Rosa's adoption is delayed. She has a burst anal gland abscess. Basically her butt exploded -- ouch, poor sweet girl. We'll have her another week, at least. She's heading to the vet today.
I ended up getting an outside run yesterday before the major wind set in -- just around the neighborhood -- I about died it felt so hard. Good choice to bag Unity since ANAL GLAND 2019 happened (yuck, you don't want to know). I listened to a webinar on A Course in Miracles instead (free thing I signed up for and haven't taken time to listen to it) and read some of A Course in Miracles Made Easy.
Decorating will be in stages this week. I'm still well within normal decorating time. Breathe, relax -- Santa will come. Suddenly I feel panicked. NOW I'm LATE!! Good thing my kids are grown. No one cares anymore, but me.
Plans this week are in the air depending on Rosa. She can't be left alone because she gets her paw caught in the cone (trying to get it off) and I don't want a leg injury on top of everything else. Hubby is golfing tomorrow so I might have to bag our "walking group" lunch. I'm still having some bad feelings about the last couple of gatherings so either way, I don't particularly care.
Can we talk holiday tipping? Eeeekk ... so many people and it's EXPENSIVE. I low holiday bonus tipped my hair stylist. I spend a small fortune and tip well -- extra $10 is enough, but probably cheap. I tip the cleaning crew the cost of a clean. Dogs are getting groomed this week. Do I need to tip extra? I don't want to -- it seems unnecessary. The grooming is expensive and I tip well. I used to tip a holiday tip for the old groomers -- they were half the price and always helped me with fosters. I will holiday tip my nail tech because she's awesome and a young girl going to college. It feels never ending. Am I the only one??
Probably my scrooge-mood is PMS, but it seems like a lot this time of year.
My official, unofficial wedding diet has begun today. What does this mean? Stop stuffing my face on a regular Tuesday. Simple. Still enjoy holiday fun, but not everyday is a holiday (where have I heard this LOL). If this doesn't get me in better shape to try on dresses then an official, official diet will begin. I feel ready. My pants hate me and are ready to split some seams if I don't get myself together.
I need to start my CE hours to renew my RN license too. Have to have it finished by the end of December -- 30 hours.
Feels like I'm STANDING UP -- getting crap together. Time for big girl panties and acting like a grown up. So despite my scrooge-mood, I'm actually in a pretty decent headspace.
I credit the "feelings" work I've been doing. Long story for another day, but I'm doing work that's helping me make changes that are long overdue. Self-help style therapy -- often called self healing. I'll chat about it soon -- probably January topic of conversation. It's slow going and feels confusing and messy at first, but it's finally kicking in -- sometimes hah. Back and forth, but forward progress lately.
Hope to report progress on CE work and decorating by tomorrow. Can it be done? Will it be done? Great cliff hangers of my life.
It's Monday -- let's get at it. Later gators.
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