Tuesday, December 1, 2020

That's Better

What a difference it makes when I "force" myself to do good habits (ones that make me feel good) even when I don't feel like it.  Things feel better again.

I problem-solved some stuff with Blue and it worked well.  A little crating while I worked out and walked my dogs and an attitude adjustment for me.  I had (falsely) decided he was destructive in the house and couldn't be trusted.  That made me paranoid to not have eyes on him at all times.  The truth is he chews shoes (which I put away) and a braided rug (which hubby hates) and that's it.  He needs to be watched a bit, but not hypervigilantly and that relaxed me.  He (we) had a good day.

I also have a promising application for him -- talking to her today.  

One thing that works well for me is whenever I'm looking forward to anything, I also make a Plan B in case something changes.  Kids are back and were set to come over on Sunday.  Day 8 since their flight and we felt fine about it -- masks on, windows opened.  We haven't seen them for a few weeks because of my DIL's work exposure and then their visit to CO.  Turns out, her parents are driving to HH and sleeping over at their apartment this week.  We canceled having them over -- back to quarantine.  Onto Plan B.  

There would've been a day that I would be upset or annoyed about the situation.  These days -- I go with the flow a lot better.  I credit doing things that feel good.  I'm not as externally dependent on circumstances to feel good.  

Also, it's a real possibility that Christmas will be mucked up too.  I have Plan B AND Plan C set.  I'm not counting on anything this year except my own ability to find something happy in the day.  Might sound a bit silly, but for a few months, I was super low and life felt disappointing.  I can't live that way through the entire pandemic.  This is the Mt Everest of opportunities to practice being present in a different way.

I didn't shut the basement door when I worked out yesterday.  I ran, stretched, started a meditation and then noticed 4 paws under the workout room door.  Both my guys were waiting outside for me.  I let them in and sat back down to finish my meditation.  Nope, this is what meditation looks like instead -- kisses and laughing. 

This mirror is a shoe store mirror I bought from a vintage store years ago.  My youngest loves shoes and he had it in his room.  He didn't want it anymore so I use it as a floor yoga mirror.  

Not a lot on the agenda today.  It's COLD and very windy so dog walk in the afternoon.  Peloton ride and my morning routine.  Maybe I'll start a few Christmas to-dos.  

I finished The Hidden Life of Trees.  I skim read the last half -- it got very detailed and that was more than I wanted.  If this was an essay or a long article, I would give it high marks.  As a book -- way too long and way too much information for me.  Super interesting, but it would've been helpful to have pictures of the trees instead of just descriptions.  I'm not familiar with a lot of the varieties and it would be interesting to see pictures of the growth issues that he discussed too.

Let's find some more "self-happy" today.  Stay well.  It's a mess out there.  Later gators.

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