Thursday, December 31, 2020

OMG -- Last Day of 2020

I keep forgetting today is NYE.  We are doing NOTHING and I won't be up until mid-night (even to say goodbye to THIS year).  I've said before, NYE isn't my thing and I usually worked the holiday so I have no draw to stay up.  And, I'm usually sick of overindulgence so there's that too :)

It's funny because I'm not into celebrating New Year's, but I love the turn over to a new year.  Reviewing, planning, etc.  You'd think it would be my favorite holiday.

We are having a fun New Year's day though.  Kids are okay with isolation so they are coming over for a poker afternoon.  I'm making a Cobb salad and ricotta toast -- both are clean out meals.  We have the boxes of chocolates and leftover sausage balls to munch on while we play down-n-dirty cutthroat poker LOL.  

I decided to hold on Christmas decorations.  Why?  Because I don't feel like it.  The house can be decorated on New Year's day and I'll start the process Saturday.  No big deal.  I'm not anxious to take things down this year -- the scaled back decorations aren't overwhelming and I'm going to miss them actually.

What is on the agenda is learning the new air fryer, a little bit of cooking (for me) and hard boiling eggs for tomorrow.  Easy.  Maybe we'll search for a movie to watch in the afternoon -- a little date night afternoon.

Next week is the one year anniversary of losing our big guy.  I miss that sweet boy -- he was an amazing, joyful soul.  I wanted to foster a pup this month in his honor and we're set to get a little man next week.  He's a stray and is on a stray hold to give his owner time to find him (fingers crossed), but if no one comes forward, he's ours by the end of the week.  The person who found him named him Coby -- no picture yet ... just a blurry video.  He's small, terrier looking, black/brown.  Scared and sweet.  Here's our boy ... the reason we foster.  XOXO, big guy.

Goodbye 2020 -- a year we'll never forget.  Here's to 2021 and a climb out of the pandemic, social injustices, hateful divide, economic crisis ... just a little expectation on this coming year.  I hope relief is in sight for many people who desperately need it.  We were one of the lucky ones this year, but the heartbreak is everywhere.

Stay well.  Stay safe.  Be smart.  We're not out of the woods by a long shot, but the light is waiting.  Hang on ... 2021 can be all of those things if we work together.  Happy New Year (!!)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Holiday Hump Day

Perri is HERE (!!)  Praise be -- about a week late with an extra long lead-in time ... but she's here and I can start feeling like myself in a couple of days (and I can stop talking about it until next month).

Anyway ...

Yesterday was a good day.  I finalized my 21 for 2021 list and reviewed the other lists.  20 for 20.  Things That Make Me Feel Good.  Things That I Wouldn't Have Done Without the Pandemic.  Getting ready for the year-in-review and the year forward.  

We took the dogs to the park on a perfect day.  Sunny and high 50s.  The only downside was since peeps and kids are off, the park was crowded.  We could still avoid coming in contact with people, but it was a little distracting.

I have a lot of errands today -- relatively speaking.  I realized I haven't been anywhere except the park in almost 2 weeks.  Grocery store runs, ATM for cash, pickup hair clippers from my hairdresser (hence the cash).  She was nice enough to get me a pair from the professional supply store -- enough cutting hubby's hair with beard trimmers.  All errands in opposite directions.  I'll get some podcast car time today.

I have a list for home chores too.  That will round out a full day.  Grocery store run will feel good.  We are officially on empty.  I've been using up as much as I can from Christmas shopping.  Last of "using up" happening for New Year's Day.  Making a Cobb salad (use up eggs, bacon and chicken) and making ricotta toast 2 ways.  I've been seeing this all over Instagram and I have a small container to use.  One with tomatoes and basil, the other with nuts and honey.

The chocolates came and, boy oh boy, they're going to be good.  The brand is called Monastery -- Trappistine Nuns of Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey.  I saw them highlighted years ago on some show and have ordered from them a few times.  Reasonably priced, great customer service and the chocolates are delicious.  They started with chocolate hazelnut melt-aways, expanded to caramels and now do a range of other goodies.  I ordered individual boxes this year instead of the combo box.  Well done, ME.  Now I can use them for multiple groups (hubby, kids, fire pit happy hour).

I read a quick book from my girlfriend yesterday.  The Feel Good Effect (Robyn Conley Downs).  It's like a watered down version of Brook Castillo and a few other mindset coaches.  My girlfriend isn't into self-help reading, but she wants to start and she bought it for both of us.  It's a good book for someone putting a toe in the water.  I didn't get much out of it, but I've been doing self-help for a longtime and it was a little basic for me.  It'll be fun to chat about it though.  I think it's a great book for a first go for her.

I'm not ready to read the bookclub selection yet (it's a little early) and the other books won't arrive for another 10 days.  What's left on my shelf are non-fiction and I wasn't in the mood for those last night.  Long story shorter (!!), I downloaded a suspense for free because of my digital credits (hence books not arriving yet).  The Wife (Alafair Burke).  So far, so good.  First person, easy read.  Just what I was in the mood to read.

BTW ... my girlfriend wants the Jen Hatmaker planner which makes me happy it has a home.  And happy I don't need to mail it anywhere (UPS store is hit/miss with masks).

Next week (post holidays) I'm going to do a post on each of my lists that I reviewed yesterday.  It's fun to reflect and plan.  I switched over my planner and calendar yesterday too.  I enjoy the fresh start feeling.  Only big thing left is Christmas un-decorating and that might be a little later than usual.  IF I can muster it tomorrow, it'll be finished this week -- otherwise, nope.  No matter, the ornaments will be organized next week once the holders arrive, but I could leave that in a corner and finish the rest.  My only reason to push for this week is hubby is home to help carry the big storage boxes.

Lots of rambles this morning.  Time to get moving for my early grocery run.  Hopefully, it won't be a holiday madhouse.  Fingers crossed.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tuesday Things

This week is a mixed bag -- thanks to Perri (I'm a broken record on this, be warned -- hah).  GOOD things happening that are muted by a hormonal mash of grumpy and sad and low energy.  Dang.  I'm pushing along though.

Treadmill run yesterday and it went well.  No issues, solid run.  I took an abbreviated cold shower and managed to keep my feet fine.  Today is cold shower and a bike ride.  Exercise and a cold shower are 2 biggies in my world of feeling good.

I finished Apeirogon (Colum McCann).  Incredible book.  Well worth a read.  Now a new pick -- woo hoo!!  I get excited especially when I have a new stack to choose from -- although most are waiting to be delivered.

Speaking of delivery ... the chocolates from the monastery track as pending (such nice customer service).  In Atlanta waiting for transit.  That's good news.  Maybe in time for New Year's day and our poker game.  Lord knows I don't need to eat an entire box myself. 

Moving through my list of getting the house back in order.  Bathrooms cleaned which was a biggie since the kids showered in our spare bathrooms.  Today is the start of putting away Christmas decorations -- super slow roll because I'm doing a lot of repacking and reorganizing now that I know how I decorate THIS house.  It takes a couple of years to figure it out.

I planned a grocery store run, but I think I'll move that to tomorrow.  Works better with my workout schedule (not as sweaty tomorrow) and I'm still using up the last of my veggies.  I made lentil soup and have 2 more servings left.  This week is a new stew -- chickpea with sweet potato.  Time to get back to trying new things and making new recipes.  I have a few cookbooks to explore too.  More on those in January.

BTW, the boundary for our gathering on Saturday is okay now.  I sent another text and she got the message --  I appreciate her kindness, but my body is so wonky right now I don't want to eat something that will upset my systems.  We're doing our "happy hour" with snacks and drinks.  Trader Joe's will check that box and all is well.  Maybe the chocolates too??

The Jen Hatmaker bookclub box came and it's so much fun.  Good book ...  The Tender Land (William Kent Krueger) and a fun planner for 2021.  Here's the bummer -- I use a fantastic planner my bff bought me last Christmas.  I like it so much I got one for this year.  I have a house calendar as well (which doesn't really get used because of the pandemic).  BTW, the planner I use is called 3 Commit.  There's no way I'll use another one AND it's specific for 2021.  I'm going to see if anyone I know could use it.  It's filled with fun book quotes, monthly calendars and pages to reflect and plan.

The notepads from Shutterfly came too.  I love the size and the paper feel.  The one with the design on the side isn't my favorite -- sticks out into the paper too much.  Live and learn.  I think these are going to be one of my go-to hostess gifts.  Fun to personalized (with words and/or pictures) and everyone can use a notepad.  Takes a minute to arrive -- only downside.  

I finished the 3 part series documentary on Bill Gates (Netflix).  It was interesting and a quick watch -- any longer and it would've been too long.  I watched the first 2 last week and finished up the final hour last night.  My "watching" card is suddenly full again.  I have documentaries, movies and series on my watch list for the long winter.  

Last nugget for today ... a friend saw this posted and shared.  It's interesting to check out.  Feed Your Soul:  The 31 Day Literary Diet for January.  Poems, movies, articles, song lyrics, etc.  Something to check out to keep January interesting.

On that happy note ... have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Last Monday of the Year

This is a skip month or a very late month -- thanks, Perri.  My mood is rotten, but I need to ignore it now.  I've been "hormonal" for 2 weeks.  Enough is enough.  Mentally moving on.

I'm having a flare up of chilblains.  I've had problems for about a decade, but I usually can keep it from a full reaction (swollen, painful toe tips with sores).  I reacted my toes the day I voted in the cold and they've been on the edge ever since.  Christmas cold blast sent me into a full reaction because I didn't put on boots before I took the dogs out -- rookie mistake.  Once I'm reactive, I'm reactive for the entire winter. Have to keep my toes dry, not squished in shoes and no sudden temperature changes.  

This is problematic for my Peloton shoes (tight and sweaty) and for the cold showers.  I skipped both yesterday because my toes were weeping in a couple of places.  Yuck (!!)  I'll do my best with them today. No way I'm stopping both biking and cold showers when I'm hormonal though so both are back today.  It takes about 2 weeks for the sores to calm down, but I'm trying to balance healing them and keeping my mental mood above water.

I went on another book buying search yesterday (bought 2) after I saw a post about book recommendations from a local ATL epidemiologist who covers the pandemic here in GA.  She thought it would be a fun post for a change and it was LOL.  I'm back to a buying halt until I read a few.  It's a good place to be though.  Nothing better than a stack of good books.  I choice delayed shipping for all of them, but I'll post once I have the stack to share.

I finished The Umbrella Academy on Netflix.  I liked it a lot, but I like those kind of shows -- sort of X-Man like, but more heart.  I'm holding off starting something new so I return to more reading again.  More reading vs more TV is one of my core healthy habits.  Doesn't mean I don't watch TV, but the time should lean toward more reading.  It was one of the things I wrote down during this experiment.  If I spend the afternoon reading, I feel good.  If I spend the afternoon watching TV, I don't feel good.  Not sure exactly why, but it's always true.  I can watch a couple hours of TV and feel fine (like a movie), but more than that and it moves to dial to something less good.

Apeirogon (Colum McCann) is like no other book I've read.  I'm about 150 pages into a 450 book and it's so interesting and so heartbreaking.  Hard to describe, but an incredibly woven story.  I was planning to start a true non-fiction (this is a mix of fiction and non-fiction), but I'm going to read this alone.  

This week continues to be a test for me to hold my boundaries.  I held firm yesterday on a big one and have to work on one for Saturday.  Our very carefully COVID friends invited us over to sit outside around a fire pit for another one of our happy hour chats.  It's become dinner out of the blue (with choices I can't eat -- gluten and heavy diary).  I declined the dinner part, politely and appreciatively, but it didn't work.  She pushed back.  I know the intention is kind, but I said 'no thanks' and I mean 'no thanks.'  I'll revisit this today or tomorrow.  "Kind" boundary violations are the toughest to hold.  I can't eat what she's making and she doesn't understand gluten -- I've had this issue before and caved to eating what she thought was okay.  I feel too lousy these last couple of weeks to introduce gluten and heavy dairy.  Boundary is a must on this one.

I might delay taking down Christmas because I ordered a few new storage bins.  They're primarily for the tree so maybe I'll take down the rest and wait on just the tree.  I'll watch shipping because it might be delayed and then I need a plan B.  I won't keep the tree up THAT long.

That's the update from here.  Hope you have a good day with some happy sprinkled around.  I'll be looking for both too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Case of the Grumps ...

MOOD ALERT ... dang, I need my hormones to decide what's happening this month.  I'm in a mood so sorry in advance if (when) this is a prickly post HAH (!!)

No picture of the chocolates because hubby deleted it.  This is bugging the heck out of me and here's why.  I opened the chocolates and stood up to get my phone to take a picture.  Hubby said he'd take it and I said 'no thanks, I'll do it.'  He insisted and I said no again, but he took the picture so I gave in.  I asked him to send it to me because I wanted a memory to add to the Christmas pictures.  Not only didn't he send it, but he deleted it almost immediately.  He said he was sorry, but it's 'not a big deal.'  

Here's the big deal.  I WANTED THE PICTURE.  He didn't need to be involved at all, but he got involved and now there's no picture.  There aren't pictures on the website, only flavor options.  These were beautiful and I wanted to remember them.  I am so stinking sick of people butting into my decisions in places they have no business to be -- it won't happen again.  It feels disrespectful because as he deleted it, it never occurred to him that I wanted it -- no memory or no interest or no effort.  Either or any way ... why the heck did he insist on taking the picture?!?  He didn't help at all -- in fact, the exact opposite.  

This is a big BOUNDARY area that I need to work on.  Stay out of my business (!!)  Can you tell this is bugging me??

I know it's a small thing, but it's a part of a change that is super important to me.  To be heard, to be seen, to be respected.  Let ME DO ME -- keep your opinion out of my life.  Don't micro manage the details of my choices.  I'm most upset because I LET HIM DO IT.  I didn't want to, but I backed down in the name of not being overly controlling or overly independent, etc.  I'm so stinking mad, that I've considered re-ordering the chocolates ... I (probably) won't because I don't need more sweets and they were expensive, but I've given it some serious consideration.

My other grump of the day is people tagging me in Facebook stuff.  Seriously?  If I don't want to join or comment, etc don't add a tag to force the issue.  I don't want to join the "chain" thing or give you my favorite things list or whatever.  It's annoying for the same reason -- respect my choice to not participate.  Some take it to the next level and text me if I continue to ignore the post or have said 'no thanks.'  Really?!?!  Theme of the month for me and another one last night.

Don't mess with me and my mood this week LOL (!!)  I'm spitting for a target for my frustration.  

Nothing else to report on this grumpy Sunday.  Hopefully, my morning routine will start a turn-around for this mood. Oh, actually, I finished Dear Wife (Kimberly Belle).  I figured out the twist near the end, but that didn't change the suspense.  It was a super clever book and one of the better suspense novels I've read.  Next up ... Apeirogon (Colum McCann).  This was recommended by a bookclub gal as one of the best books she's read this year.  Heavy subject, but an uplifting spirit (so the reviews say).

Let's find some happy today.  It's there for noticing, but I need to make a choice to pay attention.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Christmas Aftermath

It was a super couple of days.  We had a lot of fun, played around, ate, drank and overall ... just laughed a lot.  We did have a WHITE CHRISTMAS -- at least a dusting white.  Monti got us up in the middle of the night to go out and because of the storm and the sleeping arrangements, we took him out front.  Two dog and hubby and I walked in the snowflakes.  It was peaceful and a nice Christmas moment.

The books and chocolates for Christmas Eve were a hit (I need to get the picture from hubby -- they were beautiful little artwork bites).  This was a one and done tradition because my family isn't super into books, but I got them coffee table books about watches and that's was exactly the thing.  My DIL got a fiction book and the youngest a book about the Enneagram (he's into that too).  I wouldn't be able to find fitting books for the boys next year.  Still ... we enjoyed it. 

I ate myself senseless with sweet treats -- all GF.  Totally worth every bite.  Stuck to the Seedlip Mock-tails and enjoyed not drinking.  I missed red wine a bit, but not enough to want to drink the bottle hubby got as a gift from work.

The Christmas Eve small plates were really good.  Tons more work than I realized in the vision stage LOL, but it was fun.  Lasagna turned out perfectly fine for Christmas dinner too.  I'm whipped from kitchen cooking and cleaning.  Looking forward to seeing some healthy meals again.

Kids bought me an air frier for Christmas.  That's going to be fun to play with -- I have lots of frozen appetizers left from Christmas to have for New Years that will be a perfect way to use it.

I'm left with a lot of holiday carnage -- bedrooms to put back together, clutter, Christmas decorations to put away, etc.  I'm giving myself all this week to get the house back in shape.  No rush.  NOTHING else on the calendar except taking care of ME.

My monthly didn't come -- ut-oh.  This might be a skip month.  Still have a few days before I jump to that conclusion.  Glad it stayed away, but I want it to be over too.  Can't have both.

This weekend's plan is a super relaxing couple of days -- I'm focusing a lot on downtime and reading and doing what I want to do.  I'll fix up the bedrooms and I already cleaned the final kitchen holiday mess this morning.  Next week is the other stuff, but not yet.  That was a marathon from Thanksgiving to Christmas (!!)  As usual, I'm over the holidays, but it was a great month.  We don't do much celebrating for NYE -- never have and I worked most years.  This week is the clean up, next week is the reflections (looking back and planning forward).  I love that week -- everything is clean and happy and it's a fresh plan forward. 

Have a happy day too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Christmas and Eve

I like the expression Happy Christmas instead of Merry Christmas -- I decided to be all British today :)

It's here and so is the rain storm which may linger long enough to produce a dusting of snow.  White Christmas in Atlanta (!!) -- that would be fun since we'll all be tucked safely inside.  It's a long shot though.  Christmas will be COLD and that's fun too -- often it's a muggy mess of temperate temps.

Still no monthly which means it's coming today or tomorrow.  Nuts.  Second holiday on cycle.  Maybe it'll wait until after Christmas and I can veg on the sofa for Boxing Day and act super British.

I feel reasonably prepared today.  My biggest "worry" is stuff thawing for my timing today.  Seems I over or under estimate and never seem to get it quite right. 

I finished the latch-hook -- yea!!  It bugged me that I was wasting it and since I had no one to gift the craft to, I'm glad I worked on it myself.  A little promise project -- check.  It'll end up in the garbage at some point, but I have it in the office for now.

We are going to do some family games this Christmas and, when the kids were little, it never went well.  Everyone is a grown up and my DIL is here to calm the brothers LOL so wish us luck.

It looks like the chocolate isn't coming.  I have no shipping update or anything.  Did it ship and get mis-delivered?  It says it was set for a December 5 shipping date -- dang.  Pandemic cost, I guess.  I messaged customer service so I wait ...  if it got mis-delivered, looks like someone else is enjoying the chocolate hah!

I was a beast on the bike yesterday.  Felt good and was able to push to a few PRs.  Today, my legs are toast -- go figure.  I have no idea why the burst yesterday.  This cycle should include a run day, but that's harder on my back.  I decided on bike only -- good cardio, but it I'm prepared for some muscle burn this morning.

Have a wonderful couple of days making the best of a different kind of holiday season.  See you on the other side when I'm complaining about cleaning it all up LOL.  

Happy Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Eve of the Eve

And that means a kitchen day (!!)

I made Forgotten Cookies yesterday and they got a little color -- maybe it's the nuts that are doing it.  I usually make them plain or with chocolate chips and they stay bright white.  They're also a little chewier than I'd want.  Goodness, easiest cookies in the world and yet ... second sort of flop, although they taste great.  I might try one more batch today.  It's my GF cookie choice.  

I also made cranberry bacon jam for the scallops.  At first, I thought maybe another flop because the bacon wouldn't get crispy.  I think I pulled it off though -- sure smells good.

Today I'll make the 4 sauces I need for the remaining food, cook the steak and make the crostini for tomorrow.  I'm also doing the setup -- bar, table and serving dishes.  That will save a good deal of time.  Tomorrow is the busiest day.

Chatted with 2 girlfriends yesterday and that was a nice break in the day.  Fun conversations.  Hubby and I took the dogs on a nature walk which tires them out so beautifully.  Lot of connection time.

I finished Save Me the Plums (Ruth Reichl).  It was good -- memoir about the Gourmet magazine and the food industry.  There are a few recipes scattered throughout too.  It was the right length and moved quickly.  Focusing on Dear Wife (Kimberly Belle) -- also a fast read I have on kindle.  The Jen Hatmaker bookclub box arrived, but I'll wait to open it until after Christmas -- something fun for next week.

I listened to The Tim Ferriss Show podcast with an interview with Dr. Martine Rothblatt.  It was probably with most interesting conversation I've listened to in a long time.  This is an amazing woman and I won't do her life's work justice -- well worth the listen.  I was inspired to get a subscription to Scientific American.  Kind of funny since I was reading a book about magazines and, essentially, their demise in the digital world.  I choice the magazine because that's how I prefer to read.  I think both hubby and I will enjoy it.

Still no chocolate in the mail from the big order for Christmas Eve.  Nuts.  This could be shipping delays.  I selected the option for a Christmas delivery and it should have come by now.  I've ordered from them before and it came about a week before the delivery choice.

I saw this DIY project that I want to do next year (if I remember).  Looks so pretty.  I might even try it this winter -- it's doesn't have to be for Christmas.

Time to get moving.  Full day.  Have a happy one and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

All Over the Map

PMS mood is giving me a run for my money to close out 2020.  

I changed up my to-do list again yesterday.  This is a big deal for me because once I write one, it rarely changes -- certainly not total flip flopping.  I don't think I've kept one thing the same the last few days.  I can't make up my mind to save my soul.  Classic PMS.

I found another crab cake recipe that you bake instead of pan fry and I like it better.  I can make it the same day and that will be loads easier.  Switched it up and did the cleaning for the week.  It works well -- nice to have everything spit-shined for the holiday week.

I'm going to add a GF cookie BACK on my list.  The other ginger cookies aren't very good and I'm in the mood for something other than chocolate.  Also, it's not looking good for my favorite chocolate to arrive in time for Christmas.  Not sure what kind -- guess it will be a surprise for me too.  Either ginger, lime coolers or pecan Russian tea cookies.  But suddenly, I'm remembering the slush cake ... should I, shouldn't I??  My brain is a hot mess (!!)

I ordered new books (pictures once they come).  I'm going to finish the current 2 easily this week AND I opted for slow shipping for after the new year so promise intact.  It also gives me a kindle credit and why push Amazon and UPS to ship before Christmas.

I feel slight panic to get everything ready before Christmas Eve.  I know this feeling is hormones too.  I'll be fine.  (I'm sitting here talking myself out of another batch of cookies -- good lord.)  It's coming up fast and furious.  Peri-menopause brain is no joke.

The ball garland came yesterday and I LOVE it!  Vintage colors -- beautiful.  I ordered the kind with spacing between balls and it came with the balls pushed together and the extra length of string spooled at the end.  I'm sure this is for non-tangled shipping.  That said, because the spacing won't be exact AND the string is thin, I decided to keep it together and not use it on the tree.  Here's what I did instead (this year) and it looks fun.

I got the sweetest gift from my girlfriend (who sent it to my old address).  Dog themed hand towel, chocolates and coasters.  All packaged in a beautiful box.  It made me feel good.  

I'm working on the latch-hook.  Determined to finish it because I said I would -- promise thing again.  Slow and steady.

Yesterday was an arm day, but I also took Duke for an outdoor run.  We went almost 2 miles and my legs are tired today.  Rest day on the schedule, but I had contemplated a bike ride.  I'll do an outdoor walk instead.  I need something today and it's going to be nice weather for an outdoor walk.

That's all from crazy land.  I have no idea what I'll actually do today LOL.  It's crazy to feel crazy.  One thing I know for sure is I'll look for some happy -- hope you find it too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Slide to Christmas

Final prep days before Christmas -- I need to hold on tight.  Lots to do, but I want to make sure I enjoy this time too.  Balance is hard.  Balance with FULL PMS is harder.  I want to climb into bed for a few days ... energy is zapped, motivation is gone, etc.  It's all hormones, but DANG (!!)  

I had a full, fun day yesterday.

The Christmas zoom call with my high school gals went well.  The intentional gathering experiment with "Christmas show-n-tell" was perfect.  It was a lot of fun to see what people chose and hear the stories behind the decorations.  One of the girls gave us a full tour -- loved it!  I'm absolutely going to focus on intentional gatherings once we can gather again.

Bookclub was okay.  I like the conversations about books, not necessarily about the book we read.  At the end of the call, someone mentioned a book that I loved and I mentioned that I read it because someone else said it was the best book they've ever read.  That kind of recommendation is too good to pass on.  That started the group telling the best book they've read this year.  So fun and now I have a new list.  P.S.  I finished Braiding Sweetgrass.  The first half was better -- the second half was a lot of the same so it started to feel long and repetitive.  That said, it was a beautiful book.

We picked up the missing package from our old neighborhood.  The new paint on the house looks great -- didn't think I'd be a fan, but it looks nice.  Driving through made me glad we made the move.  That's always a nice validation.  Smaller neighborhood is definitely our speed.

Today I'm making the crab cakes.  Funny enough, PMS week (did I mention this LOL) gives me bad vibes in the kitchen too.  I usually mess up and this week is NOT the week to mess up.  I'm kind of dreading it all.  I need to do a massive turn around on this attitude or it will come true ;)

Arms/yoga day and, hopefully a long walk outside.  Clear my head, get some podcast listening going.  Maybe the pups to the park today too.  Time outside will do me good.

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Back and Forth

I'm having a tough time making up my mind.  Should I bake this or that or maybe this or maybe that?  Then I remember ... it's PMS week and that's a classic tell.  Wishy washy.  Not good timing when God is in the details this week LOL.

Cookies:  I made ginger snaps, but not the vintage recipe because it makes a huge batch -- even if you cut it in half (gets wonky to cut it down again).  I made a paleo ginger snap 1/2 recipe instead -- makes 12 cookies.  I ate 3 ... high math says I have 9 left for Christmas Eve.  Perfect.  They aren't as good as the real deal, but it satisfies my craving for a ginger cookie.  

With the big recipe off the table, I made a pecan merengue cookie from the vintage book (using the fresh pecans my neighbor gifted us).  My gram made these as Forgotten Cookies that you leave in an oven overnight, but this called for low and slow bake.  They got a little color (bummer), but they're so good.  I'm going to make another batch soon, but try them like my gram did (hot oven, turn off and don't touch until morning).  Only makes a small tray and they won't keep until Christmas, so we're enjoying them now.

Here's my cookie dilemma ... should I bother to make the lime coolers?  I think I should skip them because we have SO MANY GOOD sweets for those 2 days.  It's a lot of work and I don't think they'll get eaten given the other choices and knowing my family.  I'm leaning toward saving them for another time.  I think I'm hesitating because I've been dreaming of the ginger snaps and lime coolers for a month -- turns out I'm making neither.

Cooking for Christmas Eve:  I made GF sausage balls and they turned out better than the regular.  I thought I was buying GF biscuit mix, but it was pancake mix (so many goof-ups this week).  I used GF flour and baking powder instead and changed up the ratios based on comments and my last go at it.  Baked a couple to try and they're fabulous.

Since I'm bumping the lime coolers, I'll start on the crab cakes.  I want this off my to-do list.  Lots of steps and messing pan frying.  They freeze cooked and will heat up in the oven.  I HOPE I can find some freezer space.

Books:  I finished The Widow of Rose House (Diana Biller).  It was a fun, easy read.  Out the blue there are some super duper detailed sexy moments -- it was a bit of a clutch-the-pearls moment given the flavor of the rest of the story LOL.  

Changing up my promise on book buying.  I'm about 2/3 finished with Braiding Sweetgrass, started a short memoir yesterday (can't remember the title -- about the editor of Gourmet Magazine) and I have the suspense book purchased on kindle.  I want to finish these 3 before I buy -- reading more than I said, but I think that will dip me down to guilt-free buying level (!!) and take me through the new year.

Today:  I have 2 video calls.  Catch up with the high school gals and I asked everyone to show their favorite Christmas decoration and why -- trying to gather with a little intention and connection.  We'll see if they participate -- I think it's a 50/50 shot.  Bookclub in the afternoon.  I didn't like the book, but I'll join the call anyway.  Looks like a big group for the discussion today.

Hubby tried to pickup the package that was delivered to our old house.  Not left outside like they said, people home (garage up) and they refused to answer the door.  Fun.  A friend texted her and has the package at her house now.  We're going to pick it up this morning.  Apparently they painted the house and I'm super curious to see it.  This feels fun.

Pictures:  Monti is pure JOY.  Look at this sweet boy.

This sums up the week.  More to do than I wanted, but all by my own choice.  It's fun, but a lot of work.  What was I thinking??  Morning quiet time and coffee to the rescue.   Have a happy day and stay well.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cookies and Voting and Rambles


It was GA-cold to vote.  I froze my feet (even with winter hiking shoes on).  Broke out the one and only winter hat I own and it worked well.  Voted BLUE on all three runoffs (2 state, one local).  Polls open at 8 o'clock and I was in the car by 8:10.  I preferred to wait for polls to open then wait in-line with people.

Baked both big batch cookies yesterday.  Chocolate chip for hubby and an oatmeal-coconut-cc for the youngest's pick.  Everyone gets a cookie pick.  My DIL and eldest are making their pick to bring over on Christmas Eve -- buckeye chocolate cookies.  My picks are ginger snaps and lime coolers.  Ginger snaps today.

I wonder if my gluten indulgence earlier in the week has anything to do with my back being wonky again. It causes inflammation and I wonder if that contributes to pushing my back over the edge.  I'm steering clear of gluten through the holidays.  I bought a GF biscuit mix to make sausage balls that I can eat on Christmas Eve.  My back is okay, but not great by the end of the day.

Peloton sent me an email -- 50 rides in the books (!!)  When I get to 100, I get a free t-shirt -- what??  I had no idea.  Free t-shirts are my favorite swag and I'm excited to hit that mark.  I've had the bike for 2 months -- so February should be t-shirt month :)

Hubby is doing me a solid today.  Taking my car to have the engine light checked -- he fixed my gas cap, he thinks, but the light is still on.  Since my back is wonky, standing outside while it's being serviced is a problem.  I also got a package at our old house -- I think it's my girlfriend who did the same thing last year.  It's an event to pick it up since we need to get in the gate.  A friend came through for us with a pass and hubby will grab it when he does my car today.

As for my day ... bike ride and kitchen duty.  Today's kitchen plans are all about ME -- ginger snaps and GF sausage balls.  I need to freeze the cookies too.  I'm quickly running out of freezer space.  I'll do some reorganizing this morning and maybe some selective editing too.  I'm sure there's something lurking in the way back that's old and crusty.  

I didn't eat a mouthful of cookie dough yesterday.  My back kept me honest on that one.  I don't expect to want ginger dough today.  I'll make a 1/2 batch -- no need for so many cookies when slush cake is on the horizon.  

One of the fancy boxes of Christmas chocolate arrived yesterday -- phew, I was getting nervous.  Waiting on one more for our Books and Chocolate Christmas Eve evening.

I bit off a lot for Christmas Eve.  I wanted a no-cook evening and instead have LOTS cooking and a lot of last minute things (dipping sauces, toppings, reheat, etc).  Most can be done the day before so I hope to have a back-stable Christmas.  Sushi went out the window since we had it for my youngest's birthday and my DIL isn't a big fan.  It's probably for the best since COVID numbers are so high -- takeout isn't the best idea.  The rest is my doing -- dang.  Christmas day will be easy though and a communal effort. 

That's all from here.  I got some goodies in the mail that I'll do a post on this week.  Have a happy Saturday and stay well.

Friday, December 18, 2020

One More Time


This is how I feel this morning.  Up to an ALARM so I can be early to early VOTE.  One more time this year.  Voting BLUE.  I had a Democratic younger lady from NC knock yesterday -- wanted to see if I needed any help with a voting plan.  Thank you -- love to see people so involved. 

My back is bad again.  Not out (meaning no spasms), but otherwise a problem.  Ugh.  Fortunately, biking doesn't bother it at all.  Today is an arm/stretch day so I'll see if I can do it.  If not, I might do a quick class on the Peloton.  I need to be in tiptop shape for cookie making this week.

I had a great life coaching call yesterday.  On a side note -- I still have one more call in the package I bought (I thought yesterday was the last) and she's continuing with existing clients should they want so I'm still able to have monthly calls.  We chatted about integrating my "experiment" during quarantine with life after -- how to show up, what I want in relationships, etc.  Boundaries and such.  Good stuff (!!)

I did my Christmas grocery stores run yesterday.  I HOPE I got everything I need.  On another side note -- I saw persimmons at TJ's last time and wondered about them.  Then I saw a chef talk about them ... so, guess what?!?  Yep.  Waiting for them to ripen to try -- peeling and slicing.  Trying new things.  BTW, jack fruit is on the list for this week too.  More about it later ... it's a little "recipe."

Hubby comes home today for 2 weeks.  It'll be nice to have him here.  I feel very nest-y this month.  Cold weather, virus circulating, house decorated ... it feels safe and good to be home with my people and my pups.  And, PMS week is happening -- emotions all over the map.  Safety and security needs go through the hormonal roof.  

My last chore of the day is getting my gas cap fixed.  Fingers crossed this goes smoothly.

I might make the dough for cookie baking tomorrow.  Spread the back love over two days.

Duke was sitting in a funny position next to me and I tried to take a picture for hubby.  He went in for a kiss and blurred the first picture, but this one took too.  He's committed to hitting the mark.  Yuck, BTW.  I'm not a fan of a wet tongue, but the love felt good :)

Hope you have a happy day.  Stay well, stay safe, stay warm.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Much Better

I fixed myself LOL.

I KNOW what I need to do and if I can bring myself to do those things, even when I feel blah, it helps.

Best run of 2020.  Longest meditation of 2020.  Made a last batch of tomato soup (I over bought tomatoes from Costco and they aren't good for slicing, but fine for soup) and ate plant based, good food all day.

I phoned-a-friend from CA to catch up.  It's hard to sync our schedules, but I caught her at just the right time.  It was an interesting, fun conversation -- all good things.  She's the friend I went to Austin, TX with in February.  First and only trip of the year.

I FINALLY tried the latch hook I bought at the beginning of quarantine.  Something quiet and focused.  It took me a minute to remember how to do it and it's quickly getting boring (hah), but I plan finish it.  It's for ages 6 and up LOL.

Braiding Sweetgrass (Robin Wall Kimmerer) is a beautiful book.  The author is from an Indigenous tribe, has a PhD in botany and is a poet.  Her storytelling is incredible.  The first 30 something pages are loaded in the book spine wrong -- upside down and backwards.  The book itself is nice -- good pages, good font. Funny to have a printing error so big and unnoticed. 

My mother sent me an old recipe from my grandmother.  It's her mother's recipe and is missing the flour -- love the way the amounts are listed too.  It's how it was done back in the day :)  I'm going to use Framebridge and put it in my kitchen -- family connection.  It was nice of her to send it to me (I mentioned I was making Ginger Snaps this year).

My back is wonky after yesterday.  I think it's a combination of running, long sit with meditation and then bent over doing the latch hook.  I need to be careful today.  It's better overnight, but not great.  

I have a full day today, but full in a good way.  Final grocery store run before Christmas (if my list holds up and I don't forget anything).  I have a life coaching call this afternoon -- it may be my last if she's decided to change coaching directions fully.  Later today is cookies for my youngest -- oatmeal, coconut, chocolate chip -- IF my back is okay, otherwise I'll push it out.

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gator.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Long Post :)

Yesterday was the longest (and most blah) day I've had in a long time.  I don't know why, but I didn't enjoy the day at all.  Lots of little hiccups.  

Starting with Whole Foods.  NO tuna at all -- fresh or frozen.  Some sort of issue with their seafood vendors.  UGH.  I went for 2 things -- tuna steaks and GF pastry stuff for Christmas Eve.  I went to the GF frozen section and the aisle was packed with boxes and employees restocking.  Couldn't get near the area if I wanted -- and especially since I wanted to peruse options.  Double UGH.

Then a little light ... I checked out the kombucha because someone I follow on Instagram raves about the orange flavor of a particular brand.  Can't find it in the other stores.  Success (!!)  It's called Happy -- which is ironic and extra ironic that I didn't really like it.  Doesn't taste like a creamsicle to me.

Speaking of a little light, on the way to the store, my engine light came on.  Fun times.  I think it's the gas cap that isn't clicking into place well.  I don't need an appointment, just the quick fix line but I'll wait until the weather is a little better.  We're getting a rain storm today.  Quick fix still takes time and I'll be waiting outside.

Installation of the blinds went well (I need to take pictures when we use them).  It took all day -- just as they said.  Even though they were outside, it felt intrusive.  Guess I've become an old lady hermit.

I got an idea to try and make black sesame crackers.  Not sure if the problem was the substitution of flour (GF) or what, but they were horrible.  I make a half recipe and a test batch of 6 crackers so it wasn't an enormous waste.  Tasted like I mixed flour and salt.  Reminded me of fake baking as a little kid.

Then I tried a GF cookie recipe because I was in a mood -- dang, not my best moment.  They were horrible too.  I baked one batch and tossed the rest, but not before I ate cookie dough.  I feel like crap this morning and it's totally my own fault.  What a mood meltdown in the afternoon.

I watched Prom on Netflix.  It was cute with tons of big names.  I fast forwarded over a lot of the singing numbers.  The songs weren't awesome, but the rest was fun.

I read a lot of The Widow of Rose House -- it's good.  Hope the ending holds up.

I'm going to do a little Spanish work in 2021 and the workbook arrived.  It gets great reviews.

I got influenced by an advertisement and ordered this "game."  It a conversation starter in game form.  You can play the game or just use the question cards to start conversations.  I looked at a few and it's dumb.  "What's your proudest accomplishment?"  The video makes it seem like the questions are unusual and interesting.  They're basic and uninspired -- from what I see.  I'll give it another look before I totally give up on it.

Looking back on yesterday, I can see why I had a total meltdown (cookie dough followed by cheese and carbs).  It was a perfect storm of very few of my healthy habits and lots of annoyances.  No workout, no meditation, cold shower was a combo with my regular shower, no long walk (because of workers at the house and crappy weather).  Then no tuna, no GF options for Christmas, no cracker success, no cookie success, engine light on.  I gave into old crappy habits for some relief.  Lesson noted.

This has me rethinking my Christmas treats too.  I want to feel good on Christmas, not all junk fooded up -- bloated, stomach ache, swollen, mood, low energy.  Good lesson to see this week (which is PMS again).

Today is a recovery day.  Treadmill run, long meditation, long cold shower, etc.  I'm tabling cookie making today because I'm taking some of my options off the table.  I don't want them anymore.  Today is healthy habit day to bring me back to feeling good.

I'll be looking for my happy in good habits -- hope you find some too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Installation Day

Sausage balls and puff pastry pinwheels finished (!!)

The sausage balls need more flavor (I cooked a few to try), but the dipping sauces should help.  The texture is awesome.  

The pinwheels are so easy and yummy.  I ate the end trim pieces.  I've never used a sheet of puff pastry and it's so easy.  I'll be buying more to keep in the freezer for our football Sundays.

Today is freeze-all-the-stuff-I-made day.  This is a little challenge because freezer space is tight (even with using up my year-long stash this month).  I have bacon, pinwheels, sausage balls and large ice cubes to tuck in spaces.  

I'm running to Whole Foods first thing this morning.  It's a no workout day and I'm using that for an early store run.  I want tuna for a poke dish and I trust Whole Foods more than others.  I'll grab a couple of things while I'm there.

Sun shades are being installed on our back porch today.  They are coming between 9-10 and expect to be here most of the day.  Outside, so no big deal.  I'll have to walk dogs out front while they're here, but not a big fuss.  This will be great for 3 of the 4 seasons -- guess which one we're in now LOL?!?  Oh well.  They are custom cut so it took months to come in -- glad to be ready for the spring.

My cookbooks came -- excited for both.  I'm considering them New Year gifts so I won't look into them until January.  Fortunately, the one is plastic covered because the package was left in the rain.  It saved both books from getting warped.  I expect to find a few good recipes in each.  It's hard to find plant-based meals that aren't pasta and bread based too.  My focus is more vegetables, NOT necessarily eating vegan. 

Read another book yesterday -- short one.  Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehishi Coates).  Another eyeopening account of being black in America.  It's a letter from the author to his son.  Heartwarming and heartbreaking.

Next up ... The Widow of Rose House (Diana Biller).  It's a ghost story and a love story -- can't wait.  It's been on my shelf for way too long.  

Nothing else to report.  No cooking today -- yea!  Tomorrow is a cookie day.  I haven't decided if I should make "mine" or the other kinds.  Toss up and I'll decide tonight.  Probably going with the other ones first.  I sampled a lot of food yesterday and I could use a minute before I sample my new cookie recipes (mine are the GF options).

My mood is "off" this morning, just from one gluten rich afternoon.  It's getting harder and harder to justify eating gluten heavy foods.  I'll check out Whole Foods freezer section.  I wonder if there are interesting GF options for the holiday.  I need to stay away from sausage balls and pinwheels.

Have a happy day -- stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Kitchen Week Begins

It's time to make the donuts -- let the week of kitchen duty begin.  

Up first -- sausage balls and puff pastry pinwheels.  Both will be pre-cooked and then frozen.  Also, I have bacon to bake too (so I can get the grease in the trash tomorrow).  Lots of greasy dishes to wash today.

I'm hoping to get the dogs to the park today for their "sniff" which tires them out in the best way.  Rain is moving out this morning.  I'll see how my back feels.

I dressed in REGULAR clothes yesterday.  Jeans and a blouse and put on jewelry.  What?!?!  It felt good, but I was ready for comfy by afternoon.  I need to start acclimating to regular life again.  I only remember 3 days of regular clothes since the second week of March.  Crazy.  Back to sweats, old t-shirt and no jewelry this week for Kitchen Week.

For Christmas and Christmas Eve, I made drink menus for DIY bar service.  Everyone gets to make their own and I think it'll be fun.  I got a set of 3 farmhouse frames on the cheap.  I thought about printing recipes, but I went with homespun instead. 

I'm flying though a book my girlfriend sent me, Valentine (Elizabeth Wetmore).  It's a hard story, but well written and a background of kindness.  The cover says is was a Read With Jenna pick too.  

I ended up down a book rabbit hole yesterday and didn't order any fiction -- instead, two cookbooks for vegan cooking.  I'm ready for new recipes to experiment with in January.  I'll still look for fiction.  I'm going to read 3 more books from my shelf and then I can order more (unless ... you know, something amazing comes along lol).  Valentine is #1 ... 2 more to go.  My list is back to manageable again.  I have one kindle book (suspense), 2 fiction and 8 non-fiction (which includes my self-help and spiritual reads).  My non-fiction list is long, but I read those more slowly while I'm moving through my fiction pile.

I have my list pretty set for 2021 and I got a smidge started with some research.  Grow something I can eat -- I think "greens" will be my first plant for a pot on the porch.  Spend 21 hours on Spanish (that goal never goes away as much as I try to give up on it).  I ordered a workbook to use with Duolingo.  I'm excited for that list.  I'll share in January -- both a recap of 2020 and what's up for 2021.

I modified my workout schedule again.  I don't need that many rest days.  Now it looks like:  bike, bike, arms, rest ... run, run (or bike), arms, rest.  I'll see how this feels.  I need my legs to have enough rest, but still build endurance.  I think this will work.  I rode a holiday ride yesterday and it was fun.  Great music and a new instructor for me.  Today is arms day.

Let's find our happy today.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Calm Before the Storm

This is a transition Sunday.  Hubby heading to VA for the week.  The big cookie baking and cooking prep starts tomorrow so I have a day off, so to speak -- calm before the storm.  I think I'll watch a couple of Christmas movies -- I loaded a few on Prime and Netflix.  I'll make a soup (or two) to help me through the week.  I'm cleaning out the freezer for December ahead of fresh cook-ups in January.  I also plan a little book shopping for me.  NPR came out with top 2020 books and I can't resist.  I've read about 10 of them, but the list is long.

I made a yummy dip yesterday -- easy peasy.  Cream cheese, sharp cheddar, sour cream, chives, ham, bacon.  Mix and bake in a hollowed out bread for an hour.  Serve with bread and crackers.  Hubby loved it.  Cleaning out some leftover ham, sour cream and cream cheese.

I decided to NOT wear The Green Dress for Christmas because it's too dressed up for the kitchen duties those days.  I thought about ordering a green top to wear and I can't find anything that looks interesting.  I settled on a red gingham apron from Amazon.  $10.  Should feel festive.

We settled on the menu too.  Kids are making cookies instead of pie and we're saving tiramisu for a day in January.  This begs the question ... should I make another slush cake?!?!  I'm hard leaning toward YES (*as my mouth starts to water*).  It requires me to basically buy every ingredient I need so that's the only hang up.  Dessert is my jam for the holidays this year.  I can eat 2 of the cookies I'm making, the chocolate for Christmas Eve and that's all.  Is that enough?  Maybe I could add another of my favorite cookies to the mix instead.  Nope -- I really want the slush cake.  Decided.  

I'm doing a quick "experiment" with intentional gathering per Priya Parker's interview with Brene Brown.  Zoom call with the high school gals where we show our favorite Christmas decoration.  I think that has a little fun flair and can connect us with holiday memories.  It's also a little fun leading to the call as we decide what to highlight.  

As I mentioned, the week is full.  Baking and cooking for the freezer.  Installation of our sunshades on the porch Tuesday (all outside, so no contact).  Early voting -- ugh.  And, maybe my last coaching call with Holly (she's moving away from this type of coaching in 2021).  Lots and lots.  My plan is to be present and enjoy it all.  

Have a happy day.  Stay well in this madhouse world.  Later gators.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rainy Saturday

Hubby and I worked out our little spat and all is well -- actually, better than before the spat.  Guess that's what happens when some things build up.

Anyway ...

I got through my full day.  TJ's wasn't busy at all.  Guess weekdays at opening are the best time.  I started going on Sundays at opening and last week it was too crowded.  Cleaned bathrooms, make Magic Cookie Bars for today, made tomato soup for me.

Flying through the book I'm reading -- Happiness for Beginners (Katherine Center).  I actually stopped last night so I could finish it tonight.  It's a feel good book, but not too cheesy.  I'm set to check out other books from this author.  It's just the right amount of fluff meets sustenance that feels good to read over the holidays.

Kids are set to keep our bubble VERY TIGHT from now until Christmas.  It's mad out there and we have to be super vigilant.  Anyone breaks what we agreed on and we'll pass on Christmas with them (it only us and the kids).  Everyone has been careful, but no appointments or "extra' things for the next couple of weeks.  It's that simple.  It shocks me what people are doing in gatherings this holiday.

Next week is early VOTING again in GA -- ugh.  That's our only exception for what we are doing outside the house.  All of us have a voting plan and we'll be quick and safe.  Of course, I'll go when the polls open (first in line plan again).  

The rest of the week is Christmas kitchen prep.  Making and baking lots to take the pressure off the following week.  Hubby is in VA so it's kind of a good time to hunker down and cook -- me, my dogs and Christmas music.  

The vintage tree topper came.  I love it, but it doesn't stay up on the artificial tree.  Apparently, I need to get a real stick to support it.  Turns out our lights are a bit yellow next to the very silver-toned star.  Don't love it on the tree.  I put it on a table though.  

Have a happy Saturday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Day 100

I've been keeping track of the number of days that I'm not drinking.  At first it was "to get it to a certain number" kind of tracking.  50 because, you know, I turned 50.  Now it's just curiosity about the number.  I don't have plans to drink, I don't have plans to not drink.  I'm continuing with my focus of doing things that make me feel my best and not drinking seems to be part of that right now.

False desires vs true desires.  Brooke Castillo and a recent podcast sums it up perfectly.

On a side note ... I listened to Brooke's latest podcast and it seems she's taking her "midlife crisis" to an extreme.  Pragmatic Brooke is being replaced by "Kumbaya" Brooke.  All love and touch and, frankly, some out there stuff.  Interesting to witness :)

With holiday "chores" in full swing and hubby feeling stressed about his job (and complaining to me about anything and everything) ... I'm feeling like I'm losing myself in others again.  Or at least, having to expend too much energy to stand for what I need and want.  Dang, boundaries coming up again.

I know this is exaggerated in my mind, but it seems like the attitude is DO FOR ME and then nitpick (criticize) anything I do for myself.  

An example ... 

I make hubby dinner and then he complains about the smell of my cauliflower rice (repeatedly).  So I light a candle, turn on the stove fan -- still commenting.  I made him something different because he wouldn't like what I made -- being nice, but I guess that wasn't enough.

We ended up getting snippy about this stuff last night -- both of us.  Went to bed with nothing resolved.  Not a good feeling this morning.  I won't give up on myself though.  For my adult life, I backed down from moments like this.  "I'll only make the cauliflower when he's not home so I don't have to listen to him complain."  No-go anymore.  I'm already compromising by making him something else, lighting a candle, etc.  That's more than enough.

Belonging to myself first.  Betraying myself last.  Brene Brown -- and it's my motto for 2021. 

Today is another full day and it's a full day of doing for others.  Grocery store run with the Christmas food prep list in hand (all recipes that I don't eat).  I want to get what I need for the make-ahead things I'm doing next week.  Baking Magic Cookie Bars for the kids and hubby tomorrow.  Giving hubby a hair cut (don't even get me started on this one).  Cleaning bathrooms.  My back hurts just thinking about today.

Guess my fun is a big old pity party.  Hah.  

Okay, enough bellyaching -- have some happy today.  That feels hard from my perspective this morning, but I'm giving it a go.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Productive Day

I got started on my day early and kept going.

Office and bookshelf are cleaned out and organized -- check.

Plants (14 of them) are re-potted and, hopefully, loving their new digs.

One double batch of cookies baked.  Chocolate chip for hubby.  I used the Crisco recipe (easiest by far) and I think the Crisco was off (aka might have had temperature changes).  The cookies are a bit flat -- even after a couple hour rest in the refrigerator.  This has happened a few times over the years.  Still taste fine (so he says), but I'll do a butter recipe later next week.

Best news -- no dough "tasting" and no cookie eating.  Truth be told, I don't love cc cookies, so once baked, they don't hold much interest for me.

I did house chores and laundry to round out the day.  No luck on picture frames for the recipes, so I ordered a few cheap ones the should work well.  I can reuse them for future entertaining -- can't wait for that day again.

I've switched up my workout schedule adding another rest day to the rotation.  Two days ON, followed by a rest day (sometimes an active rest day).  Since the workouts are harder now, I need more recovery time so I can feel strong as I workout.  Peloton 2 days, rest.  Run, arm/yoga, rest.  I'll see how this feels.  Today is an arm/yoga day.

I've been hitting the online ordering hard this week too.  Our upright vacuum broke -- ugh.  I'm also trying to fill the picture wall for our bedroom.  Couple of last minute Christmas goodies too.  Dang, those Influencers get me every year.  A game of thoughtful questions, Minky Couture bag on massive sale, books (of course) and personalized notepads from Shutterfly (50% off).

Speaking of books -- I'm reading a good one.  I found it after heading down a rabbit hole from a recommendation I ended up not being interested in reading.  I got it on kindle and it's hitting the mark for me.  Happiness for Beginners (Katherine Center).  It's about a 30-something, recently divorced who signs up for a wilderness challenge in hopes of finding herself.  It's an easy read, funny, thoughtful.  I hope the story holds the entire way.  Unlike the last book, this one is moving super quickly -- both in storyline AND how quickly I'm reading it.

Today is Costco and I'm looking forward to having it finished.  I bumped the dog sniff walk to today too because it stayed cold until afternoon (need to go early because of school dismissal traffic and after school activities at the park).  It's warmer today.

I'm squeezing limes and freezing the juice.  I want to buy the limes at Costco, but they won't last long enough in the refrigerator.  No way I'm tackling Costco again before Christmas.  Need lime juice for cookies and for cocktails.  I've never done that before, but google says it's fine LOL.  I usually squeeze ahead and keep it in the refrigerator.  

Have a happy day.  Stay well. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

More Updates in No Particular Order

(1)  Hair appointment went well.  Masked, alone with a careful hair dresser.  Glad it's over though.

(2)  Made the lasagna for Christmas night.  I used an old online recipe that I printed 10 years ago.  It's still available and I checked it while the sauce was cooking -- only to find comments ALL said, do NOT add the large amount of salt to the sauce.  Ugh.  It is salty.  I changed my printout.  I wonder if I made it that way before.  I feel about 50/50 confident that this will be good.  Heading to the freezer today.  Lasagna is my archenemy, my achilles heal, my pain in the arse.  

(3)  "Finished" the book for JH bookclub.  Cleo McDougal Regrets Nothing (group authors??)  My only regret ... reading it -- pow (!!)  Lordy, it dragged and was one HUGE cliche.  It also tried hard to give a message of women's power and choices, etc but fell very short in meeting that message.  I super skim read the last 1/3 of the book (only because of bookclub).  I kept waiting for it to pickup or change tone ... but nope.  That seriously clogged up the reading works.

(4)  Costco is postponed until tomorrow.  Hubby has a big conference call at exactly the time I need to go. No big deal to switch up days.

(5)  I ate too much cheese while making the lasagna.  Rookie mistake that I seem to like to make over and over as a veteran.  I didn't have anything made for me to eat for dinner and the kitchen was flat out a wreck from lasagna making.  I tasted the cheese to test the moisture level (sounds necessary, right?!?!) and was off to the cheese races since I was super hungry.  My dinner was cheese -- only cheese.  How's that for healthy?!?

(6)  Next week is cookie baking -- all week.  (REMEMBER to have good food on hand!!)  Cookie dough is a former lover of mine and I don't need to fall into those arms again.  WAIT for the cookies.  WAIT for Christmas (or at least eat in a civilized manner -- not stuffing my face at the counter).  Eat too many and feel like crap.  Eat a few and enjoy.  Sounds simple -- yet, it will be a focused effort to remember what I really want, not what I think in those tired moments staring at dough.

(7)  Today is a hodgepodge of things.  Re-pot a couple of my plants, organize my bookshelf and take the dogs for a "sniff" walk at the park (if it warms up enough).  All this, AFTER a treadmill run -- that will help the cheese blues.  

(8)  Adding ONE thing for today -- printout cocktail recipes for Christmas Eve and put them in old frames I'm not using.  Everyone can bartend their own drinks this year.  Cosmo, Old-Fashioned, Moscow Mule.  I'll be having the SeedLip version of a Cosmo.  I think they'll enjoy that :)

That's all from here.  Have a happy day and stay well.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Christmas Decoration Pictures

Here are pictures of my scaled-down decorations.  No tree topper yet, but it should be here soon.  I took them to remember how I decorated to make it easier next year (!!)  Stockings are on a hat rack because we like to use the fireplace (it's a lot smaller than our last fireplace so we can't do both).

I delivered the gift cards yesterday.  It was an easy drive and awesome coffee.  I met the person helping me and we sat outside and had a very good conversation about lots of things.  Here is a gift box I bought for my son to give his MIL (he asked me to buy it).  Of course, I got one for myself too AND a t-shirt.  I'll save the mug for Christmas morning coffee.

I wrapped ALL the stocking stuffers and Christmas Eve goodies yesterday too.  Getting through my list so my back stays well this month.

I forgot to take a picture of my entire bed, but I "decorated" it this year.  I ordered 3 pillow cases from Minky Couture and they are so plush and soft.  I have a couple of holiday throw pillows to finish the look.  They are having great holiday sales offers in December.

Here is an ornament my sister bought me ... 2020.  It has a special place this year.

Have a good day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Welcome to Monday

December is moving quickly.

I have another full-ish week, but I'm glad for it.  I know the first quarter of 2021 will be long and isolating.  I'm saving some Netflix and a couple of projects for after the holidays.  (Yep, those dang picture bins AND the picture wall ... forever on my list.)

Today, I'm running a gift to a person who works with refugee families.  She's passing along gift cards to a well deserving family who could use something extra right now.  She works with a local organization who employees refugees at a coffeehouse.  We're meeting there and having coffee outside -- brrrrrr ... it'll feel like Christmas.  I'll be grabbing some freshly roasted beans too.  It's a little over an hour drive so I get to enjoy podcast playing and Christmas music -- yea (!!)

I have a solo hair appointment tomorrow morning.  I'm glad she's still offering this option.

Later in the week is making a lasagna for Christmas dinner.  I've made it several times, but it feels hard.  This is my achilles heal of cooking.  Very early in our marriage, I made one that was so horrible it went in the trash (how is that possible to screw up -- never understood what happened).  I didn't try again until my 40th birthday (it was on my challenge list).  Guess this is shadows from my first attempt that still linger.  Face your fears ... LOL.

I need the one and only Costco run for December too and bathroom cleaning.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Maybe I'll draw from a hat.  Not looking forward to any of those tasks, but TOTALLY looking forward to having them finished.

Yesterday was a good day.  I biked, but took it down a notch and my leg was fine.  I made carrot soup while I chatted with my BFF.  Set boys up for football with some cheese and bacon tater tots and TJs seasonal cookies.  Decorated the tree with everything but the new topper and new garland.  I'll see if they come soon, otherwise I'll add the old options.

Speaking of TJs -- it was PACKED at opening.  Guess weekend shopping is off the table until January.  Everyone wore a mask and I was FAST, but still -- not what I wanted.

I have some goodie shopping to show you, but, as usual, don't have pictures yet.  Coming this week -- Christmas photos and goodie photos and maybe lasagna photos (hah -- proof I can do it).

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.