Last week was a doozer -- mental rollercoaster. It feels good to leave it behind and start fresh with a fun week ahead. I think I've kicked the Jelly Monster to the curb (for now).
The Mushroom Beluga Lentil Stew was (is) really tasty. I'd do a few things differently next time. I cooked the lentils in the pressure cooker and it was a pain to retrieve the herbs. Everything went in whole. I'd either chop them or put them in cheese cloth. The rosemary and whole pepper corns were the hardest. I also got too heavy handed with the emersion blender. I would take out more of the chunky mushrooms before I blend. It tasted great, but looked like a bowl of mush. Otherwise, it was perfect -- the flavors are spot on.
Next up is the carrot soup. I'm going to hold off until Sunday to make it since I have leftovers of everything else.
Football afternoon proved to be a craving hell -- damn that chocolate. I couldn't get it off my mind, so I took Duke for a walk while everyone was upstairs. That was enough of a change of scenery to knock it out of my head. I know I would've regretted eating it because it's the kind that tastes overly sweet as soon as you finish. Not worth it, not my favorite, not very good. Something about gathering for football makes me want to snack. I'm trying to change that association. It felt like I was moving a mountain (!!)
As I mentioned last post, this week has a BUNCH of good, fun things. We added the pasta making dinner for Saturday. It's the continuation of my DIL birthday celebration since we couldn't do it all without hubby home. Thursday (grocery shopping) and Friday (making sauce) and I need to get to the liquor store and to the farm to get fresh tomatoes (fingers crossed). I might have missed tomato window. I'll call before I go -- it's an hour away, but they were amazing tomatoes.
Hopefully, my car will be ready early this week too.
I was planning a Gibbs Garden visit and a few park walks, but the week is nicely full. I have exactly ZERO things for next week so I'm going to spread the love and hold on some of these ideas. I'll have an adjustment being home alone next week since hubby has been here for 2 weeks and nature time will be good for my head.
Today isn't particularly fun, but it is full. I have a lot of office chores (aka bills to pay) and errands to run. Duke needs a booster, Monti needs more eye drops. Our builder is coming to look at a fix for our warrantee on a warped window. Lots of little things to fill the day.
Last but not least, the book my girlfriend sent me ... Big Summer (Jennifer Weiner) was reading along nicely and then it suddenly became AWESOME! I didn't know there was going to be a mystery. I have about a third left and now I want to savor it.
Speaking of books -- the JH Atlanta Chapter book club should be meeting this Sunday. That will be something to look forward to since hubby will be traveling to VA.
Have a happy, good, fun, whatever-you-need day. Hello, new week. I'm ready. Stay well. Later gators.
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