Limbo week -- apparently I'm not the only one who feels like the world has stopped moving. This between holidays is extra strange this year. Maybe because the older I get, the less I want to celebrate New Year's? Who knows -- I think with a midweek holiday, it feels like a lot of extra days because you tag on another weekend.
I'm holding off on sharing the headphone info because the run did not go well yesterday. Glitches galore -- I think it's Spotify, but trying to trouble shoot it before I talk about headphones and music.
The trail was crowded and I went out way too fast. I was "about" the pace of a guy in front of me -- a little faster and I caught him. I wanted to put space between me and him so I ran faster. Then it happened a second time with another guy. If these were ladies, I wouldn't have cared -- but I didn't want some random guy following me closely (especially with headphones). I totally burned out. Fortunately, neither turned around when I did so I was able to slow my pace. I was totally spent -- but it felt good when I finished.
I took down ALL the decorations -- yea ME and hubby!! I reorganized EVERYTHING. Future ME is going to be so happy next December. One big bag of trash, one huge bin of donations (or for the kids). It feels fantastic to be so cleaned up. I purged stuff that I didn't like or had become worn. I kept one box of nostalgic items that I don't put out, but I want to keep (it's the size of a big shoe box). I've needed to do this for a few years.
I still need to "redecorate" today. Since I don't completely remember where everything goes (new house woes), I decided to wait for a fresh day.
I'm not going to Unity. Pouring rain, foggy. Not worth it. We are getting sub sandwiches for lunch -- no cooking AND no Unity. I decided last night.
CONFESSION TIME ... I LOVE cheese sticks. I think I've confessed this before. When hubby decides to "diet" he buys apples, jello AND cheese sticks. He's sort of dieting. I found his stash of cheese sticks and can't stop eating them. New RULE today -- no more cheese sticks. Not even one. It's like chips are for some people ... eat one, can't stop. They have ZERO flavor. I like the chew texture. I had to run out to the store to replace his stash. Had to empty the evidence trash bag. Yep, this is a real confession. It's the oddest addiction.
Pigging out on cheese sticks is NOT a warm up for January. Good lord girl, at least choose something tastier.
I took a break from the running book and switched back to Wanderers -- Chuck Wendig. It wasn't holding my attention and with 800 pages, I was only about 17% read. I wondered if I was going to bag it, BUT, it grabbed me again and I'm happily reading.
I asked the kids for books for Christmas but didn't get any. Probably for the best -- I'm picky and have read a lot (bad suggestion on my part). BUT, my BFF sent me 3 books and I've read them all. That's a big bummer. Not only did I read them, I purged these from my bookshelf when I moved. They're baaaaacck.
This leads me to a question. What do you do with gifts you receive and don't want? How long do you hold them? The books are easy -- I've read them and I'll pass them along or donate. I got 2 necklaces from friends (one expense, one not). I don't like either. They'll both EVENTUALLY end up NOT with me, but at what point? The expensive necklace is from a local friend, but it's dressy. Can I get away with not wearing it in front of her? I can't exchange it because it's a local store and her daughter works there (and I know she got it on an employee discount since no gift receipt). The cheap necklace is going straight to the Goodwill.
It's awkward. I have a drawer full of birthday gifts that I'm not using, but it seems too early too throw away. What if my friend asks about it? Or when she comes to visit, wants to see-use-ask about it. I don't want to lie -- so I keep it. Hanging out in limbo in a dresser. Added some Christmas gifts to that stash.
January is another cliche of organizing stuff. We are still pretty cleaned out, but a few closets need some final tweaks now that we have lived here and know what we're using. I WANT to purge these gifts, but I don't know if I can. For now, the solution is limiting this pile to one drawer in a dresser. The gifts are thoughtful, but not me. It feels rude to say goodbye to them so quickly though.
The older I'm getting, the more I DON'T want to exchange gifts with friends -- at least not this kind of gift. Something that is usable or doable -- that works. Random stuff doesn't work. It's especially hard with out-of-town friends since I don't see their daily life. What do they have, what have they read, what do they wear, etc? (That said, I did get a lot of gifts I love too.)
Okay, I've rambled enough and my coffee cup is empty. Have a great Sunday. Later gators.
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