No break yesterday. Coffee became lunch and errands took ALL day.
Then I spent an hour on the phone with Pottery Barn over the SAME billing issue that has plagued me since May. They billed me for $1200 that I didn't spend. The problem is no one can "see" all the information at once. Billing can't see the items purchased, PB can't see the billing and the dispute department can't seem to understand the problem (ma'am, they don't have phones so you can't talk to them). To add to the problem, the website changed and now I can't see the furniture order placed in the store -- where the entire problem started. I told them to send it to collections.
Without my "space" I'm not handling STRESS well. This didn't help matters.
I swear this is true (and not just my mood) -- whenever I'm edgy (PMS, needed space, etc) -- hubby likes to get extra picky, extra prickly. I used to think it was me and my grumpy perception, but over the years, he has mistakenly thought I was PMSing and I wasn't. As soon as he found out I wasn't, he stopped picking. Poking the bear.
He's in full poke-mode. I'm ready to burst. I won't have SPACE until tomorrow when he's golfing. He senses my edginess and is adding to it -- egging me on and then acting shocked and hurt at my rebuttal.
Want one example?
Bathroom exhaust fan. He SUDDENLY thinks I run it too long when I'm getting ready in the bathroom. He opens the door and turns it off while I'm getting ready (BTW, getting ready is on average 30 minutes). When I turn it back on, he says I'm wasting copious amounts of energy and this can't continue. Where did this come from? I've ALWAYS had the fan on while I get ready, ALWAYS. He won't let it go and I'll be damned if I'm changing -- I like it on. I also think it should run after a shower for more than 5 minutes. P.S. I take quick showers -- he stands for 15 minutes to help his back. I've never complained about it.
See? This is ridiculous. Honestly, he's playing with fire and this is one example of a line of examples. He won't let it go.
Not hard to tell, I'm in a grumpy mood. I need downtime -- that will fix life. The more I need TIME, the more hubby fights giving me time. It's a never-ending source of issue for us. Having him home all the time brings the issue up regularly now.
Goodness -- this turned into a SUPER RANT. Onto something else ...
I'm almost completely finished with Christmas shopping. Thank the lord above because it's nuts out there in store-land. I'll have one more Costco run before Christmas for the ribs (the dates meant I'd need to freeze them and I don't want to do that). That's a bummer, but I'll go early and go quickly. I have all the baking stuff and am ready to start.
Today is a mix of chores and a little baking. I'm going to do one batch of a new cookies just for fun. I'm making 2 cookies GF so I can eat without worry. I thought about doing none GF so I wouldn't eat them, but who am I kidding -- I'll totally eat them anyway. The ones I'm making GF are my favorites and the ones no one else likes. Soft pumpkin with icing and a cinnamon twice baked cookie (like a soft biscotti).
Tomorrow is my coaching call and I don't know what to chat about. I don't want to spend the call complaining (that's not productive), but I'm not in a forward kind of mood. Stay tuned ... usually, it works out.
Later gators.
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