Perri is HERE (!!) Praise be -- about a week late with an extra long lead-in time ... but she's here and I can start feeling like myself in a couple of days (and I can stop talking about it until next month).
Anyway ...
Yesterday was a good day. I finalized my 21 for 2021 list and reviewed the other lists. 20 for 20. Things That Make Me Feel Good. Things That I Wouldn't Have Done Without the Pandemic. Getting ready for the year-in-review and the year forward.
We took the dogs to the park on a perfect day. Sunny and high 50s. The only downside was since peeps and kids are off, the park was crowded. We could still avoid coming in contact with people, but it was a little distracting.
I have a lot of errands today -- relatively speaking. I realized I haven't been anywhere except the park in almost 2 weeks. Grocery store runs, ATM for cash, pickup hair clippers from my hairdresser (hence the cash). She was nice enough to get me a pair from the professional supply store -- enough cutting hubby's hair with beard trimmers. All errands in opposite directions. I'll get some podcast car time today.
I have a list for home chores too. That will round out a full day. Grocery store run will feel good. We are officially on empty. I've been using up as much as I can from Christmas shopping. Last of "using up" happening for New Year's Day. Making a Cobb salad (use up eggs, bacon and chicken) and making ricotta toast 2 ways. I've been seeing this all over Instagram and I have a small container to use. One with tomatoes and basil, the other with nuts and honey.
The chocolates came and, boy oh boy, they're going to be good. The brand is called Monastery -- Trappistine Nuns of Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey. I saw them highlighted years ago on some show and have ordered from them a few times. Reasonably priced, great customer service and the chocolates are delicious. They started with chocolate hazelnut melt-aways, expanded to caramels and now do a range of other goodies. I ordered individual boxes this year instead of the combo box. Well done, ME. Now I can use them for multiple groups (hubby, kids, fire pit happy hour).
I read a quick book from my girlfriend yesterday. The Feel Good Effect (Robyn Conley Downs). It's like a watered down version of Brook Castillo and a few other mindset coaches. My girlfriend isn't into self-help reading, but she wants to start and she bought it for both of us. It's a good book for someone putting a toe in the water. I didn't get much out of it, but I've been doing self-help for a longtime and it was a little basic for me. It'll be fun to chat about it though. I think it's a great book for a first go for her.
I'm not ready to read the bookclub selection yet (it's a little early) and the other books won't arrive for another 10 days. What's left on my shelf are non-fiction and I wasn't in the mood for those last night. Long story shorter (!!), I downloaded a suspense for free because of my digital credits (hence books not arriving yet). The Wife (Alafair Burke). So far, so good. First person, easy read. Just what I was in the mood to read.
BTW ... my girlfriend wants the Jen Hatmaker planner which makes me happy it has a home. And happy I don't need to mail it anywhere (UPS store is hit/miss with masks).
Next week (post holidays) I'm going to do a post on each of my lists that I reviewed yesterday. It's fun to reflect and plan. I switched over my planner and calendar yesterday too. I enjoy the fresh start feeling. Only big thing left is Christmas un-decorating and that might be a little later than usual. IF I can muster it tomorrow, it'll be finished this week -- otherwise, nope. No matter, the ornaments will be organized next week once the holders arrive, but I could leave that in a corner and finish the rest. My only reason to push for this week is hubby is home to help carry the big storage boxes.
Lots of rambles this morning. Time to get moving for my early grocery run. Hopefully, it won't be a holiday madhouse. Fingers crossed. Stay well. Later gators.
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