Monday, December 21, 2020

The Slide to Christmas

Final prep days before Christmas -- I need to hold on tight.  Lots to do, but I want to make sure I enjoy this time too.  Balance is hard.  Balance with FULL PMS is harder.  I want to climb into bed for a few days ... energy is zapped, motivation is gone, etc.  It's all hormones, but DANG (!!)  

I had a full, fun day yesterday.

The Christmas zoom call with my high school gals went well.  The intentional gathering experiment with "Christmas show-n-tell" was perfect.  It was a lot of fun to see what people chose and hear the stories behind the decorations.  One of the girls gave us a full tour -- loved it!  I'm absolutely going to focus on intentional gatherings once we can gather again.

Bookclub was okay.  I like the conversations about books, not necessarily about the book we read.  At the end of the call, someone mentioned a book that I loved and I mentioned that I read it because someone else said it was the best book they've ever read.  That kind of recommendation is too good to pass on.  That started the group telling the best book they've read this year.  So fun and now I have a new list.  P.S.  I finished Braiding Sweetgrass.  The first half was better -- the second half was a lot of the same so it started to feel long and repetitive.  That said, it was a beautiful book.

We picked up the missing package from our old neighborhood.  The new paint on the house looks great -- didn't think I'd be a fan, but it looks nice.  Driving through made me glad we made the move.  That's always a nice validation.  Smaller neighborhood is definitely our speed.

Today I'm making the crab cakes.  Funny enough, PMS week (did I mention this LOL) gives me bad vibes in the kitchen too.  I usually mess up and this week is NOT the week to mess up.  I'm kind of dreading it all.  I need to do a massive turn around on this attitude or it will come true ;)

Arms/yoga day and, hopefully a long walk outside.  Clear my head, get some podcast listening going.  Maybe the pups to the park today too.  Time outside will do me good.

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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