And that means a kitchen day (!!)
I made Forgotten Cookies yesterday and they got a little color -- maybe it's the nuts that are doing it. I usually make them plain or with chocolate chips and they stay bright white. They're also a little chewier than I'd want. Goodness, easiest cookies in the world and yet ... second sort of flop, although they taste great. I might try one more batch today. It's my GF cookie choice.
I also made cranberry bacon jam for the scallops. At first, I thought maybe another flop because the bacon wouldn't get crispy. I think I pulled it off though -- sure smells good.
Today I'll make the 4 sauces I need for the remaining food, cook the steak and make the crostini for tomorrow. I'm also doing the setup -- bar, table and serving dishes. That will save a good deal of time. Tomorrow is the busiest day.
Chatted with 2 girlfriends yesterday and that was a nice break in the day. Fun conversations. Hubby and I took the dogs on a nature walk which tires them out so beautifully. Lot of connection time.
I finished Save Me the Plums (Ruth Reichl). It was good -- memoir about the Gourmet magazine and the food industry. There are a few recipes scattered throughout too. It was the right length and moved quickly. Focusing on Dear Wife (Kimberly Belle) -- also a fast read I have on kindle. The Jen Hatmaker bookclub box arrived, but I'll wait to open it until after Christmas -- something fun for next week.
I listened to The Tim Ferriss Show podcast with an interview with Dr. Martine Rothblatt. It was probably with most interesting conversation I've listened to in a long time. This is an amazing woman and I won't do her life's work justice -- well worth the listen. I was inspired to get a subscription to Scientific American. Kind of funny since I was reading a book about magazines and, essentially, their demise in the digital world. I choice the magazine because that's how I prefer to read. I think both hubby and I will enjoy it.
Still no chocolate in the mail from the big order for Christmas Eve. Nuts. This could be shipping delays. I selected the option for a Christmas delivery and it should have come by now. I've ordered from them before and it came about a week before the delivery choice.
I saw this DIY project that I want to do next year (if I remember). Looks so pretty. I might even try it this winter -- it's doesn't have to be for Christmas.
Time to get moving. Full day. Have a happy one and stay well. Later gators.
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