Sunday, October 11, 2020

Lentil Soup

OMG -- so ridiculous and easy and amazing.  I'm in love with lentils.  Here's the recipe -- so good I'm putting the link.

Curry Lentil Soup

It calls for 2 cups of the soup blended or stick blended.  I used my stick blender and chopped up the bigger pieces -- probably more than 2 cups worth.  What was left were tiny lentils, little bites of carrots and onions and the greens you add after (I used spinach, not kale).  I also added more lemon than it called for because I like lemon and acid.

This soup is vegan and you'd never know it didn't have meat in it.  Can you tell I liked it?  Makes me want to hunt for some more vegan or vegetarian soup recipes.  I wonder if I'll make November VEGAN options as my try-on for the month.  (Not Thanksgiving, of course.)  Or even some hearty casseroles.  

No pictures because it looks like barf LOL.

I'm enjoying this plant based kick a lot.  Surprisingly more than I expected.  Wonder for how long and how far ...

Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day.  I finished Ghosted (Rosie Walsh) and it was good-ish.  I didn't like it as much as others on the bookclub main page.  Twists and turns that you thought you saw, but you didn't.  It was clever and enjoyable -- not earth shatteringly fantastic though.  Worth a fun read.

I started Human Nature on Netflix.  It's a documentary about CRISPR.  Very interesting, exciting and possibly scary in the wrong hands.  The Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to 2 people based on their work on CRISPR.  This might be the cure for sickle cell anemia and many other genetic diseases.  I'm about halfway.

I also started down the rabbit hole of Enneagram again.  The Enneagram Journey with Susan Stabile podcast.  Each episode gives you the number of the guest so I loaded all the SIXes and started listening.  It's a deeper dive into the nuances.

There were breaks in the weather so we managed a couple of dog walks.  I made soup, hubby watched college ball.  Grand-dogs last night and I'm excited to get more real-estate on the bed tonight.

I have a Trader Joe's run this morning -- on a weekend!!  I have to get the fixings for game day today.  

It's muggy, foggy, soupy mess outside.  Looks like another front today and maybe that pulls out the humidity.  

That's all from here.  Making the most out of the rainy weekend.  It's turning out pretty well.  Have a happy day, stay well.  Later gators.

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