Today we have drywall and paint contractors ALL OVER the house to do settlement repairs. I've been dreading this since the pandemic started. I'll stay clear as best I can and air out the house after. They'll wear masks, but I'm not sure if they are strictly wearing them (ie are they pulling down over nose). The biggest repair is in our closet after a roof leak. That feels invasive, like there's no safe spot in the house. This should be the last of the indoor work. Fingers crossed.
Jen Hatmaker did a collaboration with Susanne Stabile to offer a discount on an audio Enneagram program. I chose the Safety and Security 4.5 hour long presentation and listened to the entire program while I cooked and cleaned yesterday. It was a deeper dive into how numbers behave and it was super good. The deeper I go into Enneagram, the more I see how it's helpful -- like self-therapy.
Tuscan red sauce is finished and ready for Saturday. I forgot how unusual it is -- no garlic, no spices, no basil. A little red onion, celery, carrot, cup of wine, beef and tomato puree. It's simple, but the process is important and it takes about 3 hours to make start to finish.
I made a new vegan dish for dinner and it was delicious. I didn't have the pepita seeds and planned to use almonds instead, but I forgot -- didn't miss it at all. I have enough of everything to do an encore meal. Roasted sweet potato half moons, black beans, lime, cilantro, green onion and avocado. It's good warm and leftover. I ate all I made, so no leftovers (!!) Picture before I added the avocado.
I LOVE the Peloton. I did another ride yesterday and it felt much better. I ended with a 1/2 yoga session to stretch and get some arms going. I expect I'll be ready to ride regular classes by next week. The intro classes are 20 minutes total time and very basic -- still fun though.
New Trader Joe flowers. All these for $10. Can't beat it.
Brooke Castillo had a good podcast this week. Desire. Lately, her podcasts miss for me, but this was classic Brooke. False desires verses true desires. Worth a listen.
It was a productive day (I also got some reading time). I can't wait for the work to be finished today so I can disinfect the best I can and be DONE with it. Speaking of a worry day, I'll leave with this poem Hoda posted on Instagram. I love Mary Oliver's work and have a book on my nightstand. Stay well. Later gators.
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