Friday, October 30, 2020

Lucky Day

A lot of the area is without power and with some serious storm damage.  Boy, I'm lucky.  Power might take DAYS to be restored (a friend said Sunday night -- ugh).  We weathered the storm with some blown porch furniture and only quick power interruptions.  

I'm going to attempt a Trader Joe's run this morning.  I'm not sure if I can get there with the road closures. I called yesterday and they have power, so I'll try.

I made goodie bags for trick-or-treaters.  We won't get many (last year was 4 kids) and I'll wear a mask.  Bags for the little kids and a choice of a lanyard light stick or Halloween sunglasses for the older kids.  It's cool stuff and I hope it's a hit.  Finger puppets (animals and dinosaurs), stickers and a wind-up "monster."  No candy.  Why??  Because I didn't need the temptation during PMS week.  Also, we have no idea how many kids this year and this kind of stuff saves for next year too.  I have a lot of leftovers of the little stuff.

Hornet Flight (Ken Follett) is a great book.  He's such a fantastic author.  I've read a lot of his books -- Pillars of the Earth is a favorite.  I read World Without End too (sequel to Pillars).  He has the PREQUEL to Pillars too.  It's a mighty long book and it gets just so-so reviews.  Maybe one day, but not this year with my very, very long reading list :)  Still no JH bookclub box, but it should come in the next few days.  I have a few more days to finish Hornet Flight anyway.

I did another Peloton ride yesterday.  It's so fun!!  I'll be doing other workouts for the next couple of days, but when I ride again, I'm trying a "regular" 30 minute class to see what's different.  I think it's only how much they explain what's what.  Maybe it's harder -- I'll see with fresh legs so I should be able to do it.  I'm already riding better.  

A neighbor is having their INDOOR Halloween party tonight.  45 people going.  Stupid is as stupid does.  If just one person has COVID, they are all at significant risk.  Totally irresponsible.  It was an evite so I can see who's going and I'm surprised at some of the names.  What are you thinking??

Hubby comes home tonight.  

That's all the news from here.  Hope you are happy and with power.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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