Friday, May 27, 2016

Scale Time

Okay, seems like my life is back in place.  Head and neck feeling better every day.  Concussion symptoms improved (maybe gone).  Off work for a couple of weeks.

No excuses left.

Time to get the scale moving down.  I weighed this morning and I'm the same.  I've been eating healthier food, but still too much.  Working out a little, but still limited.

Time is ticking to my June trip.

The workout thing is good.  I'm gradually (safely) stepping back into the throws.  It's a productive "routine" in my life.  It's stuck like glue in my DNA.  Thank God for small favors on this one.

Of course, my eating has always been the issue.  If I'm being honest, probably always will be something I need to manage.  I guess I also manage the workout routine, but it comes naturally, easily.  Believe you and me, I have tried to emulate what works for the workout to make it work for the eating, but can't find that magic potion ... yet.

Working the TR program leads to the question ... what emotional pattern (feeling) am I fulfilling with eating?  I keep saying it's a quest for pleasure.  But I'm wondering if it's more filling a BORED cup.  Because if something comes along that occupies me strongly (good or bad), I don't think about eating.

Good or bad.  So not necessarily about pleasure.  Pleasure might be just one of the things that adds variety (i.e. stops the boredom).

Problem is food ends the boredom too easily, too passively, to predictably.  I can't find that ONE THING that does it as well.  Of course, the other "things" don't have crappy consequences.  I wonder if that's the key.  Find a suitable substitute ... one that's predictable and relatively easy and enjoyable.

I have lists upon lists of ideas (read, go for a walk, meditate, shop, etc) but nothing works consistently. When I'm tired I don't want to spend energy searching for the "thing" that will work that night.  A book is great ... when it's a great book.  A walk is great ... when I'm not physically spent.  Meditation is great ... rarely.  Shopping is great ... when I have something I want to buy.

But I believe when you look, you find.  So I keep looking.

Another thought .. suck it up.  A little boredom is not a big deal.  Put my big girl panties on and stop bitching and moaning.

Why am I bored?  How do I change it?  Questions to ponder.

I'm all over the place with my "solutions."  I'll keep working it out but now it's time to get my day started.

Goodbye grey hair and hello shaped eyebrows.  Love a hair appointment.

Goal for today ... do what makes the scale go down.  I know, it's superficial, but that's what I've got for today.  Later gators.

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