Perry came and not a minute too soon. I'm in the throws of 24 hours of mega cramps and then the worse is over. Duke had tummy issues last night too, so it wasn't smooth sleeping on any front.
Today is the Ultimate Vanilla cake bake and I'm excited. Fingers crossed this is just as easy as the Apple Cider cake. All ingredients at room temperature so I'll time out the bake for later this morning. Icing is a different story -- things "slightly" chilled. Oh boy. Let's see how this goes.
Yesterday was a good day, but a tiring one (also, hello Perry). Dogs for a walk, me for a power walk -- such beautiful weather. Then grocery stores -- successful run (TJs Pumpkin Spice tea is back!). After I showered, I took the dogs to a park for another walk. They loved it -- a change of scenery does wonders to chill out dogs. Then an out-of-state friend called (my college roommate). We talked for almost FOUR HOURS! Holy cow that was long and I was talked out (in the best way). Killed my headphone batteries and my phone.
Needless to say, not much of anything else yesterday. Ate dinner, chatted with hubby and BED. I was too pooped to even read one page of anything. Perry didn't help on the energy front either. I STILL haven't watched the last 2 episodes of Hunters.
Today is going to be a nesting kind of day. Baking, decorating for the b-day, quick house tidy-up -- then sofa bound for reading and TV. I need my back in good shape for tomorrow. It's tired from yesterday and the agenda today is back heavy for me too. As long as I have heating pad time sitting down, I seem to be able to hold anything worse at bay.
I bought sunflowers at TJs for my DIL. The sunflower orchard isn't picking again because the cooler weather delayed some of the fields' bloom -- they keep the flowers in the fields until everything blooms.
Here's my healthy snack haul from Trader Joe's -- I thought it looked pretty all in a row. All the "other" snacks are saved for the charcuterie board tomorrow and, praise god, I kept my sticky fingers away from the pantry. Blackberries (only buy when organic ones are good), gooseberries and little San Marzano tomatoes.
I'm slow-rolling the morning and the timing couldn't be better. I feel crapy, but it should be ending soon. Now that the weather is cooler, it's not a mad rush to walk the dogs early. I have a lite yoga workout on the list and then CAKE BAKE!
Looks like a happy day ahead. Best part of getting Perry is my mood washes clean immediately. Hormones are tricky little devils. Stay well. Later gators.
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