Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Countdown: ONE Week

Swapping and changing things up.

I made 4 cookie dough recipes yesterday and am set to bake them today (double batches on 3 of them).  I decided to nix MY cookie recipes in favor of making a pumpkin cake (GF) with cream cheese icing.  Seems easier and then I won't have temptation hanging out for a week.

Hubby canceled golf today -- ugh.  His buddy canceled for cold weather and now he's following suit (it's cold early, but warms right up). Whenever I NEED my time ...

I did get some down time last night -- a little.  Hubby went out with the men's dinner group.  I spent some of that time dealing with my sister's trust paperwork (I'm the trustee) and the west coast peeps who expect immediate action.

The rest of the evening I read -- I Am Watching You (Teresa Driscoll).  It gets great reviews and is really reading quickly.  Each chapter switches narrator which I usually don't like, but it works for this book really well.  I have a "serious" book I pulled from my bookshelves, but I wasn't ready for a true story of legal injustice.  Somehow fictional murder is much lighter.

I won't get to read tonight because I'm heading out to GNI.  We're making ornaments out of legos for a charity.  Every ornament made gets a donation from this organization -- you tag them in social media.  I'll give you the scoop when I know more details.  This is my old next door neighbor and I'm not a big fan of her; however, she does good craft nights.  She teaches private classes for jewelry making, sewing and knitting.  I'll also get to check out the old house.  Gated community so I never get to do a drive-by.  I'm actually looking forward to going -- SHOCKER!

EDIT:  Just checked my email -- host CANCELED tonight.  She's not feeling well.  Maybe alternate plans, maybe nothing.  Oh well.

Coaching call this morning and I'm at a loss.  I probably should have taken December off.  My focus is so holiday centric, I'm not really doing much in the way of personal work.  Maybe I'll talk about plans for next year and I'm going to push the next call off until into January.

Needing some good baking karma today.  First cookies in my ovens.  Need a back massage too LOL. (Hmmmmm, maybe I do ...)  Happy Hump Day.  One more week.  Later gators.

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