Sunday, December 1, 2019

Adoption Day

We are at 3 dogs -- by this evening we'll be back to our normal TWO (but grand-dogs are coming over for the day first LOL).  Adoption Day for pretty Rosa.  I'm going to miss her and I'm bummed she has to go through another adjustment.  This girl is HAPPY to be with us.  It's all part of the process.

I did exactly NONE of the decorating.  It can wait until tomorrow.  House chores instead -- swapped out the day's agenda.  We had 5 dogs until 3 o'clock and trying to get out the decorations and actually decorating was going to be too much of a pain in the bum.

I also bagged the run.  My leg needed a rest day.  I was a busy beaver around the house, took care of dogs and then crashed.

Finished A Three Dog Life.  The ending had a little more poignancy, but, overall, it's a skip recommendation.  I started Nothing to See Here -- Kevin Wilson and it's good so far.  It's a Today Show recommendation and I wasn't interested until Hoda said she loved it and read it in one sitting.  The style is easy and it reads fast.  It's about 2 kids who have power to burst into flame (weird story, right?!).  But, apparently, way more than that with really good subtext about life.

I'm up on a Sunday with a conundrum (thank you, autocorrect).  I planned to get up, run outside and go to Unity ... all before my trip into Atlanta for Rosa's adoption.  Then RAIN and storms.  I killed the alarm and decided to skip Unity, wait for the rain to stop and run on the trail.

Dogs got me up anyway, rain is sprinkles (wind is heavy) and I'm second guessing my second guessing.  (Guess who's PMSing?)  Lots of guessing happening.  What SHOULD I do ... Plan A.  What do I WANT to do ... Plan B.  Which will win is absolutely a mystery.

BTW -- this is a keystone of my PMS.  INDECISION.  I will change clothes 20 times, change plans, change TV, change EVERYTHING.  I don't want to go to Unity because I don't know what to wear.  It's almost 70 degrees outside this morning.  Tomorrow will be under freezing.  This is an official FRONT moving through.

(Also, a keystone of PMS is, of course, a grumpy mood.  Maybe best not to engage with too many people today LOL.)

I bet the church will be miserable and humid -- our house is right now.  We need the AC on, but that's silly so instead the house is like a green house.  I don't know how to dress for this.  Okay -- decision made.  No Unity.  The run-workout choice is still up for grabs.  Riveting post happening in real time.  Wow.

I got INFLUENCED yesterday.  Not sure if I'm going to regret this or not.  The influencer is one I've "used" before and her reviews are good.  The product is from MojiLife.  It's air fresheners -- in lieu of candles or wax.  It looks like a small Alexa and the pod goes inside.  It gets recharged and runs on the charge so no batteries or close plugs needed.  Each pod lasts 3 weeks running continuously (pods are $6.50).  The unit is under $50.  I got a "special" 2 pack unit and a bunch of the pods at 50% off.  She swears it scents the entire area lightly enough to not offend, but strong enough to smell it.  I've been frustrated with candles lately and this sounds like a better, safer option.

Here's the kicker -- apparently this is like Rodan & Fields -- you need a distributor.  I had to randomly search for a person and select.  I chose from UT because this is where the influencer is from.  It gets shipped from a warehouse, but you have to have a person.  This gave me pause, but I ordered anyway.

I LOVE scent and I've been disappointed with the candles (very little scent, fast burning, EXPENSIVE).  I got a good candle recently from a boutique shop and it smells great.  I've burned it 3 times and it's almost finished -- cost $25.  I got some cheaper ones and you can't smell them at all.  We MADE candles at our neighborhood craft night and NO smell either (unless you are within 5 feet of the candle).  I have a good nose and if I can't smell it, no one can.  I'll update when my scent pods are up and running.

December is here -- last month.  BTW, I'm not doing song title posts this year.  It was fun, but more of a pain by the end.  I'm bah-humbug at little this year.  Have a great Sunday -- later gators.

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