bit, but not enough to want to drink the bottle hubby got as a gift from work.

The Christmas Eve small plates were really good.  Tons more work than I realized in the vision stage LOL, but it was fun.  Lasagna turned out perfectly fine for Christmas dinner too.  I'm whipped from kitchen cooking and cleaning.  Looking forward to seeing some healthy meals again.

Kids bought me an air frier for Christmas.  That's going to be fun to play with -- I have lots of frozen appetizers left from Christmas to have for New Years that will be a perfect way to use it.

I'm left with a lot of holiday carnage -- bedrooms to put back together, clutter, Christmas decorations to put away, etc.  I'm giving myself all this week to get the house back in shape.  No rush.  NOTHING else on the calendar except taking care of ME.

My monthly didn't come -- ut-oh.  This might be a skip month.  Still have a few days before I jump to that conclusion.  Glad it stayed away, but I want it to be over too.  Can't have both.

This weekend's plan is a super relaxing couple of days -- I'm focusing a lot on downtime and reading and doing what I want to do.  I'll fix up the bedrooms and I already cleaned the final kitchen holiday mess this morning.  Next week is the other stuff, but not yet.  That was a marathon from Thanksgiving to Christmas (!!)  As usual, I'm over the holidays, but it was a great month.  We don't do much celebrating for NYE -- never have and I worked most years.  This week is the clean up, next week is the reflections (looking back and planning forward).  I love that week -- everything is clean and happy and it's a fresh plan forward. 

Have a happy day too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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