Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Scrooge is Coming to Town...

What are the chances, not one, but TWO Christmas trees are broken?  Survey says 100%.  How can this be?  Every year something needs to be tweaked, but I can always fix it.  We have both trees down and out.  One tree is twice as old as the other ... both on the same year?!?  Holy cow.

We ripped through some "solution" options but aren't on the same page.

Me:  Let's try a REAL tree again.
Hubby:  Never!!

Me: Let's get a nice big new tree.
Hubby:  Nothing over $100 (which barely buys a wreath these days).

Hubby:  Let's not have a tree.
Me:  #$%@#%#

We settled on NOT deciding this year.  I ordered some lights and with a little creative turning and patching we can probably make the trees work.  Just don't look too closely at the broken stuff.  Scrooge has landed and left us with broken trees.  (We're both blaming the movers hah.)

Yesterday was a day of hot messes (take my word for it).  I concluded PMS and am joyful enjoying a headache and cramps.  Does the Universe sense the energy of PMS and send extra fun to add to the drama?  Goodness gracious.  It was A DAY!

Even hubby added to the mess ... I asked and asked about golf today.  It's cold and windy.  The rest of the week is substantially nicer.  Are you SURE you want to golf (because then I need to cancel the lunch)?  "Positive and nothing is going to change, I don't mind the weather" ... until late last night.  "I switched golf to Thursday."  Now my Thursday plans are in the trash because Rosa can't be alone.  Since I already cancelled the lunch (and not super thrilled anyway) AND I'm feeling lousy, I'll stick with the cancellation.

There is a light in all of this though.  I got a good start on my CE credits and decided I'll go heavy this week on all that.  I'm stuck at home anyway and terribly behind on all-things-December so I can use the rest of the month to get Christmas ready.  If I'm almost finished with the CE hours, life will be smoother.

Also, did fine on my official, unofficial first "diet" day.  I need to go to the grocery store so today can be another "fine" day.

Even with all the SCROOGE-ness yesterday, I handled things well (for me).  I went to bed early out of frustration and all bad feelings.  Tried reading A Course in Miracles Made Easy -- no way, not in the mood to hear any of that LOL.  Tried reading my new fun fiction book -- couldn't concentrate.  Tried going to sleep -- cramps too bad.  So ... I listened to the podcast, POPcast.  It was so FUNNY!  These are the peeps Jen Hatmaker interviewed in Atlanta recently.  I totally enjoyed their "deep dive in the shallow end of the pool."  All things silly, lighthearted and unimportant.  Just the break from my messy day that I needed.  Add a little Advil and my night was salvaged.

I'm on the prep for the Fainting Goat Vineyard 5K this weekend.  Period -- check.  No gluten -- check.  A few hard runs -- check, second one today (treadmill intervals).  Thursday I'll do an outside run and then Saturday is the "race."  I'll finish but it won't be pretty so I use the term "race" loosely.  It's going to be HILLY and hard, but lots of fun.  I enjoy the energy of a group run and love a new t-shirt.  Win, win even though I'll be puttering in the back.

Hubby goes out of town this weekend.  I'm craving some quiet time.  I wish Rosa was already adopted, but once she feels better she's really no trouble.  I have enough plans this weekend to feel loved and enough time alone to recharge.  It should be a good one ... knock wood, fingers crossed, etc.

Hope your Christmas prep is going better than mine.  Scrooge has landed at my house and seems to have gotten comfortable.  Trying to kick him out isn't working so I guess I'll get comfortable too and we'll roll with the punches.  Later gators.

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