Monday, December 23, 2019

Caught Up

I wrapped it ALL!  3 wrapping sessions and I was finished.  All the Amazon packages have arrived.  Other than a fun gift for my aunt (after Christmas), everything is here.

Stockings are stuffed -- my favorite thing to do.  I got some good stuff this year.  No candy, no scratch tickets (that never win).  I went for useful and fun.  P.S. I was able to stuff them early because the holder can take the weight -- it's working well.

My eating is in the tank.  DIL made AWESOME no-bake cookies (ritz crackers with peanut butter and flush dipped in chocolate) and that sent me on my way.  Ugh.  This week is the last of it.  I'm not thinking about it anymore.  What I want, when I want it -- sprinkle in workouts and some vegetables and call it a HOLIDAY.

Steelers had a tough loss, but I got our grand-dog little chihuahua (Zoey) a Steelers jersey too.  She's the only one who doesn't have one (Parker is age exempt from wearing his).  As usual, no one would cooperate for the photo LOL.

They have something against sitting next to each other.
Feeding circle.

I planned an early morning to get to Costco as it opened, but I realized I have the entire day to do my shopping and prepping.  It's still pouring rain, heavy wind -- I decided to take my chances and go with the masses.  I might regret the decision, but there's no turning back (I slept in -- cold, rainy morning before the holiday -- it was an easy choice).

As I'm sitting here thinking (and possibly regretting my decision) ... I could problem solve it and go to Costco BEFORE I workout and shower.  It's an indoor lifting workout so I can do it a bit later.  Hmmmmm.  I might be onto something here.

Weather is crappy, but beautiful weather on the way for Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  Perfect weather for outdoor runs which ALWAYS make my mood happy.  I'll take Duke on one of the runs -- mommy and doggie bonding time.

Since we can't put presents under the tree -- the dogs will steal (Duke), mark (Zoey) and open looking for dog toys (Parker) -- I put the gifts on our bookshelf and it looks so festive.  I should do a bit of arranging to make it look purposeful.  I think that's what I'm going to do from now on.  It'll make handing out the gifts so much easier than bending over (yep, I'm old).

I'm working on my January list for all things 2020 and turning 50.  Yep, it's a cliche and I don't care.  I like numbers, I like fresh starts and I like setting intentions.  This year is BIG for our family and I will make it a fantastic year.  Lots and lots and lots of fun things happening and I want to be in my best space to enjoy it.  I'm excited to get it going.

Anyway, before I get all excited about 2020, I have a week of Christmas to enjoy.  Before I have a week of Christmas, I have to make one more Costco run -- I'm going in un-showered and ready to zip through.  I need to remember to keep PROBLEM SOLVING high on my 2020 list.

I'll leave with a picture of Junebug enjoying my knitted blanket.  So much for "no dogs" on this blanket -- it's the favorite of them all.  Later gators.

She looks like a stuffed animal :)

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