Jen Hatmaker is a fan of the Enneagram and did a podcast series recently. One of the big bookclub peeps asked for Enneagram podcast recommendations. I'm falling down the rabbit hole and I'm totally here for it. A bunch of recommendations added to my list. My podcast listening has been a little skimpy because I'm not in the mood for some or the subject matter isn't particularly relevant to me (business talk, etc) -- that kind of thing. Glad to have some I'm excited about again.
I started The Vanishing Half (Brit Bennett) yesterday. Turns out my DIL has read it and loved it. It has over 12K reviews and gets super high marks. Yea!!
It's Monday and a new week. I like to plan the week out -- either Sunday night or Monday morning. A loose plan helps give structure to life in a pandemic.
Looking for a balance of just-for-fun and productive stuff. Thinking of trying to get a friend-together in the backyard for Friday night (the FUN). I have a coaching call tomorrow -- something just for me. I want to take a Gibbs Garden walk this week too -- time in nature.
The productive is CLEANING. Oh boy. This time I'm planning to spread it out over a few days and see how that feels on my back. I also need to revamp my bookshelf in my office closet. Now that I'm buying more actual books instead of kindle, I need to reallocate some space.
Surprising enough, productive and fun BOTH feel good. One without the other doesn't feel as good.
I'm going strong on my second 50 day challenge. The day the kids come over is the hardest eating day -- I always want to eat more than I need. The kids brought back gourmet donuts from their trip to Charleston. We cut them in quarters -- so I got to taste a few. I was able to rein it in after the tasting, thankfully. Unexpected throws me for a loop sometimes -- especially with eating after I "plan" out my meals. That was the first time I had "social" pressure to eat something -- they were so excited to share. It worked out well, but it reminds me how much I like eating what/when I want WITHOUT any pressure. That might not be a big deal for other people, but it is for me. (BTW -- it wasn't the donuts that were the issue, it was that I wasn't in the mood for sweets yesterday.)
Anyway ...
Good weekend. Now working on a good week. Hope we all find our version of HAPPY and make it a good week. Stay well. Later gators.
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